Femanon Thread

Femanon Thread

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What is your education level and career? What was your college major for undergrad? What's your work experience? What extracurriculars did you do in school? What kind of skills do you bring to the table?

How many guys have you had sex with? Does your vagina look messier than Arby's burgers?

why do you pretend to be a girl?

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How big are your tits? Do you have a big butt? Are you a virgin? What's your favorite anime?

Why aren't you married and either having or thinking of having children?

What is the main criteria used by women to differ losers from chads?

She's just asking for attention not even saying she's lonely. Jesus christ you orbiters aren't even robots.

How is it orbiting you fucking retard?

op do you actually look like that?

No GTFO or well bash you like that twitch streamer did his cunt wife.

How to have good sex? Elaborate

About to start college soon, and I plan to study in electrical engineering with a minor in chemistry. I used to be a cashier but I quit due to school. I joined and excelled in my school's math club and debate club. I can draw pretty pictures and I pay too much attention to my skin even though I have no acne due to the amount of attention I pay.
None, and I don't really look at mine but it's shaved and there's no extra stuff hanging.
46DD, I cant wear a lot of pants since they don't fit my butt, even though my hips fit fine. Virgin here, and my favorite anime is a tie between Soul Eater and Kill la Kill
Physically mainly, though I find chads to have 1 brain cell and too much muscle for my taste
my hair's in a blunt bob, though with my waviness its a lil poofy lol
idk to be honest

my minor's in chemical engineering, sorry was typing fast ;^-^

>don't fit my butt
Does that mean you have a big butt
>favorite anime is a tie between Soul Eater and Kill la Kill
Never watched soul eater but Kill la Kill is my favorite anime of all time

If I want to have sex with a girl, how exactly do I make that intent obvious? I can't just say "Hey I want to stick my cock in you" but I don't want to beat around the bush either.

I hate femanons like you who attention-seek and give femanons like me who just want to post as if our gender doesn't matter a bad name

Well she seems like a ok girl and i'm usually the guy who tells women to fuck off

all pants I find usually fit my legs and hips but the butt's too tight, or they're yoga pants or leggings
depends on your relation with her, but if you're close just try to lead with kissing then move on from there
just answering questions here ma'am, no bad intent here no sirree

>i'm a girl teehee ama
nothing after that would make her "ok" really

How come you're a virgin and would you try e-dating/a ldr?

Do you have a attractive face?
Well i'm lonely and she likes the same anime as me sooooooo

i've gotten offers but all of them are manipulative creeps
ye, i've been in some in the past though we slowly stopped talking

I like to think so lol
uwu only talking to me since you're lonely cri cri

So? When people are lonely they usually want to talk to people right? Doesn't mean i only want to have sex with you I'm not some creep on the side walk

>i've gotten offers but all of them are manipulative creeps
You should be able to weed the creeps out by now.

i was joking, sorry

sister don't you believe for a second that this guy isn't taking sexual pleasure from innocent conversation with you

Oh sorry so where do you live you said college instead of university so i assume your a American

Btw what's your ethnicity if you don't mide me asking?

Well it does feel nice talking to a girl but i'm not jacking off or anything like that

Are you a haughty cunt, or are you nice to men who are beneath you in order to collect orbiters?

Why do retarded robots keep responding to this shit?


Why the fuck would anyone talk to you if they weren't lonely?

Is it okay to only refer to my associate who lives with me as "bitch" and "whore"

You will be later.
Cut off your dick if you care about women.

I try to be nice to everyone ^-^
I'm half polish and half chilean

Why should i do that? I'm a robot but i'm still heterosexual

>I try to be nice to everyone ^-^
Yes I totally believe this, that you are selfless

Unicorn thread
That's you OP there are no women here.There's only trannies. Now FUCK OFF!

Timestamp and cover half of your face/only show your eyes.

Cool i'm like 5% cherokee and but i'm mostly Welsh and German. So do have brown skin or do you look more white?

there are more constructive ways of getting attention and validation you know.

timestamp your tits or gtfo. we have this rule for a reason, dude

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>i'm still heterosexual
answered you own question

Cause of imigration of ye olden ages, most chileans are pale as fuck, so i'm also pale as fuck

God some of you are fucking retarded
>likes anime
>pants don't fit my butt
>46DD tit size

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So who are your favorite band's/artists mine are XXXTENTACION, lil peep, suicide boy's, ghostemane, rob zombie, Nine inch Nails, slipknot, there are more but that's just a those are who i listen to most

Shhhh let people have their dreams

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I'm into death grips and bon jovi


I have to go to work tomorrow but dontcwanna what do

Death grips is pretty cool don't really listen to bon jovi.

So i think it's about that time i ask the million dollar question are you actually a real girl or are you just larpinng?

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i'm not even the OP, i'm not even the person you've been speaking to throughout this thread.
you should know better than to think anybody on this board, or this website, is doing anything but larping.

mine are buddy holly, sinatra, siames and Pink Floyd
I'm not lying, I currently can't do a timestamp since I'm in the shower but if this thread is still up by then I'll post a vocaroo. I don't want to post any images of myself.

>I currently can't do a timestamp since I'm in the shower
Holy fucking keks,it's enough man.Stop playing with these sad fucks unless you make a custom vocaroo.

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Post a pic of your tiddies and write Jow Forums on them

Also cook something nice today

Pink Floyd is pretty ok

But to repeat my last question are you are real girl?

Can you fuck off? orangeniggle

Where do you live?
Are you submissive?
Do you thirst for a husbando?

Oh and i'm not going to be on the internet much longer so do you have a discord or a place i can talk to you?

there are opposite gender ask threads on Jow Forums for you to fuck off to you vapid whore, stop referring to yourself as a femanon rather than user like the rest of us you absolute nigger

Do you think i care about your lack of a penis?

see above
usa, yeah and yeah
post your discord and ill add you
you seem to care if you're posting here

Why am I here? Why is this so? What else should I be doing?

I don't have a discord

Original as fuck

why dont girls play grand strategy games

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I have one question, and one question only

Doom or Heretic.

Bonus: Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament 99

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You have a really cute voice

not op but because they're boring as fuck

Nice voice,please be the new r9k girl,you don't even have to show your face,just post vocaroos once in a while.

girls do lots of boring things though

If you're nice in addition to being submissive, then add me:


Never though about it my dude, maybe trying to conquer the world with Miklos Horthy in HOI 4 is too much testosterone dependent

Is this your natural voice?
Kinda sounds like you surpress your natural voice to sound cuter

true lol
gotta go with doom
i dont know the bonus games im sorry ;^-^
I'd love to ^-^
thank you lol


This is a very original comment original

So will you post here again? I really liked talking to you

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not boring to them i suppose

Why are you a virgin?
Are you a looking for someone to dominate you gently or do you want to take the lead?

Also get a trip if you're serious about this lol.

>i dont know the bonus games im sorry ;^-^

In that case, Terminator 1 or Terminator 2

Bonus: Total Recall or Commando

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do you enjoy being out in the woods

I was planning on it uwu
I already said this, but it's since I've had the offers but they were all manipulative creeps
I'd prefer to be dominated, it'd just feel weird to take the lead
heres hoping lol
Terminator 2
Total Recall uwu

update: sorry if my responses are delayed im in the midst of showering

I haven't had the chance yet, but I'd imagine that I'd like it

imagine unironically being this pathetic

>Terminator 2
>Total Recall uwu

You are making it pretty hard to figure if you are a woman or a really good larper, but nonetheless I like you lady, carry on.

why do you enjoy making these shit "fembot ask me anything uwu" threads
You're only getting attention because people here are fucking pathetic

Would you date an incel ? Asking for myself, of course.

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Did you draw that? Is that how you look naked (big tits included)?

Other femanon here, looks like I'm pretty similar to the other femanon though.

College dropout, hadn't picked major, basically none, quizbowl, none.

None, and yes.

Big, average, yes, evangelion.

No guy would marry me.

I generally don't think in terms of losers vs chads

Yes, probably

Good, keep it that way. Also post feet

no, and i have a blunt bob instead
as long as you have a nice personality, i wouldn't mind lol
thank you kind sir

Not a college drop out, but college makes me want to kms rn.
Why did u drop out?

eva is a great anime, i've seen both nge and eoe like 5 times. kind of annoys me when normies shit all over shinji because he is a very relatable character and honestly i think almost anyone would react in a similar fashion in thrown into a situation like his. he did good

>Other femanon here
The first one already provided a vocaroo,you better confront.

What terms you think then?

>thank you kind sir

I mean, I would befriend any girl that watched Terminator 2, but T2 AND Total Recall ? Lady, we would be besties Irl

Also, give Heretic a try again, its a pretty damn good game. Or even better play Hexen

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Would you play titty glass?
Rules are simple. If you're annoying I kick you out of the house, and only if you press your nekkid tiddies at the window, I'd let you in again

Post more vocaroos pls origiole

Wow, r9k fucking sucks. I hate all of you.

do you usually remember your dreams

Wanted to kms lol


No strict terms, honestly, men are men.


lol thanks, how much are they?
and i'm sure that we could be friends. i mean, interrogation by game? nicee
uwo id love to
i would but right now im in the shower and taking breaks to update, i will once i get out