So Jow Forums If you were reborn, which sex and race combination would you rather be reborn as?
If its white male, that proves white Men are the most privileged group on Earth.
So Jow Forums If you were reborn, which sex and race combination would you rather be reborn as?
If its white male, that proves white Men are the most privileged group on Earth.
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white woman.
is this even a question?
white women are so fucking privileged they literally have no awareness or comprehension of anyone else's life or suffering, their entire life revolves around maximal privilege, pleasure, rewards, & comfort
Actually I'd probably go with male mulatto.
If I even retain half of my good looks, I will be fine.
White woman, obviously, wouldn't want to be anyone else.
it proves white men are the most desirable not the most privileged
I shouldve asked what you were intially
Probably white male again.
I don't care.
As long as i don't have any sickness, am not too dumb and not too weak.
And have a family wealthy enough for me to survive and live in a stable country.
white male because I feel comfortable in my own skin. maybe eastern European though as I like their degenerate culture.
>degenerate culture.
What did he mean by this?
Why? Please explain your answer please.
I'm a white male. orginiolo
Why become mulatto? For the Gibsmedats?
We don't have to worry about hiring discrimination, people assume we're at least somewhat competent, no one who matters hates us for what we are. We are well represented in most places in society and especially at the top, meaning that it's easy for us to see ourselves doing anything. If it sounds like these things don't matter, it's only because we take these things for granted in a way that other people often can't. I'll give you an example. Does going into nursing sound inviting to you, as a man? Probably not, it can be intimidating going into a field where you know you will be vastly outnumbered.
I have a lot of social problems and I'll always be a virgin, but it's not because of my gender or race. It's because autism.
Yeah, but you would suffer from more banter on Jow Forums because you would be a typical mutt.
Of course, if you're american, nothing would change.
>>Dont have to worry about hiring discrimination
I honestly preferred life when I believed this, so Im let you have you ignorance. There there.
You've been indoctrinated by alt-right talking points. All the actual data points in the opposite direction, but you're going to ignore all of the actual studies because they don't fit your victim narrative.
Male jew.
Idc if jew isnt a race
Whatever dude, I dont really feel like blackpilling anyone today.
Good, because you'd be unsuccessful either way.
Whatever makes you feel good user.
What data points? That white males get paid higher?
White women have the good life.
>National hiring experiments reveal 2:1 faculty preference for women on STEM tenure track
Whites are more likely to get interview appointments after applying for jobs than Asians or Blacks, which is a clearcut case of discrimination.
For welfare?
Fuck no. I work for a living.
There is no reason beyond that of curiosity. I'm already halfway to the grave, might as well try something new.
Asian man in a first world Asian country. No feminism, cute women, economically well off, no multi culti ruining your country, etc.
I was also talking about hiring at companies, not assistant professorships in stem.
In any case, it's not all one way or the other, but the general trends of assumed competence still hold true, and they will until the representation changes enough. This is why people push for representation. It doesn't change the fact that you still have a great shot of doing whatever you want, within reason, if you put your mind to it.
In the same exact country only come back as
>same race and gender
>muscular body
>average-large penis
that is all
black and on top of the social hierarchy
Slavic. I want to be a strong boi who can go innawoods. Also, slavic women are top tier. I'd get to restart at that.
When i die i want to be reborn into a cute redhead. The whole world would be in my fingertips.
You can have a dick in you fingertips too.
Honestly if you think about it, a woman can achieve so much by fucking her way up the social ladder. I once worked in an office where the prettiest women got good positions by sleeping with the manager. Its all soo unfair
>I once worked in an office where the prettiest women got good positions by sleeping with the manager
wow shocking
A white girl.
>be me
>be femanon
>be attractive
>much sex
There is nothing more privileged than an attractive girl
A lobster, i would like to be reborn as a lobster
Hapa tomboy dream girl, I'd basically be doing the exact same shit i do now, except I'd be a gorgeous and dreamy doing it. I'd play sonic adventure, kickboxing, parkour, and be an eccentric goofy spirit inventor.
I'd make hundreds of boys super hardee throughought HS and college, obliviously lead them on but never give them opportunity to fuck or date me. I'd live out my entire life a chaste celibate virgin.
I'd delve into random obscure nerd subculture's and tease autistic nerds by hanging out and playing D&D and WOW with them then suddenly disappearing like the manic pixie dream girl i am.
Jewish male if I get to keep my soul.
Just kidding it's not about privilege, id chose white because im proud to be white.
white female obviously
Bump so the thread doesnt die come on please now no more typing
I want to be a nipponese girl
Jewish white male from the US.
The best privilege there is
A girl and I want my pussy to taste like Pepsi cola.
I hate that I understood the reference.
Romanian male
White male again.
>I've been doing good so far, might as well give it another go