>be total failure
>have no desire to do anything with my life
>just want to be a hikikomori and sit on my room all day
Does anyone else feel like this? it's like I have accepted that I don't fit into this society, and just want to be a hermit in peace.
Be total failure
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Post discord, do it right now or I promise you'll regret not doing it.
I don't even have a discord. I just said that want to be a hikki and isolate myself. Why would I have a tool that is used to talk to other people, like discord?
Same here but I cant be a hikkineet because I need the money. I wish I could just be alone with my PC my consoles for multiple years. I just hate the outside world, staying home is the only thing that feels good
>just want to be a hikikomori and sit on my room all day
This is what I did, just weed, internetz, shitposting and vidya, it's very comfy desu.
I almost feel sorry for wagecucks... almost.
That's crazy, lonely user-man. Have you ever done DMT?
Life is all about momentum. You need to do something, think of the smallest good thing you can do for yourself right now. Eat an apple, do your room, write your thoughts, medidate, do 5 push-ups, anything.
Get the ball rolling.
i almost completely sympathize but i would like to be able to take walks and go to the market for food. ideally there wouldn't be any other people there besides me
The point of Welcome to the NHK was to show how fucking shitty life as a NEET is, not encourage it.
And really, NEET life sounds like it would fucking suck if you don't at least have some sort of project.
I'm not saying the wageslave life is better though.
>tfw the pendulum swings between boredom and pain
All completely and utterly pointless in the grand scheme of the universe, now fuck off.
>I'm not saying the wageslave life is better though
No shit, it's probably 100x worse than being NEET.
>just want to be a hikikomori and sit on my room all day
Yes yes yes
>He doesn't know about the slight edge
Rome wasn't built in a day, you retard
If you were at peace with the meaninglessness of the "grand scheme of things" you wouldn't be so bitter and you wouldn't lash out like this.
>The point of Welcome to the NHK was to show how fucking shitty life as a NEET is, not encourage it
While this is true, notice that Satou's life did not really get any better after he stopped being a hikki. All that changed was that now he had to go out to do a shitty job instead of being home all day.
Realistically, this is all I will get out of life: one day my parents will stop supporting my hermit lifestyle, so I will have to get a shitty job to sustain myself. It wouldn't make my life better, it would just be a bother.
And he got Misato, I guess. But I think we both know there will be no Misato for me. I realise I have nothing that would be attractive to a woman, which is why I have given up in trying to get a partner.
I have never been interested in doing drugs.
Rome didn't fall in one either, eat shit brainlet.
I'm not bitter, I'm a realist, it's only the pointless thinking of normie NPCs like you that pisses me off.
I only watched the anime but I remember that he first got a bunch of shitty jobs and then he started going to college again.
Now, this may sound like some normalfag optimistic shit, but by going out and working/studying your chances of meeting people you like (friends at least) literally go up by 100%. You could at least do/study something you are interested in even if it only lets you earn the bare minimum to survive.
Misaki was a crazy emotionally damaged bitch, that one friend Satou had was worth 10 Misakis.
Anyway, most people are fucking shit and maybe it's not worth the effort in the end, but if you fully commit to the hikki lifestyle there will be no turning back when you start feeling really lonely.
You pointing out that everything is meaningless but then lowering NPC thinking to some arbitrarily lower level than your thinking is not a "realist" thing to do.
Fucking dumbass brainlet
>Duh, I use semantics that I pulled out my ass, dat says u can't b a realist!
What do you want me to say to that? I'm sorry because you're a witless brainlet that's not on my level of thinking?
lol, no, go neck yourself
Why the fuck would you want to sit on your room Instead of in it.
You're so far in your shit that you don't know how fucked you actually are. I hope you're at peace on your deathbed.
>I don't fucking know what to say
>umm...y-you're a brainlet!
Just shut the fuck up next time.
>but by going out and working/studying your chances of meeting people you like (friends at least) literally go up by 100%. You could at least do/study something you are interested in even if it only lets you earn the bare minimum to survive
I have really tried to believe in this
. I'm in my second college now, I have an useless meme degree I got just to pretend to my parents that I was doing something, and decided I would try to do another meme degree in something I thought I would like instead of getting a shitty job. It's been a miserable experience, and I am about to drop out and lock myself in my room, like I said. I only ever went out to go to lectures, and now I haven't even been doing that. I mostly just lie in my bed and sleep all day now.
All I learned in college was that I don't fit anywhere, nobody wants anything to do with me, and that I don't like to do anything. No ambition, no passions, no hobbies. I just don't see the point in trying anymore. Maybe I'm not meant to be with other people. I don't know, user.
>actually managed to confuse Misaki with Misato
>starting to get my chinese cartoons mixed up
This is how dementia begins, isn't it?
Because I'm not a native speaker of english, and here in the third world we like to sit on our rooms instead. Isn't that weird?
You already lost the game, user.
Hikki life is not viable, either your parents kick you out or you die, and then you'll have to figure everything out by yourself.
Even if you don't like people, you'll still be forced to interact and work alongside with them in nearly any job you could get. I don't know what your meme interests are, but if it's something like artistic marine biology then you'll just end up having to do some "low tier" job in which you are still forced to interact with people anyway.
Now two things can happen:
-You adapt to it and live on
-You kill yourself
Don't even plan ahead for a neet life in a third world country, it's not even remotely viable.
Land your feet on the ground and think hard about it, you won't be a manchild forever, literally.
Currently a hikikomori for 2 months. It's driving me crazy having no one to talk to aside from your parents and other family members. Guys like have no clue what it does to your psyche. You come out broken and mentally ill from all that isolation.
Any hikikomoris dream of being in a monastery? If you feel you are not meant to be with other people, maybe seclusion from the real world in the form of spiritualism and religion will b e a remedy for this.
I dont know where I fit in really. I kinda want to have a nuclear family with a normal wife and a kid but yet I'm hyper degenerate and I'm well aware the world is going to absolute shit with automation, climate change and americas brownification and so on. I'm also just lazy as hell and really hate having to work and do things I dont wanna do
Currently living the hikikomori NEET life. I'm bored most of the time but I rather be bored than work and interact with people. I don't know what I'm going to do when my mother dies or can no longer house and feed me, maybe that'll give me the push to work or maybe I just kill myself.
Read the novel instead of the shitty anime and manga, you autistic losers.
If I could be neet my whole life it would be nice but I genuinely want to get my degree