>Can't go on nightwalks because I have a vagina and I don't want to get raped.
Can't go on nightwalks because I have a vagina and I don't want to get raped
>not carrying one of the many many tools of self defense that humans have invented over the eons
That's gonna be a wew from me, sweetie.
>Live in Lappeenranta
>No one on the streets after 6 PM
>Pitch black by then
>Comfy nightwalks on the edge of the forest
The only thing I fear is Russian artillery.
M'lady... Please allow this gentlesir to escort you through the night, I shall protect my sweet lady from harm... I do not ask for anything in return as it is the duty of a male such as myself to protect delicate ladies such as yourself.
Might thou have a discord?
>have a vagina
>don't want to get raped
pick one or neither
>thinking a woman is going to be able to use those tools against a hardened criminal
>and I don't want to get raped.
Why do you lie on the internet?
I thought women have rape fantasies?
GET the fuck off this board! Stupid ass, dumb ass, whore ass, bitch ass, roastie!
don't worry tranny, everyone knows you're not a woman. go take your walk
>can't be lonely because you're female
by CHAD, not some french fry grease sweating ogre with fish lips
Buy a gun you fucking dumbass
Cmon OP that was well thought out post
Please remove yourself from this board. This is a boys' only club.
Poppy legitimately frightens me
if it's not a gun that she's familiar with using, it's probably worthless. i know girls that carry knives and mace and shit and none of them are practical. if a woman gets assaulted it's going to be by a guy with double her weight, much longer reach and more muscle on all those longer bones. any melee weapon she has is likely to just be turned around on her, if she can even get it out in time because she buried it deep in her purse or put it on her keychain or did something else to make it 10 seconds of retrieval time instead of 1.
if you have serious concerns about your safety and want to defend it rather than report it to the police later, you need a handgun, easily reached, whose use is second nature to you. even skinny girl arms can kill someone with a gun.
I'll keep you safe
>TFW going on nightwalks every night but everyone out there has a penis
buy a gun, not kidding.
come on night walk with me
ill walk like 10m behind you to make sure no one rapes u but you can pretend im not there