We’ll make a meme out of u

Found this channel on a YouTube thread # can we turn him into a politically incorrect meme

My idea is a prepper meme or something like Nerd 101 wants you to prepare for the great replacement

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Other urls found in this thread:


Can we make the channel a meme or am I shooting blanks

Attached: D39B0D49-D337-4F01-87CE-931CEBD5DE5C.jpg (750x640, 62K)

Based Nerd101 poster

Attached: 1544347643518.jpg (255x204, 10K)

Is it just me or does the kid look like the Michelin man with glasses and a bad haircut

Attached: 16CE0519-3F4F-4D24-A69E-AF6659B02313.jpg (1536x2252, 224K)

Can we get this out there
The meme is that he seems like a nice quiet kid but is actually a racist or sexist or a insert random trait

Attached: 7025B623-F792-40A0-BE3E-A77678E139E3.jpg (750x650, 62K)

Feel free to make ur own version of the meme and post it

Attached: 338257CB-4AAA-4433-AF51-440A7A2CE443.jpg (750x650, 61K)

Can this become a meme

Attached: 6F30ED27-C9BE-4DCA-A52D-1CB7535BAD8D.jpg (750x636, 82K)

Can we make this kid a meme

Attached: 0E7DD3F2-3BAF-48D5-A7A2-97F795A344BE.jpg (750x616, 62K)

Watch out for ledditors. Also, wait for this meme to die in 2 days after it gets out of here.

Post them there memes

Attached: D5E97CA1-6D6B-47DA-9F8C-C11FC3802A54.jpg (750x650, 60K)

What do u mean can u elaborate
I am trying to get it out there so wouldnt reditters help

Is this /our guy/
Is he Fredpilled

Attached: 6A694E71-8AD2-42AF-A250-FE1519AD9859.jpg (750x607, 65K)

Can we make him the face of incels

Attached: 95A34019-E557-4279-8B4F-9FA31CFA65A6.jpg (750x616, 61K)

Here is a meme template

Attached: 5F9539F1-BD07-4D9A-BBFF-2D2A49A6E3B5.jpg (750x616, 52K)

The second meme template

Attached: C30C38FE-ADD8-4CA7-A43A-F50C0A4B010C.jpg (730x633, 54K)

The third meme template

Attached: 124B3F6F-92EC-4B49-839D-0AC7D21FC50C.jpg (750x639, 62K)

The fourth meme template

Attached: 06AFA13A-F240-4C12-B792-761C1DE6C3FD.jpg (750x636, 79K)

God you're actually the saddest human in existence.
Imagine being so Reddit and underage that you try this hard to get some random dude on the internet to become a "meme" just because he looks abit off.

>17 posts in this thread
>5 individual people have posted here including me
I get the creeping suspicion that OP is Nerd 101 and is desperate for meme fame

Idk, I'd assume it's some kid from his school that he doesn't like and tries to use Jow Forums as his own personal army.

I do use reddit but Im not underage

Im not nerd 101 just thought that the kid looked funny (he is fat and the video quality is shit) and that the meme had potential

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He is changing his name on YouTube can we get some shitposters to suggest names

Attached: A83D0447-35AB-40C9-8B07-112F1BE86499.jpg (750x627, 56K)

>I do use reddit but Im not underage
Get the fuck out of here you utter faggot.

>I do use reddit
please go back

Attached: 1538521536271.jpg (400x400, 26K)

>t. Nerd 101

I should have said I used to use it the last time I went on the website was over half a year a go

Dont be ashamed that your a reddit faggot

>I do use reddit but Im not underage
>the last time I went on the website was over half a year a go
quit backpedaling, leave the kid alone, and leave this place you fuck head

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U should be be disgusted with yourself
Ur just a big bully who picks on little kids

Attached: 0A2E4CE1-2337-4160-A102-6AA0368329A3.gif (600x920, 67K)

You guys have to watch his bug out bag video.
I never knew I could use a compass to find thi gs that fell out of my fag bag!
Also, i love his extremely intelligent use of mirrors.

Attached: Screenshot_20181209-203419.png (2048x1156, 1.34M)

I cant tell wether he is a mutt or white or a shitskin

we should make him the /nice boy/ or /prepper boy/ meme

Stop posting as me you faggot.

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