Fembots we post our bare minimum standards in a guy

Fembots we post our bare minimum standards in a guy
>not black, asian, pajeet, or mestizo
>not fat
>not ugly
>has a job that supports the both of us
>on the taller side so 5'10
>5+ inch dick, and good girth
>doesn't smoke/drink
>isn't a porn/sex addict
>isn't a video game playing manchild
>doesn't want kids
>not religious
>isn't a raging misogynist
>no older than 25
>outgoing but introverted
>likes going to amusement parks and exploring nature
>into horror/superaction movies
>will watch weird documentaries with me

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>no mestizo
N-Not even if i have 60-70% european admixture?

i meet if u gib contact info

why you're single

these kind of guys wouldnt be interested in you or be here on r9k

Honestly All I want is a giant fucking dick. I'm don't care about appearance money or anything, in this moment all I want is a mega schlong wrecking my pussys

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>>doesn't smoke/drink
>>isn't a porn/sex addict
>>isn't a video game playing manchild

>>not religious

good luck with that

>doesn't drink
>isn't a video game playing manchild
Well that's where you lost me, bitch. I have a decent folder and I fap once or twice a day, so you'd probably call me a porn addict too. Hope you get raped.

>on the taller side so 5'10

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>taller than me or my height - i'm 5'7
>not obese / ugly. i'm Jow Forums my partner needs to be as well
>makes within 30k of me if making less money than me; entry level for my field is 80k, max up to 150k.
>alternatively, if makes less money than that, is willing to be a house husband
>6+ inch dick.
>not a smoker / drinker
>wants kids
>no std's / major illnesses mental or physical
>is open to either converting to my religion, or attending church with me on occasion (russian eastern orthodoxy)

luckily fiance meets all these requirements, and more.
>6ft, 8 inch dick, makes as much money as i do, older than me, wants kids, straight edge, is converting to eastern orthodoxy shortly before we get married

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very weak bait. timidly weak bait, its like you were scared to type this because you knew how easily it would be seen through

>isn't a raging misogynist
Tick all the boxes except for this. Sorry babe, we're just not meant to be.

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>meet all of these
step it up next time

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>am mysogonist
>am religious
>don't smoke/ drink
>don't watch porn
>like horror, but only old stuff
>6 feet tall

That's me

I'm 100% white, stopped vidya, play lacrosse now

I'm okay with that, but 8 inch for women translates to 6 in in rl. Guys just lie about their schlongs lol

You sound very boring.

He is:

>6+ feet
>mandhandles me
>big shoulders
>not a NEET
>not an asshole
>likes animals

Actually you can do more interesting stuff, when you don't waste your life drinking and smoking

>isn't a porn/sex addict
>isn't a video game playing manchild
>doesn't want kids
>not religious
>isn't a raging misogynist
>outgoing but introverted
>likes going to amusement parks and exploring nature
>will watch weird documentaries with me
Remember that you're can't demand a lot if you don't have to offer.

>doesn't want kids
You are killing me girl.

uhm???? haha? i have the capability of having non-gay sex with you. what else does your dumb little depraved male mind need?

>loves me
>not abusive

Now this are actual minimum standards

is 7.8 inches good enough? I don't care as long as you're std free and hug me like the retard I am after.

im most of these but ill smoke and drink when i fucking want thank you

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>not fat
>bare minimum
>meanwhile guys will literally settle for women who are 350 lbs.

The absolute state of women

No, you get your own job, I have mine. 50/50 all the way.

>>has a job that supports the both of us
>>isn't a raging misogynist
Pick one

No one cares you useless obnoxious whore, stop shitting up the board with your garbage threads.