reminder that your computer addiction is slowly but surely ruining your life, dreams, and ambition.
Reminder that your computer addiction is slowly but surely ruining your life, dreams, and ambition
y-you too
Joke's on you, I haven't touched a computer in over 5 months.
what grand thing would i do instead?
It's not an "addiction" in a bad way when my professions and hobbies are productive. 3DCG, 2D illustrations and programming. I don't see how this is relevant to art anyway. Art is productive, too. Most d/ic/ks probably have art as their dreams an ambition. It's like saying a professional or a hobbyist cook has an addiction to the kitchen, which is retarded.
is this the horny poster? based horny poster man
As long as there is only one, it is based.
>it's like saying hamburgers aren't healthy even though they have lettuce and tomato on them
It's the only thing I have left.
False equivalency. The point here is that whatever you're doing is productive and helps you somehow. A cook being in a kitchen cooking and having fun and/or intrigue is an example of that. There are no bad gotchas for the individual. Also, hamburgers don't have many problems if they aren't processed and greasy. They aren't exactly good for you either since a big portion of it is just carbs.
I had a moment where I logged on steam after finishing a doodle, and i checked my profile for something and I had 62 hours clocked in 2 weeks (on top of work). It was really sobering. That helped me stop being so wasteful. Getting better everyday.
Good for you. Trying to get there myself.
Buy a stopwatch. I realized I was only drawing for like 20 seconds before I looked up to dick on my phone or something. Keep the good fight up. It will help.
Vidya is just a huge waste of time overall. I dealt with it for years.
Not really
What is wrong with you. You're moving goalposts. OP said internet addiction, not productive things you're doing with the internet. He didn't even say it was impossible to be productive with the internet. It is pretty fucking obvious 5his is directed at those with internet addictions
Another example of this is someone making a post at crack addicts, telling them it runs your life or something, then your dumbass hopes on to tell that person that you use weed responsibly, and that it even helps you work better. Then lecture them about how drugs can be helpful.
This is directed at addicts. I have no idea why you felt the need to comment when you seem not to be an addict. Unless you misread this as the person telling you that using the computer is a problem, which is something I'm pretty sure didn't happen.
I spend 5 hours everyday in the computer drawing
>mfw I have a digital circuit design final on monday and Ive been jerking off to h-games all semester instead of going to class and have ~20 hours of video lectures to catch up on
I regret nothing
Yeah, you're right. I wasn't sober I guess.
I didn't draw today and watched youtube videos/shitposted on Jow Forums instead. Please someone make it stop.
All I did this week was get drunk and watch anime.
What if kompyuta addiction is based productive?
I do all my work on kompyuta
join DAD
Fuck this thread, do you guys have any reference images/books that have pictures of the eyes/mouth/ears from different angles?
this is true
>artist majoring in digital circuit design
Why would you want to be good at that task?
I tried starting DAD multiple times in the past weeks and never even got to a streak of 5, after the last one I just dropped the idea.
The problem mightve been that I only chose "every other day" every time, so I literally forgot that I had to hand something in
I'm majoring in Mathematics, arguably more retarded than that user
Sorry for being rude. I'm used to people reacting like dickheads.
>reminder that your computer addiction is slowly but surely ruining your life
I think its mostly porn-addiction. not computer in general.
I want to be computer engineer. I made As in calculus 1-3 and diff eq. :^)
But I like drawing cute animes because it makes my brain secrete happy chemicals
Cool, though, you weren't rude, sounded like banter mostly. I was acting retarded, so I might've deserved it anyway.
I never had a life, dreams or ambition anyway so not really.
Wrong. The reality of life ruined my dreams and ambition.
Sooo... um how do I stop?
>dreams, and ambition
No, I didn't have any even long before I had my first PC with internet service at 18.
It's true that I developed a screen addiction but I was a worthless piece of shit even before that.
I don't have any ambitions. I want to be a NEET my whole life.
Yeah right. I already failed my dreams and now have no passion in anything in life. Can't ruin what I don't have.
Try finding something nice about going outside or if you can't, try to make computer habits into a good thing, maybe study something
It's not computer addiction. It's that the things life has to offer you is not enjoyable enough to convince you to stop draining your life into something that will most likely turn into something completely useless.
I quit video games for monthssss cold turkey without touching them and i just sat in misery doing nothing, watching the abuse I could previously ignore pour on top of me. Now I just use it as cope. You can fix your game/computer addiction by fixing your life.
So what would you recommend? One hour a day of non-productive stuff on the computer max?
I have no life, dream, or ambitions. Watching anime on the computer is my only connection to virtue.
already fucked me up big time, was neet for like 8 years, it was my way of socializing, still is.
If i didnt have a computer i would have committed suicide a long time ago .
>Can't ruin what I don't have.
this, the only thing i can ruin is my computer time
Can't ruin those if you didn't have them in the first place :^)
Those were all memes anyway. Boring shit you probably wouldn't of liked.
lol already ruined i didnt have any ambitions or dreams to begin with check mate mate
Why do you give a shit you stupid fucking jew
Yeah, but it's not like you're going to have any viable or desirable alternative to sell me on.
Yeah, this is a waste of my life, but at this point I have no dreams or ambition or whatever, and what the fuck else would I be doing with my time?
Do you think I'm going to just magically do anything of any value with my life if I'm not spending it at the computer?
I'm just as replaceable and worthless wherever I go or whatever I do, the world will turn without me, and I'm certainly not going to be able to find out anything better to do with my time.