>NASA planning moon mission >Trump seems all for it >Trump nominates Jim (((((((((Bridenstine)))))))))) to be the new adminstrator >IMMEDIATELY SHUT DOWN
What don't they want us to know? They sent a man to the moon 50 years ago with the equivalent of a modern-day refrigerator, didn't they? How hard could it be in 2018?
Many possibilities: e.g Moon is artifician object made by ayys Or they havent been there yetn Or they been and seen nothing of value and know its waste of money Anyway moon has to many mistery's to believe whats been told to us
Connor Wright
Contact kubrick's spirit through a wiji board.
He'll lay it all down 4 u.
Brayden Green
It's like Trump wants to lose 2020 on purpose at this point
Hudson Allen
no way, fuck this shit. Go to the moon you burgers, I want to see it.