This kid in my physics class

Attached: uggo.jpg (829x985, 124K)

more of this shitter

Attached: IMG_20171128_133828.jpg (226x301, 9K)

Looks like hes got a big thicc tasty cock though.

This dude would actually be chad if he got a nosejob.

Personally I don't have a single feature that stands out as being ugly that I could get fixed, it's more like the composition of my face as a whole rates at below average. It's a bad kind of feel.

he's not that ugly desu

Mogs the shit out of me

he looks perfectly normal, probably dating a cute girl that you want to talk to but lack the balls lol

this guy looks masculine as fuck, woman like that if you didnt know.

would date tbqh

This guy is next level. Met him at a horse race.

Attached: 0099.jpg (500x558, 47K)

I mean his nose is fucking gigantic but he look absolutetly chad as fuck, if I was a woman I would let him fuck me hard
If I was a woman, of course. Which I am not ahahaha

Looks like a grown man to me. Not only that, but compared to me, he's a Chad.

He looks like Ben Shapiro's younger brother, 5/10 I'd say

hes not ugly at all. likely has far more of a life than your jealous ass

>not yourself

I don't think anybody is uglier than me

Your not posting a picture of yourself to make yourself feel better are you?

Hes hot
I would cold approach

Listen zoomer, at about the early twenties women stop being attracted to the feminine metrosexual modelesque twink with the soi hair and start getting more attracted to actual masculine features as seen in the op.

Yeah, he's pretty alright. An intense dude that says the N word a lot.

don't know him personally but this is the ugliest subhuman i've ever seen

Attached: IMG_1488.jpg (720x724, 95K)

This thread is dumb. Stop making dumb threads.

This is some next level self-deprecating attention seeking
Fuck off to /soc/ if you want rates like everyone else

That's not him though. He said it was someone he knows.

Is this your first day on this site? People do this shit all the time because they want to be roasted and harshly critiqued. They pretend it's somebody else and not them so that it technically doesn't break the rules and doesn't get deleted.

Now this is what I'd call ugly

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They just need to take a shower and be themselves.

Back when people posted their faces on this board someone posted mine as the OP post, and that's when I realized I needed to make some changes in my life.

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He look like eggplant

Attached: 10638099_817942961570787_344303830_n.jpg (455x455, 20K)

Yes, he sure does look like eggplant