Help My Little Sister Is A Autistic Degenerate

So I just learned my little sister might be an autistic sociopath who wants her best friend dead and maybe a sick fuck pedo.
>Be me
>Little sister [13] borrowed my flash drive for a project
>Forgot to give me the flash so i just go up to her room to get it
>her computer was open and some weeb music was playing in the background however a folder with a bunch of txt documents labeled Diary[date/time] are in the folder
>Curious I decided to copy the latest one to my flash drive
>Now for background my sister has always been a little weird but is extremely nice to make up for it she cute too. Sometimes she gets a little too into her emotions. And is an autistic Kirby-fag
>Take my flashdrive and boot it up on my lap-top and decide to read the cute stuff my sister might write.
>Its not cute.
>Its autistic hateful ramblings.
>One on how I am a gay barafag for using K.K.Rool in SSBU who needs to be revenged on
>Second is her depicting in annoyance on how she needs to work on her disgusting kirby smut fic
>One on how much she hates her best friend to the point of spiking her medicine
>One on how she wants to fuck on the church alter boys she volunteers with who is 5
>And an autistic rambling on how hot Kirby is and the therory of dick unity
>And one paragraph of wondering how great having a dick would be

Should I be worried about this? Should I say something did I fail as her Big Brother? I genuinely feel she is going off the deep end.
What did I do wrong to fuck her up this much???

I will post the file it's a text file

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Other urls found in this thread:

Any suggestions on how to pull her from this?
Should I limit computer time? Or take her to a doctor?

Please help Brobots!

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Well your parents failed her after reading all that.

I don't think she's going off the deep end. She's just REALLY fucking stupid. But yes, less games/internet/computer, more outside activities and family shit.

Okay but I think she may become a pshycopath when she grows up I will try to be more friendly with her but sometimes she pushes me away too much.

Buy her a Kirby star rod dildo.

She's clearly frustrated.

>And one paragraph of wondering how great having a dick would be
Give her a dick

That's crazy, bro-user. Have you ever done DMT?

Why would I do that, Wouldn't that make it worse?
I don't think that is possible with today science.
No drugs are bad. I want to try to be a good role model for her

Do you have any interest in doing degenerate stuff with her? Drugs, incest, looking for people to harass...

rape her

original originall

13 is too young to say she's a pedo. she is family dont treat her like any other common degenerate

she obviously needs to be loved

read through the entire thing. she'll be completely schizophrenic by 20

Nah, just get her a Star Rod.

She'll love you.

Sociopathy does not lead to schizophrenia

>I'm no longer the only one here with a messed up little sister
Ha it doesn't get better OP if you have a better sibling then convince them to help her or it's your job once your parents get tired or die. I know I'm gonna have to in a few more years, not that I don't love my sister but it's a hassle

you mean THE dick, big brother's dick
seriously see how she reacts if you get flirty and lovey with her

>>One on how I am a gay barafag for using K.K.Rool in SSBU who needs to be revenged on

This is how I know you're full of shit, the game has been out what, 3 days? Yet, she already is writing about SSBU in her diary and complaining about that shit?

Give me a fucking break larper.

The only thing close to any of that stuff is I humor her so called debates and questions. Like sometime she would ask stupid shit and I would try to answer for example
>Be in kitchen making grilled cheese
>Lil sis comes in getting a snack
>Shes been upstairs for most of the day sleeping
>Make a funny quip
>"Looks like my magic item has woken the sleeping princess up"
>Sister suddenly asks
>"Bro-user I have a question. If Milk is produced by impregnation...does that mean Milk is basically rape juice?
> I try to explain to her that you shouldn't say that kinda stuff and and expliain how farms work
>She grabs a fruit snack and nods "Thanks that info will help"
I genuinely try to cheer her on with her ''writing career' but shes secretive about the stuff she writes I now know why.
I will try not too but it will be hard to look her in the eyes now.
I give as much as I can I am basically the only one she has now-adays
I hope not. Is there signs of schizo symptoms that i missed?
I bought her SSBU on digital. How is that confusing?
I don't want too.

If you genuinely want to help her

Give her attention. Be open and honest with her. Tell her she can talk to you about anything anytime. Make her feel safe enough around you that she can open up about these thoughts. Once she starts acting how she really feels, you guys can talk it through. Just be a loving and caring brother. Be a good role model and someone she can rely on. Eventually, you'll have to tell her that her behavior makes you worried about her well being. She'll have to make a choice about how important self care is to her since it affects those she cares about. But don't give up on her.

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Okay but there are somethings that I might have trouble confronting her with.

Honestly lad I'm not sure if this would work, but I guess just be chill about it. Just be chill and if its truly degenerate call her out on that shit.

Okay I have a basic idea on how I would confront her on this
>Go into her room
>"Sis I have to ask you something is everything alright?"
>If she says Yes I go from there if no
>"Well I saw somethings and I apologise. In your diary..."
And I just try to go from there?

It's not just your sister, a lot of Gen Z is into this weird borderline-pedophilic bullshit. You haven't failed her as a brother (aside from going through her private writings like the sick fuck you are), it's the system that has; and your sister seems to be a poster child for the cultural values it has imparted upon this generation. Let her sort her own degeneracy out before you intervene -- she's only 13, she undoubtedly doesn't even understand much of what she's writing.
Admittedly, if the violent tendencies she writes about begin to (or actively are) being exercised in her daily life -- and not just in isolated incidents, considering pretty much every child gets unreasonably angry sometimes -- you should probably talk to her about it. Aside from that, though, you should just give the flash drive back before she finds out, and either just tell her to give it back to you or let her have it; flash drives are cheap anyways, and you could consider it penance for going through her diary.

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whatever you do make sure she values herself, don't let any faggots or niggers get near her

Honestly you could try it. And I kind of agree with here. shes just 13. Like I used to get bullied a lot and had school shooting fantasies, and all that shit. Just give her some time, plus she could also just be ironic. Maybe she is writing this as a joke, I'd say just give it some time and if it genuinely seems serious after that time, go confront her about it. Sorry for the autistic ramblings kek.

OP I am so sorry for you. Its fucking over for you. Jesus christ i cant even finish reading that. Wow.
Its so autistic i know it couldnt be faked.
There but for the grace of God go you and I.

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I guess you are right. So I just try to ease into the subject
After reading all of that. I think she might be a perma virgin.
Yeah but I think some of it is true she has told me she had a disdain for her friend. And through her I diary I found her pastebin. But I have heard have true autist-rambles about stuff like that. And she truly is a Kirby-Fag so I can tell that some of this kinda stuff is true. But I will take your advice

send her this

Seriously though she's fucked user I don't know what to say

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yeah man. You got a discord? We could talk there maybe.

I don't think there is a reason to apologize I am just worried
>Implying she wouldn't have already looked this up numerous
I think I might un-ironically check her internet history....
I don't have a discord sadly.

Alright. Also like does she show signs of browsing here?

I think she might she tells me about her times on Jow Forums like Kirby threads and stuff thats how she gets most of her 'gaming info'

>/v/ browsing
based and redpilled. I sometimes go there but its autistic as hell. Yeah I know a lot of zoomers (underage) who browse Jow Forums
t. zoomer (18)

But I don't want her browsing here!

Young teenagers are very easily influenced and have a lot of autistic behaviors like copying the mannerisms and actions of characters they like from fiction. I used to do that all the time. Her edgy shit could just be because she likes some edgy anime where the protag writes homicidal ramblings in their diary or something. Even if not, morality hasn't really developed by 13. Let her sort it out on her own, and don't confront her about it unless she's showing actual behavior that's worrying. You'll just embarrass her and create distance between you by saying anything. Just make sure to always be a good big bro and she'll turn out alright.

Maybe if you set her up with a pedophile she would be too busy to molest that boy.

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>tfw you realize this is the kind of shit "girls who like to write" actually write

user you need to talk to her more! Her edgey writing is just writing but the pedophilic tendencies need to be worked out.

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If anyone's curious, here's her fanfic.

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Ye but think about it this way: it could be a mutual interest that you could bond around. Like this is going to sound autistic as hell, but you could try talking about Jow Forums memes/affairs/board shit with her I guess?

Lol your name is nile? tf kinda name is that?

ok I'm literally gay but I don't get this picture, he still looks cute on the right

well that would be because you're gay and like the proportions of men

Is this a gay fanfic between Karl Marx and Kirby? What the fuck am I reading? Holy fucking shit my sides are in orbit

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She does show some weird behavior not like edgy cutting but just like subtle stuff. Like knowing where people are to the hour/minute mark or some time sperging out on girls at school on how she will fucking murder and rape their family. And just general apathy for others. She has this affinity for cute things because they are in eye fresh pure apples.
Fuck off.
Some of her stories are good.
I have never read this before I am losing hope guys.
>He leaned down positioning his Fully erected 7.8 inch member against Kirby's anus, using some of the pre leaking out of his dick as lube he proceeded to insert himself
Oh god why????
My Mom thought it sounded Kingly.
You think that won't weird her out? I think this place might be a bad influence on her though.

>therory of dick unity


>only sibling is a braindead normie whore npc
i cant describe how much i envy you user

im really glad i didnt have access to the internet growing up

>rapes him with no lube (unless you count butt blood)

how tf do you know user's name?

only men can experience camaraderie

You better be black with a name like Nile

I think she meant pic related
I wouldn't want this! Atleast you don't have to have a moral destruction on how you percieve someone!
I think she mean camaraderie through porn?
Thats genuinely not good.
Nope. Asian Mix.

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rip OP and your family

I mean it can be good and bad, in my opinion. Shit like The Red Pill helped me out in the end. Same thing for Jow Forums and Jow Forums, its helped me become better at debating and I do Model UN irl because of it. Its all just joking around really, like I've made friends just by asking "Dude do you browse Jow Forums?"
Like I think she won't be creeped out and actually might like having someone to talk about IRL about shit. Plus I think she's farther in considering she mentioned dick unity, and that is a reference to an Jow Forums post also.

Don't out her. If I were you i would get in touch with a psychiatrist and present this to him. She seems like a legitimate sociopath.

Nope Blasian
Okay I will try to ask her about this

Yeah. I'm an 18 year old HS senior though, not underage b&

Yeah thats true but I don't want to lose all trust with her instantly. I am all she has basically

Nice dubs. As I said earlier OP, people her age say edgy shit all the time. Very rarely do they actually mean it.

aye fair enough dunno why that didn't occur to me.

do not post your siblings' fucking diaries on Jow Forums you total clown

I just kinda thought you guys would need a reference to asses the situation?

>And one paragraph of wondering how great having a dick would be
This is completely different from what I imagined

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Why the fuck does she like Kirby so much?? I mean holy shit she keeps saying he's shota when he isnt. Just a pink ball with eyes and a mouth. At least be into actually cute vidiya shota like Tails or something.

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Idk man its a good way to get people doxxed, especially if they have very specific/rare names.

>tfw name is extremely weird and she probably mentioned me in her Diary
Oh fucking lord.
Like I said affinity for extremely cute things because they are 'pure apples' as she has said

God, Tails made me feel some type of way when I was a kid. I'm surprised I didn't end up full furry

I saw it earlier. I think its not that uncommon.

It ok buddy. He's been my husbando since first watching sonic x.
There would be something seriously wrong with you if you didn't think he was the cutest two tailed foxboy there is.

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21 year old autistic femanon here. I was that horny. It was rampant and destructive. I never abused anyone.
Sounds like she was probably sexually abused.
But I think it's harmless and she will learn in time about her sexuality. I was crazy then, constantly roleplayed with people in chatango, lying about my age and so forth.
I'm now an absolute prude and cringe at that time in my life. I just didn't understand why I was so goddamn horny.

>a gay barafag for using K.K.Rool in SSBU
what the fuck does any of this shit mean?

A homosexual who likes muscular, overweight men because he plays an obese gator in a children's video game

Hormones are a hell of a drug

For normals like you it means that he is a gay guy who gets sexually aroused by BRAPP because he played a certain character in the new Smash Bros game.

I was also out of control sexually at that age. Except I'm a boy and gay. I would even wait for hot boys to leave the stalls after pissing all over them just to go in and rub my genitals and ass all over the pissed on seat. Managed to get an STI out of it eventually lol.

Yep. I think girls go through a similar sex crazed phase as boys except just s few years earlier.

wait I got bara wrong. Its about muscular, overweight men. Fuck

Honestly I think she going 50/50 with her writings I think its half and half of truths. I am just gonna play it safe and watch if her weird spergs out and quirks get stronger. I trust that she won't find out and I won't bring it up.
I kept spamming some moves with that character for laughs and I think I pissed her off.
Oh okay so some of the stuff like
and Is normal for her age? Also she wasn't sexually abused. I think she's just autismo to the next level
I just like heavy-weight charaters they are fun to play. I am not gay.
I hope you get help

>I would even wait for hot boys to leave the stalls after pissing all over them just to go in and rub my genitals and ass all over the pissed on seat. Managed to get an STI out of it eventually lol.

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Hahaha that's so funny. I did a few super cringey things at 13. Chatango adventures, I used to peak through bathroom stalls of other girls to seem them with their pants down, and then the worst, id masturbate I'm reading class with a jacket over my crouch to pass the time. So so weird.

>she wasn't abused
How do you know? Were you with her literally 24/7 her e n t i r e life?

Dude 13yr old girls do all kind of weird stuff. You are a piece of shit for invading her privacy and even worse for just going and posting her personal business online.

Fuck you OP. If this isnt some kind of elaborate ruse, you should seriously stop and think about what your actions here say about your character. Thats a very slimy way to treat your own family member. You dont really want to help her, you are obviously just making a spectacle.

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You know what to do
Oregano rene

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Buy her a dildo.

She's frustrated as hell, and needs an outlet.
In better times, she'd just go be a slut, but this is 2018, son. Kids aren't normal now. If she runs wild, she could get in serious trouble.
Get her a little starter dildo for Christmas, don't tell her it was from you, just wrap it and put it under her pillow or some shit.

Don't buy her a dildo.... wtf

The alternative is her going out to enact some of her kirby fapfics on her own terms.

why would she need to break her hymen and stuff her vag? Girls can masturbate just fine without that

Or she skips steps in learning how to masturbate, learns how good phallic things feel at thirteen, then proceeds to pursue the real thing as hard as possible.

Yeah basically. My Mom and Dad work and go out so much to the point they are almost never home.
And my druggie cunt of a brother left home at 16. Got a bitch pregnant and forcefully sorted his life out and rarely visits home. And my younger brother is way too busy studying for that and plus I have to keep a watch on the house and stuff like that. So I would know.
Jow Forums was my best bet. Jow Forums is too slow and this seems nsfw and plus you guys deal and are autist all the time.
No I would feel very uncomfortable and I think she would be very creeped out plus shes 13.
I agree
I don't think she would do that user.

She rarely goes out unless its for 7/11 or with her 'friend' and plus she barely has friends. She has only one

if you read any of the pastebin stuff it's obviously a ruse dude

You're probably wrong. It could have happened one of the 7 hours she was at school all through out childhood

Thats true. Maybe I should ask her about that.

spike her drink with LSD and lock arms around her and shout

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That would only make her feel worse. And I don't want her doing drugs

no, there's no way this shit is real

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she probably browses this place and will see this

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