B is for boyfriend

B is for boyfriend
Who doesn't even kiss ya!

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this could literally be me, too bad I'm not a degenerate retarded faggot. Am very lonely though.


It's too bad shes actually a girl. But yeah it would be hotter if she was a guy


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thank fuck i'm not the only one who thought that.

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> flat chest
> no ass
No comprende amigo!


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Is this supposed to be arousing? I thought it was hilarious, but not really hot.

>It's too bad shes actually a girl
people keep saying this and yet i've never seen anyone provide proof of it

He said so himself
I think if she's really a girl, she must be a very unfortunate one. No chest, no ass, no legs, man jaw.
Oh well, I'd kiss him anyway, as long as he was through with his shaving, I don't want to kiss stubble.

It's a girl. I remember reading that a bunch of people found her instagram and they were disappointed that she wasnt tranny.

Where does the song come from? Is it from the anime, or something she wrote and sung herself, or where?

tiktok originally

>she was the boyfriend who doesn't even kiss ya all along

The fuck is wrong with you people?

>actually a girl

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Anyone else look at this and have their first thought be "Why does he have to be such a dick to his little brother?" He could've just said "Maybe later, I'm busy right now" when he was asked to play Smash.


here's the original song


man tik tok is fucking cancer innit?

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you better believe it. tiktok is snapchat on steroids.



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lmao i dont even know what tiktok is, glad i've missed that shit so far

That thought crossed my mind too. Like, shit, the kid just wanted to play video games with you. What an ass.

Where's the proof nyan is a boy, you fucking tard. She looks more like a girl than a boy so the default assumption should be that it's a girl.

i got 7 kinds of hepatitis from this

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Just another normie app to me but I really love how triggered people are by this girl because she's cute. Squirm in your narcissism femwhores.

Would unironically be better if it was a man

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>Where's the proof nyan is a boy
While not proof, one should deduce from available facts

>strong brow
>heavy cheeks
>strong masculine jaw
>that square chin
>thick as fuck neck
>ratios, oh my.
>boxy figure
>thick wrists
>larger hands
>larger feet
>that fat distribution
>no ass

Seriously. Looks like a XXY boy larping as a XX girl
>jus sayin

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Check her Instagram
The tiktok video makes her look like a tranny

For what purpose?
I doubt there is anything of interest. Especially enough to create an account like to look

To prove she's a girl? What else?

I may have low a dignity bar but it's still a bar

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You are so fucking retarded. Where do you live where boys look like her?

So there's a definitive vag pic there to completely quiet all doubt?

It's not even hard for some boys (that young) to be able to look at least somewhat like a girl when they out the effort in to look like a girl

Probably is but it's not free
Considering the popularity of traps, I'm not sure she'd hide it. People are unironically angry she's not.

Eh, there are still plenty of truetrans who would rather die than come out once sufficiently stealth.
It's 2018 and you just can not be sure anymore