Weed smokers are all chads...

Weed smokers are all chads. This place has enough redditchads and they need to take their constant need for validation on their debauchery back to lereddit and leave us real robots alone to suffer. We don't need a constant reminder about all of the parties, sex, and other degeneracy that they engage in that we'll never even know of.

inb4 "I need it to cope", "just use the darknet", "dudeweedlol", "you can't make me stop"

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I smoke weed and i'm not chad

weed smokes are NOT all chads
that is beyond untrue

Yes you are. It's one of the most normalfag activities you can engage in. NPCs will defend you tooth and nail for your degenerate ways. You have to be hyper social to deal with your drug dealers and have your pot parties. You're a fucking chad and you don't belong here.

>people who are reliant on a drug and have deterritorialised a party drug into an isolating force are "chads"
keep projecting lad

Gay bait, sage

See? Fucking normalfags can't even cope with the idea that they're not a protected class because they're fucking potheads. They can't deal with the idea that they're not some downtrodden underground movement. Don't you have some "dudeweedlol" comments to post somewhere else?

It's not bait if it's true. You're just mad because you're realizing what you really are.

How the fuck does smoking weed make someone a chad? That is so beyond belief retarded.
Do you realize how many people smoke weed and get ZERO pussy?

>Drug dealers
I order online.

Bull fucking shit I'm a weed dealer and I hate fucking chads and Stacie's

all you literally do is send a message and meet them exchanging almost no words.

They're not Chad's but they do deserve the chamber.

At least someone in this thread is making some sense.

I don't smoke pot but I do other drugs. I'm a drug nerd. Does that make me a normalfag?

I said I've never never smoked a day in my life and the chad normalfags in the discord I play on said

>wow dude, actually I know a guy that has never smoked either.

Like it's some shocking revelation I haven't partaken in illegal drugs. Is it really that normal nowadays?

Fucking straight-edge people can't even cope with the fact that their aversion to drugs makes them more worthy of posting here than people who use drugs to cope with their problems. See, we can all deflect and reframe the issue like this.

I don't think you've ever met a stoner. They're gross, unkempt, unhygienic, and constantly out of it.

calling yourself any kind of nerd is a sign that you're a normiefaggot

I don't know how normal it is, you just sound gay. You don't get points in that situation for going against the crowd.

Combining nerd with things like drugs or sex makes you sound like a degenerate

If you actually cannot think of a way to get pot without needing to socialize, then you aren't 'a true robot', you are just retarded. Being retarded is not a prerequisite for being a robot.

No, some are just degenerate stoner burnouts, which is still pretty normie in my book.

These are examples of posts from 2015+ newfags.

This is an example of a post from a 2017+ newfags.

somewhat based if i'm being honest

Not that guy but.. was that supposed to be a comeback? Good lord. Thats some broken ass English too.

No, I've been here since 2007

>all weed smokers are chads
nice meme kid no go back to shitposting on /b/ or reddit faggot

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local stoner here, i've been on r9k for about 5 or 6 years and during that span of time i've never really qualified as a "chad". although thanks for the compliment desu

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Are you a social outcast? Easy fix for ya bud. Buy marijuana online, smoke it all by yourself in your parent's house, and presto. You're Chad now.

Weed smokers are lazy degenerate pieces of shit

This. They're just normalfags who don't want to do anything. Worst of the worst.


It's 18+ here, lil guy. Go find a blue board to pollute with your tryhard stoner zoomer trash.

My post was the one calling stoners disgusting. Get the fuck back to your site.

This is a terrible bait and I am amazed at how people fall for this.
user, I am disapointed in you.

I need benzos so I won't beat people up when angered.

>fry your brain on drugs
>need drugs to not be a menace to society
user, if only you had just chosen to not be a degenerate partyfuccdrugboi.

Not really. Degeneracy has always existed here as well as a hatred for degenerates. Putting you somewhere around 2012 le epic trol face.

Be a good goy and buy some harmless plants from your local colored goys!

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>man this one time i was at this party with a bunch of people with my large group of friends, and i went to talk to this girl but she only sucked me off instead of letting me fuck her in the ass! man my life is so hard holy shit guys am i right?

Hot damn, I didn't know that I was secretly a chad deep inside this whole time.

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weed makes me PSYCHOTIC

that's why I SMOKE it


*takes bong hit of TOBACCO*

Nic buzz hits me and I lose vision
spaghetti scatters and my brain scrambled eggs tatoes and cheese out the puzi

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That's crazy, dude. Have you ever done DMT?

top fucking kek, stoners are chads? just because chads do drugs for fun dont make stoners chads, most stoners i know are just losers who smoke too much and play too much vidya or watch dumb videos all day high as shit, achieving nothing in life.

Work on that shit user, it's hell when they stop working. If you haven't built a tolerance yet, just keep doing what you're doing and you will.

Reddit is that way you degenerate pot apologist. It's a normfag activity whether you like it or not. And normalfags don't belong here.

nice bby ur cut af haha

What kind of zoomershit is this?

I smoke kush and I'm a nonconformist columbiner

...that looks like a chad

aryan genes ftw

the quality of your genetics will determine how severe the weed affects your brain functions/IQ

in some cases weed can make you see your purpose in life

chads do cocaine and pills everybody smokes weed