Tfw my liberal colllege professor gave me a D for being a conservative and for writing a pro-life paper for my final...

>tfw my liberal colllege professor gave me a D for being a conservative and for writing a pro-life paper for my final (he was a former abortion doctor)
How do I fight this?

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maybe you should have thought about that before you picked a retarded field to study.

You could make an appeal about your grades, but you should have realised sooner that to get ahead in life you either suck up to the people above you, or ruthlessly destroy the competition.

>he gave me a D for being conservative
Your just a retard you utter faggot.

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Have you considered that your work was shit?

>How do I fight this
Write a decent paper instead of some bait paper that you shit out because you had nothing to write about.

I'm studying CS to become a game designer. This is my one liberal arts class.
It's not bad. All my other papers got Bs and there were about the same quality. My only guess is that it might have been graded by a TA.

just email his you faggot. ask if you can swing by his office, or give him a call to talk it through.bring the paper with you, along with another paper that you write and got a good grade on, and compare the 2. see if you can get some points back, if he refuses to see ot flat out says "you have the wrong opinion" you can probably file a complaint with the school itself.

what did he take points off for?

cs, especially game design is a retarded field

Game design IS retarded, but not CS in general.

source: BS in CS, 85k (plus benefits) job starting in Jan.

go to dean and say that your teacher may have graded your paper lower because of bias of political views and you beg/ask them for you to write a paper on a less controversial topic or ask for it to be regraded by someone else. Idk what else you could do.

I always thought that conservatives should be pro abortion since it lowers crime and nigger populations long term.

Okay, that's true.

I've just a bad relationship with cs. Started doing cs as my minor, just cuz I wanted to learn programming, but all the courses made us do games or something so I switched minors to data science, which for some reason was different than cs at my uni

>saying CS is shit because your program is shit
p r o j e c t i n g

My program kicks ass my dude, cs at my uni is ass though

Data Science is superior anyways. Programming is quickly becoming just another lame white collar job.

>there are people in this thread who think opinions don't determine grades
I bet those same people don't think that Jews don't help each other succeed

>former abortion doctor
>teaching your political science classes

this is so fake

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Conservatives have FACTUALLY and SCIENTIFICALLY low IQ, google it

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Should have written a better paper then.
>I'm studying CS to become a game designer. This is my one liberal arts class.
it shows.

But but but think of all the white teen moms! If dey all get abortons, the colords will take over!

>he didn't use the rhetorical square
Should have focused on one of the most basic parts of writing any paper. Audience. It's your fault that you sperged out over the page; you clearly knew your professor had a history.

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By challenging him to a chicken race at Kagamiyama, of course. You're a fucking faggot btw, bukorosu.

shut up weeb

Urusai, kono okama yarou.

post the paper organizational

I mean, I guess you could go to the admins and point out that he docked you grades for the content of the paper rather than the form, but they're probably all as liberal as he is so it's a lost cause.

>got a D in college
a) You're literally retarded. b) You lie for attention

>be op
>go to administration
>have another professor grade the paper
>get an E
I imagine that's how that would pan out.

Lmao i know your feel but it never affected me because i got straight a's in my other classes. I would often write about how lynching abortionists is objectively morally right lmao. Would often get a b- or c but then i would just get my average boosted from the exams and non political papers and end up with an A anyway.

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>knowingly right something conservative to ur abortionist professer
>why did i get a bad grade
i don't even care you provoked him this is ur fault

>deliberately write a paper that you know your professor will hate and be biased against
>complain when the obvious end result happens

>How do I fight this?
Beat him in a dark alley

Show us the TL;DR of your central arguments. If your papers are normally B quality, chances are good that you aren't smart enough to write arguments for controversial positions that don't have the advantage of stock arguments to draw on like socially dominant positions do. Then again, political bias probably did play into your result to some degree.

By writing a good paper in the first place and not blaming everything but yourself for your failings in class. You entitled git

Computers are boring. If I had the money, I would learn music instead.

I'm impressed that you had the guts to even say you were a conservative. I usually just say whatever I think the professor will like, so that I can get a good grade. Anyways, if you want to appeal it, you can. First contact your professor and ask him to explain in more detail why he failed you. Typically they aren't so bold with you right in front of them as they are when it's just them and a piece of paper. My dad did this when he got a bad grade for being pro-nuclear energy, and the professor just bumped him up to get it off his back. If you've done that and you still aren't satisfied, go ask some people around you to read the paper. Try and see if it was just a bad paper, or if the professor is just a jackass. If the former, give up. If the latter, go find the professor in your department who is most likely to be sympathetic to you. Either a conservative or a friend will work. (hint: look for the faculty involved in your college republicans) Get his opinion, see if he would back you up. Regardless of whether he supports you or not, go to the head of your department and file a complaint. If you can show them the paper, the professor's opinion, some other opinions in your favor you've found, and your own personal appeal then they will at least put pressure on the teacher.

>>tfw my liberal colllege professor gave me a D for being a conservative
This is just as valid an argument as any woman saying their professor gave them a D because they were a woman, take personal responsibility for being a dumbass, dumbass.

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We will make a meme today my brothers

nigga you stupid as hell game development degrees are even more of a meme then the other stem meme fields have fun being unemployed, burnout after 5 years, or die at your desk from adderal abuse

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