Do you think that that whore deserved it?
Do you think that that whore deserved it?
Other urls found in this thread:
literally yes
without a fucking doubt
she was the most unbearably whiny, nagging cunt, literally HARASSING him non fucking stop & not accepting that he'd be there soon
anyone defending that stupid bitch is a roastie whiteknight waste of life
As much as I hate women, this guy's clearly a complete faggot who has no business having a family since he just sits there playing childrens' video games while they need his attention and support.
>says the smug redditor
i like how this drama is gonna bring all the betas and incels out of the woodwork and separate the wheat from the chaff once and for all
They're both at fault. Neither of them should have abused each other but of course theirs never punishment for women so she'll end up with another guy like this and dead or her kid molested.
No, fuck that faggot with his faggot haircut and his faggot Australian accent
>try to unwind after a long day by playing a video game
>bitch walks in and starts yelling at you
>tell her to wait a few minutes
>she starts screaming at you
>tell her to calm down
>she starts throwing shit at you
>lightly slap her and tell her to wait a few minutes
>she screams and starts trying to attack you
>lightly slap her again
>you end up getting arrested and nothing bad happens to her
go lick another man's cum out of some roastie's ass you degenerate cuckold
the roastie was very obviously in the wrong. she persistently harassed, antagonised, & provoked him until he rightfully lost his shit. she also fake cried numerous times & screamed just for dramatic effect (she stopped crying/screaming literally almost instantly.)
if you're taking the side of some worthless whore, you deserve to be permabanned lol
that dude is such an ungrateful little bitch boy he goddamn had dinner made for him by his wife and so he hits her for some bizarre reason because hes too busy enjoying his stupid zoomer game
Most times they get back with another man with anger issues. Reap what you sow, if she isn't getting it from the law she will by her own actions
send nudes you disgusting WHORE
>go lick another man's cum out of some roastie's ass you degenerate cuckold
>the roastie was very obviously in the wrong. she persistently harassed, antagonised, & provoked him until he rightfully lost his shit. she also fake cried numerous times & screamed just for dramatic effect (she stopped crying/screaming literally almost instantly.)
>if you're taking the side of some worthless whore, you deserve to be permabanned lol
If being permabanned for having an opinion makes you so angry you can leave anytime. I think he was a piece of shit and he deserves to get fucked up. You're entitled to your own opinion but you're just a keyboard Chad anyway.
She entirely deserved it for marrying a Fortnite playing, Twitch streaming manchild with the emotional spectrum to match. Women engineer these situations where they end up attached to huge pieces of shit and then cry and whinge when the huge piece of shit turns out to be a huge piece of shit.
could this post get any more underage & reddit whiteknight? fucking hell, get the fuck off this board you big dumb faggot
Out of loop here , can someone gib links for extra autists
This is why you will always be a incel you bitter bitch
>redditor is mad that he cant just downboat posts he disagrees with
pathetically hilarious
Is this your only response to call other people with different opinions Reddit fags and whiteknights?
You're honestly a bitch.
Anyone got the video of this? I want to know what is going on since i can't read minds.
thats the vid
>roastie harasses, nags, bothers, provokes, and riled up innocent generic gamer dude just trying to stream for his viewers
>guy promises repeatedly he'd attend to whatever the fuck she's bitching about soon
>she instigates the fight repeatedly and starts literally *throwing* shit at him
>instead of being a docile little lapdog bitch, he actually defends himself against her unendurable screaming nagging roastie mental breakdown
>brain dead double digit iq roastieloving faggots like you disingenuously pretend the guy did anything wrong
honestly fuck off already, jesus fucking christ. what are you even doing on Jow Forums?
What's the proper response for something like this? Just sit there and take it? Get shit thrown at you, yelled at, your computer shit broken, while the hysterical bitch just gets her way? Obviously verbal warnings don't work, so what do you do?
>Time for another shift at my job as a streamer.
>I hope I can make it through this this 12 hour session without wanting to kill myself.
>100 hours clocked this week so far.
>I hope my family can have a nice life so this would all be worth it.
>God my back hurts from sitting in this chair. I think my L5 S1 disk has finally blown.
>This room makes me so depressed.
>I better open the blinds today for some sunlight, i'm not feelin too good.
>I don't know whats worse, the 9 year old kids screaming at me in game and on stream or the 9 year old's screaming at me in my house.
>Okay user... time to put on the happy face, suck this up and do it for my wife. I love her so much.
>10 minutes later into the streamer shift wife physically abuses him by throwing books while screaming.
The Wagie Cagie doesn't seem so bad now does it robots? At least you won't feel the books being thrown at you so you will only have to deal with the emotional pain.
I dealt with a girlfriend who was like this, it was hard but I saved most of my money and I left her holding the lease.
He reacted with violence, he wasted all his time playing a kid's game, he is responsible
don't even bother trying to reason with them user, they think men should be slaves & lapdogs to women with an unlimited tolerance for abuse
the fact that there are """"people"""" who actually have that mindset is incredibly fucking demoralising
Some women are just manipulative evil sociopathic whores. The more trust you put on them the more they will lie, manipulate and destroy you covertly. Being hit once is not a tenth of the damage or as bad as some things women do through manipulation.
She deserved it.
So you deserve to get shit thrown at you and constantly berated, and not left alone, if you play games? What if he was reading a book or something?
Its a job when you have to play it every day for hours at a time , you dont play the same game every day for 12 hours at a time to have fun you do it to earn money. Modern job roles have shifted with time you moron
He's an adult and can end the relationship and kick her ass out. Kick out the brat too.
they're all the same, user. women are soulless serpent-like beings that evolved to be as manipulative & conniving as possible.
stop playing fucking video games and go and eat the dinner your wife prepared for you you spastic video games arent important
>stop playing fucking video games and go and eat the dinner your wife prepared for you you spastic video games arent important
why do roastoids even come here
jesus, i don't think femoids realise how much they prove our point when they parasitically worm their way into male communities & spaces. let us have one fucking thing to ourselves without you loathsome attention whores infiltrating it.
Lmao. He has incriminating evidence of himself beating his wife published on the internet. His life is over..
Do you seriously think "B-B-B-BUT SHE THREW PAPER AT ME!" is a reasonable excuse in court?
You're just stupid little virgins with literally zero life experience. No wonder you don't know how to handle emotions.
There are plenty of reasons to hit a woman but you just don't do it. It ends like this anyway and you ruin your career/life. No I'd rather just accept it and kick her out or leave.
There's a difference between being decisive and being a literal ticking time bomb with anger issues. Also it's not all her he is too blame also for ignoring her. If you ignore them they'll continue to nag you or agitate you, mine did.
youre actually retarded
Go be a sad "comfy" outcast somewhere else. Retarded incel.
yes, nobody deserves anything. women shouldn't expect to not be hit.
So you HAVE TO OBEY your wife no matter what? Can't even have 10 minutes to yourself? I also feel like you guys are focusing way too much on the gaming part, it could have been any other hobby he was doing.
Turn off your PC and eat dinner with your wife and family?
She waited an hour for him retard
Women don't respect beta males. Had he been 6'2+ and handsome, she would have giggled and let him play his video games.
Beta males have to resort to violence because it's literally the only way they can get taken seriously. Fortunately this beta males professional life as ended in a heartbeat and he will likely see the inside of a prison cell for years to come.
Even more fortunate, gamma males such as yourself dont even get a chance with women so domestic abuse like this is 100% avoided
You are the biggest retard to bless this site
Women hit men and then get really surprised when they are hit back.
What if he got mad at her for spending an hour shopping before dinner and then she hit him? Who is wrong?
Jokes on you, even most normal men would look at the video and:
How does that justify screaming and throwing objects at him? Is that what you do at the DMV when the line is too long?
Based and bluepilled
You have to realize how to solve it, this problem didn't come from no where.
The woman is as much to blame as him but their relationship is obviously dysfunctional.
Women are
Oh well. I'd rather be in jail then around a crazy woman ever again. Never again
Because women are weak and harmless, it's like being bitten by a puppy. Also women literally only hit low status men.
Bill Burr is 5'8, that means he is invalid.
>domestic abuse never happens with tall and attractive people lmao
Do you have the IQ of a file cabinet?
This is who gets to reproduce:
is he the son of carrot top?
Oh shit kek. That was funnier than I was expecting
I change my opinion, he deserves to get sent to jail and fucked over. People like this most times do not change. The kid is going to grow up with some issues notice how it's always in the USA.
This guy is right. The people on this website have zero experience with woman and relationships.
You are all losers
He clearly has a british/aussie accent
>Defending a women beater
See ya in the papers when you kill yourself and your oneitis, you fucking pathetic incel.
>hits his wife
>does a fortnite dance after
I'm not a virgin and I generally concur.
thats what we're trying to tell you normal people all the time, but you keep fucking coming here.
this guy isn't maxmoefoe?
>making a big deal about woman beating
So you're a sexist.
Oh yah he fucked up, this is hard evidence
You are a virgin and you are a toxic man-child
Schopenhauer was right about all women.
I'll give you the second one just because I take pride in pissing off idiots who use those words
>Even more fortunate, gamma males such as yourself dont even get a chance with women so domestic abuse like this is 100% avoided
And I will keep coming here until it gets shut down and you losers shoot yourselves in anger.
>tfw in the other thread i larped as a triggered roastie
>in this one a misogynist
yes yes all according to plan
make the incels and the roasties kill each other
yeah she was being a little bit of a cunt
Nicely memed friend.
Tell me how that MGTOW life is treating you.
I can't wait to see this on the news just imagine when the fortnite dance is attributed to misogyny and it's shut down. Yess
You can't just force someone to stop doing something by antagonizing them and throwing shit at them and expect it to go well. The situation escalated in all the wrong ways for many obvious reasons. Woman was selfish. Man was selfish. Neither of them even thought for a second what their kids might be thinking or feeling bearing witness to their acts, they were completely, deplorably for themselves. I think the woman really played the situation up and made herself a victim despite being the antagonizer and escalator of the situation throughout and the man finally lost himself in his anger and was so focused on playing the game he couldn't even process the situation enough to do anything but keep repeating the same empty phrase over and over meeting a brick wall each time (obviously) until he finally exploded and slapped her a couple times. It could have been a lot worse. It sounded a lot worse because that's what women tend to do, be overly emotional. She probably knew he was filming and took advantage of the situation and played it up. Seems to me that that's what the woman wanted, because her instinct wasn't to protect the kids from bearing witness to the harmful acts of mental and physical violence, or to preserve her own safety. Why else would she antagonize him and fuck with him knowing that she wasn't going to get what she wanted by the nature of his increasingly angry mental state as a result of her controlling behavior? Does she think she can just throw shit at someone until they agree with her and there won't be consequences? Doubt it. You'd have to be pretty fucking stupid. She knows the camera is on and so she played him into her hands. I only feel bad for the kids.
You are a virgin.
And if you want an extra ten minutes to do that, you deserve getting shit thrown at you, your stuff broken and yelled at in a hysterical manner? How the fuck do you justify that blatant violence?
Lol. That's not how a job works faggot.
Hes a immature loser who's in jail now because he acted like a little bitch and hit his wife in front of his kid.
What a loser.
Not a white knight, but what he did was retarded. That man has no business having a family. On the other hand, if you don't wanna deal with a bitch like that, maybe you should have thought harder about being married/having kids.
which sentence is better
>Do you think that that whore deserved it?
>Do you think that whore deserved it?
i really need to know since i'm learning english and "that that" sounds weird, is it ok to use 2 that?
>You are a virgin.
you'll be getting all the pussy after this one for sure
The proper response is to submit. Submit to women you fucking incel. Listen to everything they say and follow every order you don't get private time anymore.
This. It's not obeying or being a "lapdog" or whatever you virgins think, it's being polite and reasonable. Eating > playing. People > game.
Also. Yes, she seems insufferable, but that's another issue. The intelligent choice is to leave her, not beating her like you're some insecure whiny child. But, once again, we're talking about a Fortnite or whatever stupid low iq streamer and a dumb bitch that is dumb enough to be with such a manchild to begin with, so no wonder they are acting like social cases.
He was a redpilled MGTOW gamer, people like him are needed to stop the feminist libtard SJW menace.
Do need to incel. My wife keeps my happy and you know what? I dont hit her ever like a maniac. That's something you would do.
You are a worthless shitstain and not a man.
Kys you useless autist. Your little echo chamber is being shut down
What you said was literally sexist. It's fine just admit you're a pussy worshipping hypocrite.
Polite and reasonable means giving multiple warnings and reassurances before you go flying off the handle. Polite and reasonable doesn't mean throw objects at someone to make them do things with you. You have an extremely warped view of how people should behave.
the fact that you even considered even for a split second that he might be "british" is reason enough to exterminate all americans
there isn't a more cancerous & fucking mentally retarded population on earth, holy christ
I feel like this post showcases what anti incels are all about pretty well. Apparently successful adults who are mad at losers on the internet but not trying to help.
I think this is a reason why some manchildren shouldn't try to get out
>beat his wife in front of his kid over a video game and dinner on stream, if he does that with thousands of people watching in front of his child over food and games who knows how bad it could get for something serious
>wife might also be socially retarded a not understand ques
>kid will grow up and see that as not a big deal
>If the manchild stayed alone he would be happy
>If the women didn't go with him her and her theoretical child would have a normal life
Why would I help you? It's not my responsibility. You are the one who needs to help yourself.
British people sound like australians, I'm sorry.
yeah nah he's going to jail if he gets charged.
t. aussie
>My wife
Did she offer to let you lick up the bulls cum if you do a good job on the internet today
Again I'm not an incel and I am trying to help. Rage harder.
Lol. Try harder incel. My wife doesn't cheat because all the shit you read about on your toxic website isnt true.
Just like that pic isnt.
You are a loser and a failure in life
Oh shit are you that super autistic boomer that will spend all day trolling a single thread? I think streamers are losers, but so are man children who throw tantrums on anime forums.
I then you white guys wonder why your girls are coming to us
>mom keeps telling me how it's never okay to touch a woman unless she gives you permision whenever she gets the chance to
>Fuck, am I really giving of that many rapist vibes?
>See this video
>Can't help but get insanely arroused by the woman crying
>Rub one out
Guess my mom was right