Do you guys find it weird that I've been playing a game with an 8 year old kid for a while now? I met him randomly and started playing with him because I don't have anyone else to play with. I like the conversations we have because it reminds me of when I was a child. It also feels good seeing him happy when we kill a boss or find cool gear. It seems like the closest I'll ever get to spending time with a som of my own, or even a nephew for that matter since I'm an only child, and It gets lonely playing by myself sometimes.
Yeah of course. It was my first class but it was pretty stale and felt mindless to me. I use top tree dawnblade now.
Carter Murphy
I'm sure it's illegal but aslong as you aren't saying anything sexual to him it might be fine.
Joseph Edwards
No of course I'm not saying anything sexual. He's definitely not old enough to play the game but no one cares about ESRB really
Justin Rogers
Not OP but why the fuck would it be illegal as long as he's not saying anything sexual to him?I swear to fucking god this insane pedophobia is turning every little interaction with underage kids into an evil thing.
Nathaniel Allen
OP here, I assumed he meant "illegal" for him to play the game
Henry Ramirez
Wtf it's not illegal to play a game you're underaged for, doesn't matter what the ESRB says there is no actual law for it
Robert Robinson
It might come across as a little odd as it's unusual for adults to form bonds with children they aren't related to. However, your paternal feelings for the boy are very wholesome in a time of rampant degeneracy and fear.
Angel Taylor
Big Brothers was a thing, doubt it exists now. I grew up in foster care and it was dope to have someone to chill with and talk about shit my foster mom couldn't relate to. Granted I was 12 or so but I always related to older people much better, still do for some reason.
Blake Harris
Thanks user >in a time of rampant degeneracy and fear Maybe that's another reason I like playing with him. Although when he gets older I wonder if he'll think back on me as some kind of creep
Grayson Green
Wdym big brothers? Is it some kind of organization/charity/program? Never heard of it
William Lee
>It also feels good seeing him happy when we kill a boss or find cool gear.
Certified 100% wholesome.
I've been told that's one of the great things about raising a little shit machine-- their enthusiasm and excitement, and the fact that kids can often give good advice without even knowing it.
Caleb Walker
Yeah lol id probably feel different about him if i actually had to take care of him
Wyatt Walker
Oh my God OP how have you not convinced him to take HRT? He hasn't hit puberty yet so he's in his prime right now. Make him your qt trap bf
Anthony Lopez
Bait but go to hell
Logan Hall
Not necessarily.
You WOULD be alot more stressed however.
This is the sweet spot. All the infectious joy of seeing a kid enjoy something, without the work.
Connor Baker
I'd be very uncomfortable communicating with a child who isn't part of my family desu. Your intentions might be good but most people will assume you're trying to groom them.
Nathaniel Phillips
Do you mean most parents? I remember playing with someone with a similar age gap on a different game when I was like 11 and didn't think anything of it
Asher Ramirez
Parents especially.
Gavin Roberts
>He thinks it's bait to convince little boys to take HRT
Hmm. His PvP stats are better than average but we only play the PvE part of the game and he's not too good at it so I assume he uses an older sibling/father's account. I also would assume that they hear him talking to me