She deserved it

For those of you who dont know this guy bashed his annoying cunt wife on live stream.

Heres the vid

Basically he wanted to have some time to himself playing a game and his annoying nagging cunt of wife came in and started antagonizing him, throwing things at him and baiting him into violence. When he retaliated, justly so she started pouring on the fake water works and called him a woman basher. She then attacks his man hood causing him to react again. This happens about 3 times and she goes from a noble strong inddpetny womyn in one instance to a crying ltitle bitch victim in another. The psychotic levels of femoids is demonstrated here.

Women are cunts, stay the fuck away from them. Talk shit get hit cunts.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Echochamber got silent so I better yell again

is he a auscuck?

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He also called his very young daughter a cunt just for saying "dadda"

That's just an Aussie thing ya cunt

>Im a cross board casual on a board she hates

You have no ground to stand on cunt.

Aus hero you mean.

Thats normal in Australia.

No, it isn't. Not even bogans would say it to their kids.

What a sperg. She obviously just wants attention or some sort of reaction, but if he ignores her or stays calm she will eventually get bored an fuck off. Too bad he is too autistic to realize that.

Dont get married and have kids if you're gonna be a spergy manchild

How come the average American is more eloquent than the average aussie? It's like most aussies are white trash. Why is this?

I know, I live in Australia. I still do not think that you should treat a child who seems less than 4 years old. And he did not seem to say it in a joking way like you would with your friends, he was being a fucking dickhead.

You shouldn't slap your pregnant wife, IN FRONT OF YOUR CHILD, because she antagonized you and threw some cardboard at you.

It sounded more like a punch than a slap.

>taking what I said seriously

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>but if he ignores her or stays calm she will eventually get bored an fuck off

She wont. She'd end up hitting him. Moreover he shouldn't have to put up with it.

She shoudnt be acting like a cunt.

>She shoudnt be acting like a cunt.
No, she shouldn't, and nowhere in my comment did I deny that she was being a cunt. I'm just saying that he's a fucking asshole because he slapped/punched a pregnant woman in front of their children. He took it much further than she did.

It's disturbing how everyone is giving her a free pass, but treating him like a monster because he did something that was far less harmful than what she did.

Fortnite ruins families

>he did something that was far less harmful than what she did.
What? She threw some cardboard at him, and he slapped or punched her.

Women are physically weak. If you've seen a woman being beaten, it's like watching someone beat a child. He beat an overgrown child for throwing cardboard and nagging him.

He's just as abusive and hateful as she is.

Normally I'd say she earned that smack, but she clearly wanted it
Those cries were pic related
He should've denied her of that desire, doused the place in gasoline, burned it down, get an RV, and explored the world

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Its the only choice he had. This wasnt the first time this has happened to him and he snapped. If he hadnt of done anything she would have kept harassing him.

A few smacks hardly constitutes a "beating"
And if I acted like her as a kid, my dad would've smacked me too. Rightfully so, in my opinion

Fucking aye

So she can throw shit at him and demean his manhood but he cant retaliate? Everyone knows calling a woman names doesnt stop them, it stokes their egos in an argument, We need to use violence.

I see nothing wrong with that. Beating children used to be common place, it instilled discipline in them.

Was she harmed at all by that slap? No. What she did was far more abusive, and manipulative.

He should have Batista bombed her ass or rock bottomed her shit wasn't enough.

This spazmoid has a wife and beats her cuz he wanna play fortnite! What a fucking child! And all you who support that get a job, hit the gym and find a gf. Your money is your life value get over it you ugly, fat, atrophic, dirty skinned, Nazi fucks.

I don't care if she deserved it: the kid sure as hell didn't deserve to have to see that.

I'm pretty sure there are ways of stopping someone weaker than you from harassing you than straight up assaulting them. For example maybe just fucking see what she wants, or if you have to get physical just grab her wrist or something.

>So she can throw shit at him and demean his manhood but he cant retaliate?
Throwing cardboard at someone isn't as bad as hitting them. Also if your only option when someone "demeans your manhood" aka says some mean words is to hit them, you have some problems that need sorting out.
>Beating children used to be common place, it instilled discipline in them.
Beating your child for doing something wrong just teaches them not to get caught next time. It also means they will avoid admitting to doing anything because they don't want to be hit.

Video games cause heightened aggression. He is definitely at fault, but in the same way that a drunk driver is at fault for running over a person. If he never played this intense and violent video game this would have never happened.

Should have turned off the camera before giving her the beating lmao

t. 0 children

If I had children I wouldn't be posting on r9k, and I have little doubt in my mind that the same goes for you.

My wife is pregnant, I've made the decision to stop posting once the child is born.

yeah right ur gonna end up like fatman, shitposting about stupid bull while your offspring enters into its first experiences on earth

Only niggers think it's okay to hit women.

Even if that ends up being the case, at least I'm shitposting while my offspring are out developing, and I'm not shitposting while my sperm slowly age and die without ever reaching an egg.

Okay? I don't get your point.

Correlation does not equal casuation brainlet.

My point is you are going to die without breeding. A line of descent that extends billions of years will end with your failure. Your ancestor's legacy ends because of (You)

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>a line of descent that extends billions of years.
Wow what a gross overestimation you literal retard.

>being this bluepilled

she picked him, therefor deserves whatever she gets

Why is touching a woman seen as the ultimate crime? She feels a bit of a sting, but that's it. Why are we all forced to act like women are the ultimate weaklings?

The same thing happening to a man wouldn't even warrant any kind of attention, but the level of harm is exactly the same.

>My point is you are going to die without breeding. A line of descent that extends billions of years will end with your failure. Your ancestor's legacy ends because of (You)

Your kid's gonna die dude.

The whole situation is hilarious enough
She's stupid enough to have children with him
He's stupid enough not to suspend the stream
She's stupid enough to throw things and try for round 2
He's stupid enough to enjoy Fortnite

You're going to die too.

True af, none of this matters.

Arguments like this only prove how retarded you are. How many people alive today have a distant relative that only exists because of violent rape? Breeding isn't the only important thing in the world. Retard. It's like the DDIQ solution to force yourself into believing you'll leave some kind of tangible legacy. Do yourself a fav and look up famous people through-out history that never had kids. Now imagine if population levels had been as high as they are now with proper birth control? That list would be even bigger.

>True af, none of this matters.
Primordial yikes.

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>he snapped

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The only legacy that matters is blood. I never said breeding was the only important thing, but it's a central pillar of existence.
>violent rape
So what? Do you think this is tumblr? There is nothing wrong with rape, women like to be violently raped and then fall in love their rapist. That is normal.

I'm not atheist, I believe in the Christian God as an evil(by human standards) deity. Makes me a real God-fearing Christian, pretty based and redpilled imho.

t. weird fetish for their wife being raped

>I believe X deity is the creator of humans and all existence, but by human standards(just my personal opinion) he is not nice!

Only your tofu filled cuck mind could reach such a conclusion. Obviously a female that is already pair bonded can't pair bond with her rapist, unless her husband was dead or something I guess, but then her pair bond would be broken.

lmao I thought that was onision at first.

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what are these mental gymnastics?
"muh stolen wife couldn't pairbond with her rapist unless I was dead"

Human moral standards can be quantified and defined though, if God were a human he'd be seen as evil under these common moral standards but that's what I believe in and I don't see what gives you the right to insult my religion.

I guess biology is mental gymnastics when you have no understanding of it.

Jeez, what an aspie. Manchildren like you should be lynched

>Human moral standards can be quantified
Stopped reading because you clearly don't know what the word quantified means. Stop pretending to be fucking smart you idiot.

I was going to reply, but this guy made a good enough reply.

How many of you people think murder is bad?
Me, me, not me. 2 people think it's bad, 1 person don't, we just quantified some morality.

>kept harassing him
I refer you to

exactly. your lack of understanding is why you keep setting them. surely you understand a woman's "pair bond" wouldn't just magically dissipate the instant she realizes her husband is dead (>or something i guess) as I said before: arguments like this only prove how retarded you are.

>murder is bad
Murder is, by definition, an unjust killing. You've just asked "do you think bad things are bad?" you drooling retard.

No you fucking didn't, You quantified a number of people. You can't quantify something that's intangible you fucking moron.

Did I say that pair bond would instantaneously go away, you retard? I never even said it would definitely go away, only that the only circumstances that it might would be if the male she pair bonded with was dead and a new love was possible.

Learn the basic biology of mammals, you high school drop out.

you never said "might" or even implied it - stop lying. your damage control fucking sucks. you're done.

>There is nothing wrong with rape, women like to be violently raped and then fall in love their rapist. That is normal.
REMINDER: This user believes that it is normal for his wife to fall in love with her rapist.

I'm done talking to retards, that is for sure. Enjoy dying alone by the way.

>let me just act like a fucking animal and physically attack you lol

replace 'anti-semite' with 'retard' and this is you LOL

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My wife is pair bonded, she would fight any would be rapist and protect my reproductive monopoly. If I had violently raped my wife to take her, that would have been normal.

What do you think moral standards are?

then change murder to abortion or coughing without covering your mouth. also murder isn't the unjust killing of a person, it's the unlawful killing of a person. Unjust means something is morally wrong, unlawful means that something breaks the law. If you want to use another definition than what both myself and the dictionary use then don't, just know that when I said murder I meant an unlawful killing, not an unjust killing.

>I-I lost the argument!? I know, I'll just say that everyone who disagrees with me is retarded as a substitute for a closing remark with actual sustenance! That'll clearly show that I possess the moral high ground and am ending this argument because I am so superior to my opponents that they aren't worthy of my time as a supreme intellectual! I can't wait to post about this epic pwnage on reddit later hehehe!.
See ya pal.

>then change murder to abortion
Stopped reading. Killing an unborn baby is murder.

>There is nothing wrong with rape,
These are your words. Why would she fight? She would fall in love with him. Maybe put up a token resistance...
Your arguments don't work when you're making special exceptions for your life, retard.

>Stopped reading
Yikes, I kinda kicked your ass in the rest of your post then.


I mean, that's better than hitting some one because you lose an arguement.
Normal people go take a walk and breathe when things start to escalate.
Fucking psychos hit other people.

Those are my words. There is nothing wrong with killing either, that statement does not mean I don't recognize unjust killings.

an 'unjust' killing could easily be defined as 'wrong'
are you ESL or something?

You are so close to understanding feminism. Like, feet away from an epiphany.

Moral standards differ based on what metaphysical philosophy you particularly indulge in. A Epicurean hedonist, for example will have a different moral compass than say a Utilitarian Hedonist. However; your question doesn't resolve the sustenance of your argument that something with no quantity can be quantified. Quantity can only be measured by a subjects relation to other like subjects. This is the first requirement for quantification. The second requirement is that any quantity must be grounded in physicality. Meaning: numbers as a simple example can be quantified because of their relation to physical objects. (for instance counting pebbles, dollars, or literally anything else in the material universe) The reason you cannot quantify something like morality is because it's intangible and has absolutely ZERO relation to physical objects. You can read more about these types of ideas through linguistic subjects oddly enough like Semiotics or if you want to tickle your little psuedo-philosophy boner you can read up on a bit of Structuralism.

>There is nothing wrong with rape, women like to be violently raped and then fall in love their rapist. That is normal.

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>are you ESL or something?
No, but you must be if you didn't understand my post.
>Nothing wrong with killing
>Killing in special context is bad
Is that so hard to grasp? English is my third language and I teach it for a living in a foreign country, so I think I have a good grasp.

There was no argument in the video. He was asked to do something and he said "in a minute" and got stuff thrown at him and his property damaged as a result.

Then he can go take a walk......

Guys like this can get a wife and girlfriend and even impregnate them but not me.

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And allow his property to be further damaged? You see the thing about dealing in hypothetical scenarios like you're doing right now is that you're assuming that even if he did obstinately play the pacifist and just "Take a walk" that it would somehow resolve the confrontation. You're assuming she wouldn't keep escalating it. She was the source of all the escalation in the video I'll add, she's the one who initially started the confrontation and then started making it physical.

How the FUCK does this incel looking fucker have a wife and three kids?

Then he can leave her......

Oh man, I knew this would eventually get to you guys. Both people are fucking lunatics. Despite everything, I feel horrible that their kid has to live through that and I hope she gets an abortion to save that kid from that hell.

Holy shit at 1:58 he punched her. What a disgusting animal. He's lucky she didn't have a miscarriage.

>Only niggers think it's okay to hit women.

>defending some streamer faggot because he couldn't handle cardboard being thrown at him

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Just one more thing because this type of response is funny to me. You wouldn't be saying "take a walk" if it were say his uncle or his brother or any other male relative. This type of physical response to aggression is perfectly acceptable if not expected when it's a male on male situation but the moment a woman is introduced to the equation the mental gymnastics that emerge in rationalizing the response here is quite astounding.

He's a streamer so he's at least entertaining and can hold a conversation

>defending some roastie whore because she couldn't handle a couple slaps being thrown at her

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