Is murica as comfy as in the movies?

Is murica as comfy as in the movies?

I live in eastern Europe and everything is grey here, when I watch American media it seems like it has a nice vibe and a friendly environment, it looks like a different world compared to where I live

Attached: toad3.jpg (400x299, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread: Kingdom&country2=Ukraine&city1=London&city2=Kiev&tracking=getDispatchComparison

It is absolute fucking dog shit, just like anywhere else in the world, a single fuck up will leave you dead in a gutter.

I'd much rather live in Tallinn than anywhere in America outside of the Upper Peninsula (Finnish side, not the Danish side).

Attached: Anita_Blond_0113.jpg (569x870, 44K)

Grass is greener everywhere. Honestly the west isn't what its cracked up to be, cities like Kiev and Warsaw are far more developed than London and New York though people earn shoddy wages - that's why it looks less on paper. Now RURAL America and west Europe is a whole different thing and flips Eastern Europe - in short, western towns a cities bad, western villages fucking god tier for the most part

cuz it's escapism dude, it's supposed to look ideal and comfy and all.

If you're in the South or the country then yes, people are generally friendly and open but it's not like TV in that something is always going on. Most of life is just going to work, hanging with your few friends on the weekend, maybe go fishing or hunting. It's not a lifestyle that most people enjoy, I personally do but its rare.

Eastern european with the same feelings in here.I'm joining a work&travel program this summer to see it for myself.I'd rather be a wagie in there than here.

If you live in a nice area it is. Thats pretty much the case in most countries, but in America its not that difficult to go from poor to middle class.

t. someone who has never been to actual rural america
Protip: It sucks. Sure the people may be right wing and redpilled but they are also hooked on meth and opioids and also over 50.

>but in America its not that difficult to go from poor to middle class
How come?Are all the wagies complaining about having it bad in there just memeing?

Bright weather makes happy people.

Lynch's America isn't really what I think of as 'comfy' OP

Attached: livinthedream.png (753x553, 19K)

rural America is shit. Everyone is fat, unhealthy and depressed; the architecture is mostly trash; you can't walk anywhere; there are hardly any jobs; and on the off-chance you manage to find someone who's not insane or retarded from meth or weed to hang out with, chances are very high they will have turbonormie interests. There are a few places which aren't like that, but the majority of it is.

>UK has more mobility than the US
What cuck shit is this?

Not even remotely.

Most town "centers" in America look like pic related.

Attached: burger city.jpg (1502x1199, 299K)

boomer heaven, that

Wow that looks like the exit I take every day to get to work.


the comfy mans restaurant

Attached: comfy McDonald's night NEET.png (647x514, 115K)

Yes. In the US it is very easy to start a business, raise money for a business, find a job, get financial aid to go to college, get a personal loan, etc. The only problem is if you are sick or disabled, because there isnt a lot of aid available for those people. Everyone complaining about low wages or unemployment are lazy.

...da fuk? wheres diogenes?

>Everyone complaining about low wages or unemployment are lazy.
Fuck off boomer.

Attached: minimum wage rent 2.png (1279x724, 714K)

Lmao,yeah the US seems like a great place for a new beginning.

US would be great if there wasn't an 85% chance of you getting half the skin on your penis ripped off at birth. I would rather live in a shithole and be whole than live in America as a mutilated "man"

Yeah it's pretty easy to go into debt. Finding a job that pays enough to put literally any money into savings or start a business that doesn't fail in its first year is where most (admittedly stupid) people go wrong.

>Most of the US
This means NYC and SoCal because to these people that's all that matters.

Notice how they use the federal minimum and probably didn't take into account that a lot of states set the minimum wage higher than that.

>waaaa I cant afford my BMW and house on minimum wage.
Just roommate and ride your bike. Its not perfect, but its enough to get by on part time minimum wage. Thats what I do and I am even covering my school bills without taking on debt.

Attached: 1543024084809.gif (400x300, 309K)

Here's a graphic from the actual report.

Attached: minimum wage rent 3.png (1172x852, 336K)

Only ~29 states do that and even then it's often like just $2 more.

Attached: minimum wage states3.png (618x212, 61K)

>Just roommate and ride your bike
Yeah man because that's the american dream. Living with a roommate and barely making rent each month. No wonder suicide is becoming so common. Meanwhile chinese millennial are living large.

Attached: china millennials.png (1051x374, 267K)

why is it so easy to tell this is a screenshot from Twin Peaks and just any sitcom/drama that just happens to take place in a rural town? You could censor the character faces and know it's still Twin Peaks.

>moves the goalposts several times to get desired results
Minimum wage can be changed down to town level, its nearly impossible to take that all into account.
>living the American dream on minimum wage
You're supposed to strive for more, not accepting the minimum. Only commies and non whites can't understand this

That is breezewood, PA. A pretty well known bottleneck when traveling in the northeast us

Grass is greener in the West.
>cities like Kiev and Warsaw are far more developed than London and New York
You can't believe how many retards like you I have seen on imageboards and how often they get BTFO and never reply to me after I start dropping statistics. Kingdom&country2=Ukraine&city1=London&city2=Kiev&tracking=getDispatchComparison
>shoddy wages
Lesser wages = lesser purchasing power = less goods for you = worse country. How a city can be more developed when there are less public spending on infrastructure than in the West, you retarded mongrel?
Now shut the fuck up and never make any statements before checking statistics you autistic faggot
Yes, Murica is better than Eastern European shitholes. Read my post.
t. Ukrainian

Attached: living with parents.png (1200x1200, 459K)

Most areas have $12+ minimum wage, higher than the federal $7.25, and if you even think about renting a 1br with no roommates on that income you are retarded. With roommates you can live fine on an entry level wage.

>Minimum wage can be changed down to town level, its nearly impossible to take that all into account.
Thus why the authors of the study used federal minimum wage and compared that to rent prices in the local areas.

>You're supposed to strive for more, not accepting the minimum. Only commies and non whites can't understand this
Nigger if I can't have my own apartment then why bother fucking slaving away at some shitty job? Again this is why america is dying and China is thriving.

>Most areas have $12+ minimum wage

Why move out on minimum wage? I'm currently living at home, saving up for a house. Renting sets people so far back.

Using the federal level when the majority of the time it doesn't matter is pointless and only seeks to confuse.
If you slave away you'll be able to get your own place, but I'm sure you've never put effort into anything in your life so it doesn't matter. Go collect welfare, like the nigger you are

The American dream in the 20th century
>become employed at demeaning job (but work at hard it), get apartment, eventually find a wife and move into a home and have kids
The American dream circa 2018
>live in an apartment with 3 other guys while working that same demeaning job just to spend half of your pay on rent while being ignored by women on dating apps (online dating is a must since you have irregular hours.)
>if you get a wife you still can't have kids because kids are expensive as fuck now (child birth alone costs as much as a car)


Attached: china vs america.jpg (855x2086, 816K)

>become employed at demeaning job (but work at hard it), get apartment
>live in an apartment with 3 other guys while working that same demeaning job
So in the first case you're homeless until you get the money for an apt?

>you get out what you put in

Nice reading comprehension. The amount of work put in was the same. That's the point. America is no longer a country of innovators but a den of rentiers, thus why landlords and IP lawyers run everything there.

Attached: j6xolovmu8o11.jpg (700x519, 38K)

At least we can get from one place to another without getting run over in some absurd manner

at least our elevators and escalators don't run off of children's souls.

That's not a town center, that's just a highway exit

Even though it says "most of america" I bet they only looked at expensive liberal shitholes like cali

Whatever you say Chang, how much does the party pay you anyway? Enough to keep your nephew out of the forced labor factory

>says the US is doing nothing to stop climate change
>when china is by far the most polluting nation in the world

It's true that China is the most polluting nation in the world and they have to do more, but still America is the richest country with population larger than 10millions and its citizens have one of the highest standards of living in the world, you would think that they would be happy with their position and not do shit like voting for the most retarded president in their history and pulling out of the Paris agreement. The mutts have very decent quality of life, but they want MORE and they're ready to sacrifice the world's future for it.

Mac Tonight!

That is just a major highway on/offramp. Don't you see all the semis and delivery vehicles there? What you see there is just a massively overgrown truck stop, places like this form across the interstate system.

i'm very fond of the new moonman. McDonals has been upping their marketing game drastically, they dedicated Mac Tonight to appealing to racists.