Imagine actually working Sundays.
Imagine actually working Sundays
I don't have to. I'm about to start my shift.
Healthcare professionals and emergency services do.
Feels good to have money
Imagine civilisation completely grinding to a halt just because it's not the five days we allocated to work.
>Everyone off
>No shops open
>No attractions, theaters, restaurants open
>Not working in a state where Sunday is "time and a half"
Sucks to be you guys
Also what's the difference between working fucking Sunday and any other day of the week?
talk to another person instead of perpetually spending money
Sundays? I would never stomach working Saturdays let alone fukcing Sundays
What are you even trying to say?
Imagine not knowing how mirrors work and having Wojak not backwards.
imagine actually working
You realize the way the government has structured OT in the tax system, that half gets mostly eaten in taxes anyway?
Yup, can confirm
.t used to work in an emergency service
Imagine actually working
OK. This is epic.
other people are fucking retarded. just like you. so stop talking to me.
Imagine not eating 1 dollar cheeseburgers and ramen
pamp eet
sunday is just another day. I dont see why I need to have it off.
I am off tomorrow though.
It's not overtime. MA state law is if you work Sunday you have to be paid time and a half.
College and Working at the same time is literally impossible
Thanks for your service.
i have a 12 hour night shift tonight ;-;
everyone in this thread sits behind his computer all day. How does it matter if you do it on Sunday or a weekday you fucking retards
I usually worked 7 hours. Sometimes even 12 hours. Was security, mostly stores and renovations.
monday to saturday 8 hours a day.
humanity created it's own hell.
Whatever you do, remember, it's important. So thank you for doing it.
can I get UUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuHHHHHHHhhhhhhh
>fuckimb chimken MCNUGGE
Lots of AC units break during the summer and I get triple time. It's worth it because I usually barter getting the next day off.
>Tfw wageslave
>Gave a note to my boss saying I need certain days of the week off for "Religious purposes"
>They can't question it or I can sue them
>tfw friday-monday off of work and still get paid for it
Feels good to earn cash
>come to work on sunday
>nothing happening
>spend an hour clearing my email inbox
>make sure everyone is good
>go home for 6 hours
>come back to clock out and go back home
it's just like being a NEET, but i take home $1000 a week after tax
>it's just like being a NEET, but i take home $1000 a week after tax
I remember too when I was poor lmao
i got 20 nuggies. today is a good day.
get back to work pajeet. don't you have some deadlines to meet?
Should have become influencer ;)
52k net is a lot of money if you don't live on a heavy regulated state like California. 42k in my city is the same as 100k in LA county. Buying power means more than a larger number. You can be a homeowner here on minimum wage if you have no debts.
My gross is 130k in the cheap midwest. I'd never live in a shithole like CA.
what kind of work do you do? The position, I mean.
>mfw the after church crowd rushes in
>implying that there is any difference between a sunday and a wednesday for a robot
im a watch commander for a security company. basically im the on shift manager, the supervisors report to me. its comfy
Sundays not a special day. I like that my days off can come anytime. I might work Sunday but then be off Monday. It's always nice rather than thinking like shit that's me in til Friday.
>that super religious woman/couple/person that goes grocery shopping right after church on Sunday, and complains in line that nobody is religious, or respects the day of rest or God's will anymore
you understand there are entire first world developed countries in this world that follow that standard right? (Germany is one)
you understand that even in America followed that standard until the late 70's, right?
1.5x pay I wish I could work more on sundays
Just about to start working in 2 minutes.... Working 2 jobs 65 hours a week and in school. I rarely sleep anymore. I don't even feel tired anymore just like a hollow body. I think I get 3 hours of sleep a night max.
Imagine being vitriolic towards your brothers in suffering
I wish I could work Sundays. I wish I could work at all. It sucks being neet and nothing money. I have a job interview tomorrow and hope it goes well so I can finally get a job and make some money.
>work sunday close
>aww nice, time to finally have a day of-
>see shift schedule, 10 hour shift later today
hahaha, I wasn't even planning to sleep
I'm sorry user. Stay strong, I believe in you. I don't really see people unironically use kaomoji like ;-; very much anymore, so I wanted to let you know that I thought your ;-; was very cute.