Hey want to talk?

free (you) tell me about your day and ill tell you about my week :)

Attached: megu smug.jpg (900x900, 284K)

kys you stupid ugly beta

Quit my job earlier this month and kinda been playing games and trying to learn to draw but later one is giving me trouble since i dont known where to start.
Also i need to get a job soon.
Now you

>ill tell you about my week
why the fuck would I want to hear that?

gunjy you dumb pedo i want to kill myself

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i took my niece to the park to play in the snow and plowed drive ways today
it was very fun i love the snow

gunjy is a faggot
i know because he did ERP with me

Are you a commie? It would be impossible for you not to be

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>kys you stupid ugly beta
>why the fuck would I want to hear that?
>gunjy is a faggot
>i know because he did ERP with me
Based and gunjypilled

it was kinda hot when we ERPed though
he also sent me porn
jacked off to it

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Who's gunjy?

It was boring
Played the last of us
Got to my apartment in the city where my uni is
Spent the day looking at random threads in Jow Forums
Drank sambuca while rewatching blade runner

some pedo on shitcord

After spending over 24h trying to help my friends I just died and so did my friends.
Totally worth not sleepingww

>i know because he did ERP with me
he really did? what about his waifu?

one of r9k's many e-celebs, hikki neet who posts with a megumin avatar, owns a couple discord servers, trolls roasties who try to join them, has a whole collection of pics where they write his name on their hands. basically a neetchad, the first of his kind

but does he erp though

>failed normalnigger.
>current avatarfag
>huge attention whore
Sage and ignore.

i replaced her
he tried to get me to post hand pics
he failed

also if gunjy sees this pls post your name and ID again i want to friend you on my discord

Nothing to talk about but give me a (You) please

my day was shit
im lonely
and i want to die

how was your day kind op?

A literal who discordfag who orbits roasties and gives them money.
Nicesamefag self-shill you failed normalfaggot.

thank me later

you forgot the part about painting his nails, not being a virgin, being a drug dealer in the past and changing his waifu

>has a whole collection of pics where they write his name on their hands
He pays them to do that
>basically a neetchad, the first of his kind
Chaotic was first
Hi gunjy

>Chaotic was first



>kys you stupid ugly beta
>be on r9k---call people beta
im not a beta, but whatever

>Quit my job earlier this month and kinda been playing games and trying to learn to draw but later one is giving me trouble since i dont known where to start.
you can do it man, just keep trying.
You can get a job, try get NEETbux though.
>now you
been abusing alcohol and benzos, blacked out and threatened my mum and wanted to run through some houses of dealers near me for $$ so I can visit a friend.

Someone threatened me in my server so I posted my full doxx last week because I just dont give a fuck, was also blacked out on benzos and alcohol at the time.
what can you do? give me suicide fuel kek, id rather doxx myself than some fat fucking nerd.

Was fasting this week, longest I went was over 3 days, I plan not to eat until im chad fit again.

>why the fuck would I want to hear that?
I have exciting life for a hikki
lets see, are you
1. that polfag I "e dated" because I wanted to see if I could get you to an hero and become a sissy for fun?
2. some roastie I was just playing with

I am not a commie at all man, as long as I get my bux im fine.
that webm isnt me its some fag someone catfished for me because he was a fan of me or some shit.
im a really nice person, here add me on shitcord melancholymouse#6708

>After spending over 24h trying to help my friends I just died and so did my friends.
>Totally worth not sleepingww
I posted my discord in this thread, if I ditched you I did for a reason or not because im literally insane lel
add me
>he tried to get me to post hand pics
>he failed
I didnt bother trying because I get what I want.
I paint my nails, i like them looking pretty.
>He pays them to do that
I dont pay them, I used to have a HUGE collection but deleted it when I thought I was about to be V&, wiped my HDD.

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You're an orbiter and a literal who loser who thinks it's funny to larp as a girl and get a autistic virgin robot to nut on your waifu as a joke because you're a dull faggot in denial.

You're a god-tier beta and a boring drag to speak to.

>so I can visit a friend.
where does your friend live? :3?

>here add me on shitcord
give me a good reason to

Had a nice day of vidya, I'm pseudo-NEET right now since I fucked up this semester at Uni. Besides that I've started using Tinder, feels really weird but maybe it'll lead to something, anything would be better than no real social contact.

Man I miss legit wholesome (You) posters, what happened to the other Megumin user? I hope he's doing ok.

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>I dont pay them
You orbit a tranny and a mutt and give them your neetbux

not polfag
i ditched you kek

>thinks it's funny to larp as a girl and get a autistic virgin robot to nut on your waifu
I didnt get him to do that, someone who is a "fan" of me did it.
also that wasnt a robot it was some arab.

>where does your friend live? :3?
USA, also a friend in Germany but he will kill himself soon.
I already have a tribute marked on myself for him :( i try hard to make sure he doesnt die but I cant do much more now.

>give me a good reason to
i odnt care about you or what you do.
>I've started using Tinder
fuck off you normalfag
>social contact.
why do you need this? I dont.
who cares what happened to him, he probably killed himself.
>You orbit a tranny and a mutt and give them your neetbux
thats a satirical meme, god you know nothing kek

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>not polfag
>i ditched you kek
I ditched EVERYONE I knew not long ago.
I never erp with you unless you think sharing some hentai is erping.
you are a literal who, some randy I dont know.

If I was "erping" with you, I likely just wanted you to like me etc so I could break you down.
I talk to too many faggots to remember one like you

In EVE Online there is a big-ish fight happening
My corp(guild) and I tried to help them, but got killed after like 10 minutes
We spent roughly 24h preparing for this fight just to die this quickly

where in the us? what state?

>why do you need this?
Well you seem like a well rounded individual, so I wonder why I'd want to be different from you? :^)

when are you killing yourself? year's almost over, make sure to stream it

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(basically I am bummed out)

pretty boring stuff. i try to play fallout 4 just a program makes the game lag. i need to remember to close it. i'm not that far into the game, just got to level 2.

i wish i went out when i was younger. i got into a bad car accident when i was 25 on mothers day. friend mother just bitched about my present and when i came home she was bitching about that i'm lucky to be home i would gave you away to the state.

>i wish i went out when i was younger.
maN I WENT OUT AND IT RUINED me so bad bro

Been sick for two weeks
>Almost passed out during graduation I became so physically weak from all the standing and stress
Fun fact: We stood for 30 minutes maximum and I regularly fell into an energy conserving trance
>Missed two weeks of work
They were understanding because they had to send me home last time I tried to go in I became so ill
>Missed playing outside during the one snow day per year we get
And it was the biggest since I moved here over a decade ago. Normally I'd go out anyways but the cold dry air instantly sends me into a series of hacking coughs and I can barely breath
>Have to keep pushing back a needed dentist appointment
>BF's been here for 3-4 days and we have barely been able to lewd each other
>I sound like I have throat cancer and smoke 40 packs per day so my voice is anti-cute

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Had my first actual day off in a few weeks.Got finals coming up, which is gonna suck, but I just started a new anime, so that's pretty nice.

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Pretty uneventful day really. Spent the last three hours of my shift doing practically nothing, but that's okay, got payed to sit around pretty much. Not sure what I'll do now, maybe play more RDR2 or something.

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I've been at my grandparents place because my granddad suffered a stroke and can neither talk nor walk. I feel really bad when I'm around him as I can't help him and don't know what to talk about. My granny is really overwhelmed with this Situation and I don't know how Long this will keep running.
As I left I saw how she couldn't hold her tears back and started crying at the doorstep.
As I finally reached home I started on a presentation About animal ethics for tomorrow/today.
My day could've been better but it could be worse.

wagecuck kek, I sit at home all day
just enjoy your time
man that sounds mad fucked up

Hello user, I presume you are different from the Megumin poster before. Quite miss Kotomi-poster too.

Was reading though fell asleep for around an hour and was woken up through the incessant 'power low' notifications on my phone and its spazzing out thereafter - will look into it later, I don't plan on going back to sleep and was supposed to not sleep tonight anyhow.

Had some long hours and do so today though should get through it fine, as to how I should spend hours outside its hard to debate. Guess I'll write it down on a slip of paper and go through accordingly.

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Trying to anyway. Getting comfy and having a few glasses of wine.

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im the orginal megumin poster, that otehr faggot got mad I was telling fags to kill themselves

W-which one was that again; I am aware of three Megumin posters;
>one who posts lewds, identifiable because they post images that are lewd
>one who is somewhat nice albeit highly suicidal and needs to be hugged like nothing else before
>one who is a shut in, extremely self-hating and again needs to be hugged a lot
I kept seeing one getting upset though never really could tell which it was.

Were you on close or anything? It seems strange to not do much unless you are on a graveyard shift. Good-luck in whatever you decide to do today!

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Why havent you taken my advice and gone out to reforest australia? PLanting trees is a large biological imperative than sex

Yeah, closing, then we had a meeting afterwards, it was all just reiterating stuff though.

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mine was pretty shitty, told a friend I was interested in her and she doesnt feel the same

i died some time ago or maybe i was never born and now i am simply walking through a void of non-life where nothing changes and other people are just phantom figures that live in a separate reality far apart from mine, there is no rest from this endless pointless nothingness

That sounds comfortable, especially if it is the sluggish sort of close. Think I'm going to die tonight though there's nothing that can be done. What was the meeting about?

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>Think I'm going to die tonight though there's nothing that can be done
What's wrong, Starbo user?

Just some upcoming changes going on in the company that are going to be rolled out over the next year.

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We're all dead this is just limbo. Nothing ever changes and it's never going to end.

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I 'quit' my job again today. Only one hour into my shift I just walked out of the door. It was only my second day.
This has happened so many fucking times.

I'm done. NEETbux come in tommorow and I'm spending it on charcoal and a BBQ grill.

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Mistakenly thought that I had a day off today and tomorrow - while I was correct on tomorrow, I have a long shift today which while it is a Monday aren't confident in being able to get through. Don't get me wrong, I do my best at all times and have a good rep for speed and such; though where usually I have one or two days (usually Saturday) to cool down and rest properly, I haven't relaxed at all this week and hence keep feeling faint. It shouldn't be much an issue as I'm more than used to it though I do worry that it'll get worse especially as my shift is later and the potential to tire all the easier. As my phone is seemingly broken at the moment (and so my alarm unusable) I can't schedule sleep at all today either, should be able to get it fixed in time. My biggest fear is passing out and then missing a shift or worse passing out during one (given A. the embarrassment and B. knowing that my sleep deficit would at least lock me into about 10 hours sleep that'd only reset a sense of self-hatred. Sorry if this comes off as egocentric, I know it isn't a real problem compared to what many have to deal with, worried about being worried as all.

Do you often post Sailor Jupiter? Never seen anyone with that though seems nice enough a character. Never watched Sailor Moon though me and my friend did play one of the arcade games a week ago. Would you recommend getting into it given the time? Also as far as changes go is it downsizing or is your company increasing in some respects? I've never witnessed anywhere doing the latter though it'd be great if so.

Sorry to hear user, was there anything in particular that made you leave? Nice that you'll be spending the money on a grill, as to what utility you'll receive from it unless you live in Australia is beyond one's capacity to imagine - nonetheless good luck!

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It's worse it's an actual normie who pretends to be a robot to hit on fembots.

I do live in australia and im using it to kill myself.
I left because im a useless piece of shit that runs away from everything. everyone else with anxiety and depression is capable of working, yet here i am avoiding it like the plague.

Oooh, I know how that goes, especially the disappointment when you realize you aren't actually off and have to work a long shift. Best of luck to you, hopefully it goes smoothly.

Probably one of my more common characters lately, along with some of the other Sailor Senshi, but I do change it up pretty often still. Sailor Moon is a pretty fun series, corny and can get repetitive, but I'd say it's worth watching, just don't binge it and wear yourself out, especially since it's on the longer side.

The company is actually growing, which is pretty nice, but this was more about changes in the software that we run and such.

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H-how do you commit suicide using a grill, will this be you? Also it seems the common individual is generally less capable than his oriental peers be it due to excess in western life or other potential cause. I wouldn't flay yourself too much for avoidance though recognize the self-fulfilling prophecies that you set into motion.

Your image was one's reaction to said stunning realization. She does seem rather pretty if I may say so, s-sorry if that sounds stupid. Never seen the appeal much of the cast though had no idea there really was a Jupiter. Seem to recall reading that it gets absurdly dark towards the end.

Good that your company is growing and such, must be a nice feeling~

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>commit suicide using a grill
Carbon monoxide poisoning I assume.

Makoto is my favorite of the Inner Senshi, though I do really like Minako (Venus) and Usagi (Moon) too. I also like Hotaru (Saturn), she's the guardian of death and rebirth.

Attached: Sailor_saturn_20.jpg (500x367, 38K)

>tell me about your day
been studying all day, and I'm utterly pooped.
rinse and repeat tomorrow.
gotta love it.

Been doing great recently.

Was going to be set up with grill but it fell through. Still happy af.

Self worth is at an all time high

Always thought you had to use a car for that or an exit bag of sorts, interesting. Isn't Venus the most popular of them? Can imagine Saturn having a cute smile for some reason.

Bless your cotton socks, don't work yourself too hard!

Females are memes, don't fret. Glad you're doing well, any major improvements in life insofar as the previous week is concerned?

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Charcoal will do it if you're in an enclosed area, like inside the house or something, especially if you seal off the cracks around the windows and doors.

Venus is middle of the road in popularity I think, seems Usagi and Ami (Mercury) have always been way up there.

Attached: Sailor.Saturn.full.294062.jpg (810x860, 448K)

Just get a 2 stroke old motor chainsaw or a very old bike with cat converter

Is that so? Seems like a fun way to go at least relative to other methods. I think my grandma did that, or maybe she used an oven, no idea how domestic stuff works.

No idea why Mercury is popular. Saturn looks so adorable, I want to be friends with her and do whatever things friends do - like buy her iced biscuits, play video-games, try to talk but suck at it in a manner that is endearing.

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Yeah, carbon monoxide poisoning by sticking your head in a gas oven was something that people would do too.

I suppose people like Mercury because she's the shy, nerdy one. That sounds cute, Saturn is very adorbs.

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Hmm... sounds like neck pain though still interesting, hypothetically if you had to go out in any what what'd it be? Also sorry for what is about to be said but that image makes me want to poke the back of her knee and see if she squeals, you're corrupting me user, st-stahp!

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Well, having thought about it before, I'd probably go with a gun myself...

lul, she's so qt.

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Didn't pass any of my classes and feel like a stupid retard

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I had unprotected sex yesterday with this girl im seeing, it was at the end of her period and I came in her.
She is on the pill and will probably take it today or soon so its probably no big deal but damn Im so paranoid.
I think of shit like what if she misses the pill and ovulates early and shit fuck
Probably no big deal but just had to let it out

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