As a centrist...

As a centrist,this place is as disgusting as reddit and I find you just as appauled and brainwashed as the people you claim to be different from.

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>posting you're are opinion
watch out op you're on a crash course for some uncomfy replies

>both sides are just as bad as eachother

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Opinions are gay. Even me having an opinion on the matter is gay. Opinions make people do stupid things.

You should be a neo liberal, not a centrist

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>this place is disgusting
Yet you still came here, eh? Like clockwork.

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Maybe, are you a cute girl?
I like discussing about politics and all, but it's just an aspect of my personality, a small one.

Oh I hate that come here all the time. I just can't stop. Its like I enjoy looking at generally maddening things. Also fuck you anime poster.

What does your name brand cult have to offer me?

Its the same thing
Kys neoliberal kike

That's crazy, centrist-user. Have you ever done DMT?

Pull up political compass, Jamie.

Nah actually it's not. If it were there wouldn't be two names of things it'd only be named one thing. Also fuck off namefag.

You ever seen a chimp, man? Those things'll rip your dick off.

I'm not going to tell you exactly where to go, OP. But for the love of God just please leave the virgin cuckzone.

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No I don't want some Wikipedia page. I want you to tell me why I should follow your cult way of thinking.

>Identifying as any political group

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>I find you just as appauled and brainwashed as the people you claim to be different from
Ah, yes.. so kind of like horseshoe theory
You know, man.. what if we, like, connected it at the bottom
And just made it circle theory
Everyone could be complete
Like so go so far towards one extreme, you find yourself alongside those who went that far in the opposite direction
Like when Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue
Also, I think you meant "appalling"

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as much as a meme this is centrism is dying out for more extreme political views.

Centrist means you are in the middle of the political compass and that makes you either a neoliberal or socdem

Even if I chose an ideal to have my actions as a person would mean nothing. So why should I put a label on myself?
I don't really believe in anything though. So that is false. I probably shouldn't have used centrist but deep down I just don't believe any human way of thinking can produce any worthwhile results that are objectively good for mankind as a whole.

Because people are realizing that shit fucking sucks and centrism can't save them.

I'm actually not any of the four ideologies listed, though. I'm a market socialist; competition and the market mechanism have had a good track record when it comes to distributing consumer goods, but private property is a meme and businesses should be owned and democratically-run by their workers.

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>I don't really believe in anything though.

Fuckin' Nihilists. At least Nazis have an ethos.

Based, market socialism is the best economic system, (((capitalism))) only benefits parasitical landlord kikes
Oh, you arent a centrist then

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This is you (((centrist)))

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>AS a *blank* this place is *blank*
opinion descarted go back to plebbit

>labelling yourself in first place
You fucked up. The right thing to do is understand a few things
>nothing is static, things are in constant motion
>everything is more complicated than it looks
>in our modern era a lot of things are zero sums, but they don't have to be
>labels limit yourself
>you should judge things on an individual basis as hard as it sounds, though certain things can be generalized with relative safety ie most american niggers are a net negative however you look at it, but there are ways to deal with them beyong race wars memes
>judging things on an individual basis will make you realize there are things the right, left and center are sometimes right about, but it's impossible for any of them to be correct all the time
>labels and opinions heighten emotions, emotions make people easier for (((them))) to control
>listen different opinions even if they make you mad or sad

what if they see good points on both sides and don't fully align themselves with either?

The truth that hurts both neonazi faggots and commie shitstains.

Then Schlomo Goldbergstein gets mad and makes either you're with me or against me cuck memes.

Yet, lo and behold, here you are. Fascinating.

>fuck you anime poster
Says someone who used anime as OP

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Because having serious beliefs and convictions is for faggots

You are an addict. And the kind of addict that would complain it's societies fault if you ODed on heroin. Kill yourself you insufferable cunt.