I unironically believe that

Sex outside of marriage is in ALL cases completely and utterly degenerate. Fight me

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I can't fight you OP, because I genuinely agree.
Sex outside of marriage is decadent hedonism, and one of the downfalls of society.

Who the fuck gives a shit dude?

The fuck u on about cunt?

Frankly, I do. The degeneracy plagues this world and it makes me feel sick.

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Is it still degenerate if you do it with the person you will marry in the future?

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To degenerate is to move away from some ideal way of existing.
To exist as an animal is to pass on one's genes.
To have sex is to work towards passing on your genes.
To wait for marriage before having sex is to delay the passing on of your genes.
Waiting until marriage to have sex is thus the literal opposite of degenerating as a human.

>stealing a girl's virginity (not woman, all women are sluts)
>not wanting both of your first times to be as special as possible
that's why you're supposed to marry your high school sweetheart

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I wouldn't go so far. But I think it's a good standard to have because sex without commitment means fucking everything that moves and that doesn't end well.

>that's why you're supposed to marry your high school sweetheart
some people have sex before they meet their highschool sweetheart.
some people's highschool sweethearts aren't that sweet.
some people don't have a highschool sweetheart.

If you watch pornography its the same thing as people having sex. If you had the power to be your disgusting self you would and single day.


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I unironically DON'T FUCKING CARE. Fight me

to reduce ourselves to animals is degenerate

>Sex outside of marriage is in ALL cases completely and utterly degenerate
do you even read??

nice try but
1. humans are not animals
2. over 90% of people who have sex before marriage are not working towards having children, no they're just doing it for decadent hedonistic pleasure. It's degenerate

Degeneracy purged.

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It's no big deal so long as you're committed to the person you're sleeping with. No one can predict the future and withholding sex, which is a very important aspect of long term relationships, can be very bad for a couple. One night stands and tinder hookups are disgusting though, I'll give you that.

to imagine we are more than animals in some meaningful sense to this dicsussion is for our logical mind as humans itself to degenerate from truth

>nd it makes me feel sick.
probably because you're a weak faggot.

Hard to believe that some people are such insecure degenerates that they're actually arguing against the point in the OP. It becomes even more laughable when you realise at least some of those people haven't even had sex.

>to reduce ourselves
there's nothing to reduce, humans are animals. We always have been, always will be.
>humans are not animals
except we are.

>some peoples' highschool sweethearts aren't sweet
>some people don't have a highschool sweetheart
Yeah, I know...

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>fight me
I don't get what you want. I'm not gonna convince you otherwise, so the argument is pointless.
Do you want to flaunt your arguments in my face? Do you want to insult people? Do you want to push an agenda? You don't need this thread for any of those.

the word "animal" is purely a human construct. if people think of the word animal as "those reproducing existents which are not plants or germs or amoebas, etc" then humans are not animals. if people (simply) take "animals" to mean "living existents that are not plants" then we are. words aren't as watertight as you think, just like your arguments.

high school sweethearts are nothing but bad sex and annoying whiners
as annoying as it is to miss out on one, you can only get better options now lad

>has to resort to arguing semantics
Nah, humans, as in Homo Sapiens, are in fact animals. This is undeniable, unless you want to argue for creationism or some other similarly retarded shit. Humans are animals.

semantics are all us humans have lad.
do you think affirmability and deniability are distinguishable in the slightest from semantics. affirming is a semantic activity.

Yeah. That is completely true. Do you want a protein shake now?

>better options
I don't fucking care about sex, I want to actually be loved, some college slut isn't gonna give me that. I don't care if she's annoying, as long as she is loyal to me and loves me, that's all I need.

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I personally take it one step further. You should only ever sex with a single person ever, unless that one person has died. Humans are supposed to bond for life. If sex was limited to marriage, degenerates would just marriage everyone they've dated for a week and have a divorce a month later (plenty idiots already do that). There's also been studies to show that marriages (and by extension this should include any romantic relationship) are better off when both partners have only had sex with their partner.

I also don't think marriage is necessary in life. That's proven by gay couples who couldn't legally get married but dated for over 20 years straight. You don't need the government to tell you that you're partners for life.

I don't think it's entirely reasonable to hold everyone to that standard though. I won't have sex until marriage (and I've already made peace with that meaning it's very possible that I'll die a virgin. It's not a big deal for me anymore) and I won't marry someone who isn't a virgin. But I don't look down on others who have sex outside of marriage. I only look down on people who have casual sex. Hookups are absolute degeneracy and are the reason so many people have dumpster fire relationships these days.

Not like my opinion matters. Nobody has full control over the actions of others. And it's not like other people being degenerates directly affects me, so who cares.

>semantics are all us humans have lad.
Well mate it's clear I'm saying it in the scientific classification sense, not the more spiritual or whatever sense. Humans are still very much determined by innate nature and instinct.

that's what i mean.
"getting loved" is the better option over highschool fucking.
nobody's ever been truly loved by a highschool sweetheart.

Oh look it's the "muh degeneracy" meme again how original. Can't have those hedonistic normies enjoy themselves without being bitter again I guess huh

that's mostly true as of recent times, but wtf is your definition of true love? what about others? how many people even believe, understand, or know of the concept?

true love doesn't really fit a definition. the closest thing to a definition is; that which you feel when you think you're truly in love with someone and that feeling never dies away. of course, you never think that feeling is going to die away, even though most often it does. so true love only really exists within moments.

>True love is what you feel when you think that you're truly in love
What does that even mean?

Exactly. "True love" means nothing. That which means nothing can only take a circular definition.

>almost 2019
>still believing in love
lmao at you retards

from what I understand true love is wanting to dedicate your life to whatever/whoever you love, personally I can only love someone perfect, or at least someone near flawless, granted the flaws have to be possible to fix.

>someone perfect
exactly, something undefinable. a completely empty statement. calling someone "perfect" is the emptiest statement you could utter.

>not believing in perfection

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someone that loves me that I can love back?

This is true. I've yet to meet a person with OP's mindset who didn't do a complete 180 the second the chance to actually have sex popped up.

Hell, I used to think like that until I lost my virginity at 19. Then I realized I actually don't give a shit and now I do all sorts of degenerate shit with my current gf like peeing on her, bondag, spanking, petplay, and licking her feet while she insults me (I'm a switch). It's pretty terrific.

In a perfect world that's how people would operate. But people are just horny animals that want casual sex. Both males and females. What you want is unrealistic.

False. I jerk off all the time. Lots of women have hit on me before. But I'm still a virgin because I can't feel comfortable fucking outside a relationship.

Now you have to change your world view.

>I jerk off all the time
>I can't feel comfortable fucking outside a relationship.
congratulations, you're a degenerate, and you don't even have the same views as OP. You don't qualify.

Nobody calls jerking it degenerate. You're just being ironic at this point lol

>Nobody calls jerking it degenerate.
what the fuck are you talking about? Also did you even fucking read the thread?

the word "human" is a human construct as well.

Jerking it is degenerate, unironically

In a world where nothing holds inherit value, and you could argue that you "own" nothing, the only thing that is truly you and yours is your body. Maybe cherish and value it more by limiting the amount of people you put it inside of? Maybe consider that you should only be fucking people that value your body as much as they value you as a person because otherwise any emotion in sex is stripped, and it becomes another monotonous dopamine provider that you'll accidentally numb yourself to because "Hurr, it felt good."

None of this in any way wspeaks against sex before marriage.
Like some other guy pointed out, you could very well have sex with he person you intend to marry, or hell, or hell, if it's just about sharing an emotional connection you could very well advocate for spartan or samurai like homosex between battle brothers. I mean you trust your very lives to each other out in the field, why not trust your asses as well?

>Humans are supposed to bond for life
BAHAHAHAHA ONLY A VIRGIN WOULD BELIEVE THIS. Chadgrok had 10 wives while Virgigrok was lucky to have have 1 woman

I agree with you, I just wish I could find some one genuinely kind to love me... I'm getting to the point I would cry if I could.

the question is what are you talking about?


I'm talking about how you're an idiot.

whats wrong with hedonism incel?

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You qaulify as 100% based my good sir, have splendid evening

I agree with you, society is already child like.enough.

Nigga its just sex

>fight me
Why tho you are right.

Marriage got useless and a hindrance with no fault divorce. If you aim to get married as a guy today, you have my pity.

excellent point

sound logic


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Me too. But strangely enough, I'm a huge porn addict and degenerate. I'm not a even a radical religious dude. What gives?

Maybe it's because of all the degenerate shit that made me realize this

Marriage is artificial and I leave it to weaker minds than mine.

wow, it's almost as if the majority of humans went without morals and getting married for thousands of years. nice try, plato.

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People care far too much about the physical aspect of sex and far too little about the emotional aspect. I think its beautiful as something that connects two people in the closest most intimate way they can connect with each other, as it is showing both complete vulnerability and trust in each other. That side of sex has been lost though, and now its just and urge people fill, like hunger or thirst.

I bet you really do believe that. It's one of the most common copes for loser virgins.