What stupid excuses you used to tell yourself before fully admitting the fact you are an incel?

What stupid excuses you used to tell yourself before fully admitting the fact you are an incel?

Attached: the coping incel in denial bingo.png (1265x1417, 201K)

>has had a gf
>claims this is cope
What exactly do you think an incel is?

Just because you had a gf in your life that doesn't mean you are not an incel

incel and virgin are not the same thing

This objectively true though

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>incel and virgin are not the same thing
but op and faggot are

>tfw incel for a couple of months at a time between having a gf
I fear you're a brainlet.

t. Mr.Cope

Sexbots will never be a substitute for sex with a real (attractive) woman who genuinely likes you

>Doesn't know the difference between years and months
>Calling someone else a brainlet

No woman will ever genuinely like me, I just want to fuck them.

>No, you don't

If that was true then you would be 100% satisfied with prostitution

I have a moral issue with prostitution as a female benefits from it.

Why are we using incel like an insult here.

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I would add this: I thought you should at least hold hands with a girl before fucking her. Boy was I mistaken.

So no bingo for me lol. Glad I am not an incel.

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I'm not an incel. I think those terms are stupid. I am a virgin because of my small dick and having hair on my penis shaft.

>Tfw all these apply to me
>Not an incel because I screw hookers
Lmao OP is a faggot

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Nah, you're right. The sexbot will be miles ahead.

Seeing hookers is cucked.

Still cheaper than being a beta provider

based user says how it is
stay based sir

wad do i win : DDD

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And bingo

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you're literally still a cuck

Exactly, so you would never be happy by banging hookers who are doing it for money.

Real sex >>> sexbots/hookers

Anyone who disagrees is a coping faggot

>>Not an incel because I screw hookers

It's called escortcel, friend

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>overvaluing pussy this much

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>You're either a beta provider cuck or an incel!!

Dumbfuck, you are using that amazing image wrong, kys

I am an above average looking traditional Catholic with no self esteem.

It doesn't make me less lonely though.

looks like i got kinda close i guess

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a benin bigger dan your migrodig XDDDD

jusd gidding dog bless :DD

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Had a schizo mental collapse a few months ago and stopped caring almost entirely about sex/women, but i was obsessed over my virginity like a year ago.

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Obviously but real sex isn't accessible to all males. Sexbots are better than women for most men.

No bingo! Later, incels.

>tfw when no nationalist waifu

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