evening robots, post guitars, ask for advice, or anything! i like to play music, and i wanna seek out other creative robots that wanna help each other out, pic related is my Epiphone Goth Xplorer. found it used for $200.
/guitar9k/ #1
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this is my electric but I don't use it much. guitar is hard.
send it to me then pls.
and this is my acoustic. I think ive played my electric like once this month and i don't even remember the last time I touched this thing
Just bought this and can't wait to do my classic hammer on the 2nd fret of the 5th string, no but seriously I hope it sounds decent and that I play more than I used to lately, maybe even get into producing something with my computer also? I don't know man
That shape guitar is gay
I was just shredding a moment ago good thread
No - why?
Yamaha. it'll either be really good or something will be just a little off about the feel of it. I've had played a bunch of Yamahas and some feel great and others not so much
weird shape user, but if you like it you like it.
Despite playing classical guitar 10x as much as electric it's 3x the price, but it looks cool so it's worth it.
Don't want to post mine but it's like this.
Also most recent song I learned.
OP here, can anyone vouch for this USB Audio interface? Thinking about investing in one so I can record covers, and stuff on my PC. I don't really have an amp.
that classical is sick. they're fun and a bit easier to hit chords with an open note on a string in the middle of your fingers you know . I appreciate the extra room on the fretboard is what I'm trying to say
It's a Behringer U-PHORIA UM2 by the way.
Thanks user, it's just a generic 60GBP guitar that I got about 5 years ago. Yeah, I really like how spacey it is, electric is really hard to not get buzzing on from my other fingers, but that's what distortion's for I guess
I've played a Yamaha strat once when I was starting to play and it was so solid and gave a well manufactured vibe that I hope this guitar could replicate, all I want is that "strong, well manufactured (independent) guitar vibe"
Jackson Chads represent
Trying to learn flamenco, I feel like such a retard since I thought I was a pretty good player.
anyone know these chords? besides the one barre chord Im lost
>I thought I was a pretty good player
>anyone know these chords?
I can probably look them up... you want the names with or without the capo?
what I mean is people say I'm good but deep down i know I'm dogshit, why you gotta be so mean anime girl
>he can't read musical notation
preferably with capo but could you tell me how you look them up? this way I don't have to bother you guys with dumb questions
I wanna get into electric guitar, can anyone recommend a few models? My budget is around 300 euro.
I got a new sticker on my squier strat, if the thread is up tomorrow morning ill show it
>inb4 squieranon
I use an app that I paid for years ago.
I imagine that other people use chord charts.
"Playing" on a $50 strato knockoff I got from a friend. I'm really bad. What's the best way to practice?
I'd tell you the chords but I'm lazy and I gotta gap but that's a G, F#, G again, F#, Bm,( can't see well the chord), G again, F#,B7 but on the second fret, F#, Em, some G, F#, A7, G, Em..
That's it mostly and btw the F#, don't do the whole chord just the 4 last strings, same with the G, just push the last 2 strings, that's what makes it sound like flamenco
seems right
but user may as well just watch the video for the fingerings
thanks user, appreciate it oofroegrfdsgfdg
so um.. how do i start? I have a old ass acoustic guitar but I want to play bass or electric
Does anyone know a good starter electric guitar for around 300-400 euro?
I want to learn classical guitar and finger picking. How do I start? Been playing for a few years but mainly stoner rock and metal stuff.
What are some songs that beginners learn when starting at classic guitar?
fuck those guys and everything they do.
Hm 300 is the closest you will get to the classic boss hm2 sound for only 20 bucks. Pretty much anything else they make is shit though
In tune.
you start by playing what you have?
>In tune
wot. You're assuming I don't know to tune a guitar?
Buy a book, do you know how to read music? I started with the guitarist's way books, they're really good, I can't exactly remember but I think they teach you how to read music too. Classical is definitely the most rewarding style of guitar, even if you do get stuck in a plateau at some points. It might also be worth looking at playing of the pieces and scales from the ABRSM grades.
ight breh sorry if it sounded stupid
sorry i just felt a tinge of rage looking at that gif, idk if it was your intention but it trolled the shit out of me
you're not using it and I'm broke
I am 100% assuming that. Play every string individually in a G chord and tell me how that sounds.
It sounds like it's in tune because my amp has a builtin tuner and my phone has a tuner app and I tuned it before I started plucking an hour ago.
Some cheap guitars have a real bad problem of coming untuned, especially if you've just gotten new strings on them or if you're in an alternate tuning
>an hour ago
come on man
I mean this one does too, but can't really tune it more often than "every time I use it"
bass for the win
Yeah you can, I normally retune mine after every piece if I'm in drop D
bass bros are allowed too. even cello or any string instrument for that matter
no bullying :C
Is that five knobs?
That's one knob for each string and volume, right?
Sorry for giving off that impression, I'm not the guy giving the sarky comments btw, but yeah, retuning is important especially if the guitar is cheap or you're not in standard, and it takes like 2 seconds, you can do it by ear if you get good enough
any tips for learning how to change chords quickly? I can play power chords easily, but when it comes to a G or a C I freeze up.
Get the Focusrite Scarlet
I have one and have had 0 issues and it's easy to set up
right now they don't do shit cause i'm doing some maintenance but yeah volume and frequency, she's an active girl
those are like $100 USD. looking to go a little cheaper.
Try fretting the g with your 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers. This will let you change to the c more easily.
You get what you pay for m8
Best bang for the buck
thanks for the tips my man.
found a used one for like $60. thinking about it.
might type up an actual general thread with links and stuff, suggest links for beginners, etc... if you don't mind. -OP
E7 is fucking orgasmic. So simple, so pleasant.
And that entitless you to my possessions?
Em - A on repeat
i wish I knew how to read sheet music
For me, it's D#7#9
I really like
F6add#13omit3, it can be challenging but sounds really good when you play it.
Thoughts on guitarists/bass players who jump around while they play?
no idea how they do it. I always play it sitting down, it's really awkward playing while standing up to begin with
t. guy thats been playing guitar for over 3 years
Who was the band or musician that got you into the instrument you currently play?
Metallica. Now trying to learn this: youtube.com
i don't even remember, i think i just wanted a guitar for some reason
Asian Kungfu Generation, made a lot of anime OPs I grew up with
Is that for most of you? Do you guys never move around when you practice/play?
I cant sit still when I play.
user, I will buy it for a dollar more than asking price.
Dream guitars/basses?
Es 333
Original Les Paul
Have you guys never seen an Explorer before?
I own an acoustic guitar. I cannot play guitar though. My ability to use it is only that I can reliably play any melody on one string, and I can tune it by ear bc pitch perfect, but that's it. How do I go about learning to play it well, to the point where I can criticize and improve my own attempts, like I can with drawing? I am too poor to afford an instructor or any sort of paid courses, by the way.
If You like the Fender style any Squier Vintage Modified or Classic Vibe will do. I heard a lot of good things about them.
I'm shit and new to guitars, but I always play standing up. Idk why, but it feels more natural to play that way for me.
Dragonforce and Metallica. I got into guitars around the same time I got introduced to metal, so my dream is to play a Dragonforce solo, or a song from Metallica's Master of Puppets album (best of their albums).
>Cobain suicide joke
Blue Fernandes (Mexican) Stratocaster
I love my acoustic seagull s6 and I have 2 partscasters (HH strat and Baja tele), I also play bass (actually my main instrument) and upright bass. It's a pain to look for the pics right now but I posted the partscasters in a previous /guitar9k/ thread.
I also just learned to play "my way" after really liking "fly me to the moon".
What genre? Anyway, these are pretty great.
I took classes for only like 2 months before money ran out, since then i've been just playing whatever i could as long as tabs were available, but there's always a moment when i reach my limit because i don't know shit about musical theory and my musical senses are shit so i can't even learn songs by ear so i stop playing. Then after some months i start again, remember whatever i had forgotten and when i reach my limit i drop it again.
How can i break this vicious circle and become competent at this shit? Aside from studying and jerking off playing the guitar is the only thing i'm semi-good at
Many basses have an active preamp, that's probably master volume, pickup balance, bass, mids, treble.
Some obscure local guy that nobody here has heard of, lol.
There is tons of free education on the internet, even on YouTube. If you want to learn music theory, do it on YouTube. Guitar courses from beginners to advanced players are also there. You have to keep yourself motivated.
>tfw pulled a tendon or something in my thumb and now it hurts like hell to hold a pick
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I want to play guitar without my thumb hurting god damn it
What was your guy's first guitar/bass?
Mine was a knock off fender pj bass
Fucking kill me, got into vk and now I want to play. I'm about to go broke, got enough other hobby shit sitting unused and a long track record of not sticking with things. So now I'm lurking /gg/ and guta/r9k/ waiting for the obsession to pass. Got any music for that feel?
Yamaha TRBX 174 bass, kinda shitty but it got me into the hobby so I'm grateful for it.
Epiphone les Paul with custom hydro dipped pickguard. Plays great. Love her a lot.
I like guitars and amps
I like guitars alot