Caught my gf cheating

What would you do if you caught you gf sexually flirting anons

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Give her a hard spanking until she says sorry.

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Secretly or in your face?

I hacked her fb, and saw it

Secretly i guess?

Ghost her and work on improving yourself. Actions like that demand respect, and it clearly shows that she doesn't have any for you right now.

Maybe in time, user. But not right now.

Leave. The fuck else would you do?

If you have any self respect at all, then the only thing you can do is to completely block her and move on with your life.

Talking to her about it gets you nothing. Ignoring it makes you a bitch.

Literally block her on everything right this second and make it a priority to never speak to her again.

Not that top tier, but well. This is what actually happened.

>caught my gf talking to a fagg about sex and stuff about one of their friend..
>wtf. Jpg
>let them talk for quite some time,
>fagg started flirting w/ le gf, and gf started engaging too
>thisistoomuch. Jpg
>confronted gf,

"i wont curse you, i wont hurt you, but I'll make sure, you won't forget this"

>sent Screenshots to one of their friend
>send screenshots to the family,
>called the bois in case needed
>one of their friend said she will never talk to fagg,
>gf begging me to stop

*mfw i just caught a guy flirting with my gf, so i destroyed their friendship

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I'd cheat on her and send her a video of the other girl swallowing my cum and then me kissing her.

Kissing her right after huh? Maybe have her snowball your cum back in your mouth?

You'll swallow your own cum
I rate gay/10

Kissing a girl after she sucks you is alpha as fuck.

filename related of course just read it

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You type like a bottom tier redditor. Pls go

Get worried since she's a tubo fujoshi, so her "flirting" with another guy would only mean that she wants to see us fuck while she's in a corner watching.

The unsoied answer: kiII her.

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if we had established a romantic relationship with each other I would ghost her immediately, otherwise if we hadn't, I wouldn't be bothered, she is free do to as she pleases with her life, and shouldn't put it on hold for me or anyone else.

break up with her and ghost her lol.

Thanks bots, i blocked her in fb, i guess living solo is better than living with a thoty,

>having a gf after 100 years of feminism

Is like you are asking to be cheated on and having your life destroyed by women.

Kick the shit out of her

I'd hate fuck her brains out. I'd slap her, and make her cry. I'd throat fuck her until she puked, and I'd fuck her ass and pussy until she was sore, all while filming the entire ordeal. Then I'd fucking dump the bitch, kick her out of my apartment, and laugh at her.

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too direct, you should sell her as a sex slave

Define sexually flirting. I'd probably just ask her something like "wtf was that about?"

If she actually cheated on me, I'd dump her and never talk to her again.