What's your addiction?

What's your addiction?

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I am addicted to being sad and hateful towards myself.

Vodka and that weird high you get from starvation

I wonder if this is holding me back in life.


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Jow Forums


>coca-cola zero

>that weird high you get from starvation

internet>video games>weed>fapping>cigarettes>junkfood/candy
I am very sad.

pic related
good man

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Fuck man probably all i know is that not eat for 3 days makes the dizzy feel good


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OP here. Everyone's listing 2 to 3 addictions. I listed 7. How fucked am I?

Everything listed except for cigarettes

>caffeine (coffee mostly)
>nicotine (vaping mostly, occasionally cigarettes)
>probably weed at this point
>video games

>cigarettes (nicotine in general, I'm vaping between cigarettes to avoid chain smoking)

weed, snus, sugar.

i use to be a hardcore fentanyl addict @ almost 3 points a day, but thankfully i kicked that.

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I eat a lot of popcorn. I have a bulk container of kernels and I pop them in a pot over the stove

I'm also turned on by girls smoking

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>red bull

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>probably have stomach cancer

Laziness and avoiding my problems.

Here's your (You), faggot.

Originally an attention whore.

>Video games.
>Impulse buying.




>disassembling and assembling things

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>DUDE WEED LMAO (just quit 2 days ago, but I still count this)

tobacco pipe

>addicted to food
Are you retarded


>any kind of sexual release in order to feel a fleeting burst of endorphins for once
I desperately want to swap to benzodiazepines again because fuck alcoholism. I'm not even fucking addicted to amphetamines, I just do them so for a single day my depression lifts enough I can actually function in life. Weed is practically the only thing that keeps me from collapsing into an anxious mess


u NL bro or do they have snus in usa too?

Not much really, maybe just fapping, sometimes.

Oh, and heroin. can't forget that,

but that's literally it. i don't drink coffee. i hate alcohol. i smoke cigarettes sometimes but sometimes i'll go months without having one.

so yeah, just good ol' heroin for me

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wish I had access

And if you want to count it internet but personally I dont
Beat all my other addictions so far thank God
Used to be severely addicted to

Buying every $30+ Destiny 2 DLC

Dear god thats a lot of empties
Looks like you got some DANK cottons saved up there too
I gotta say though this used to me my life as well
Used to do about a bundle a day for quite a long time, till i just couldnt do it anymore and had to switch to kratom instead

Soda. Doesn't matter what kind. Dr Pepper, Pepsi, Coca Cola, Mtn Dew, anything with sugar and caffeine.

You know what they say user. If you don't snus...