Why do most """men""" still think it's every okay to hit a woman? If a woman is physically attacking you, you're supposed to use your man strength to either restrain her or push her away, not fucking punch or kick her. Attacking a woman is one of the most cowardly things you can do, along the same lines as picking a fight with a child.
Why do most """men""" still think it's every okay to hit a woman? If a woman is physically attacking you...
Violence is always okay especially if you kill them and torture them to death haha
so what does white armour even do?
i know you can kill a bunch of black knights and power up your white knight level but what purpose does it serve?
And yea i agree with you OP a 1v1 with a woman is just unfair, but if a woman is attacking me with a serious weapon like a knife then its fair game
>or push her away
a punch is just a push my dude.
Equal rights equal fights. Women need to understand they can't just get away with everything because of an old social convention from when women were subservient.
op dont you know gender and age are illusions created by mysoginistic capitalist SOCIETY to keep the proletariat from establishing dictatorship ???
Fuck you, now i'm not gonna sleep tonight
Except a man and a woman isn't an equal fight. Fighting someone who is biologically weaker than you is not okay.
It's different for chads because the amount of pheromones they release rewires a woman's brain into a submissive breeding partner. Where as a beta can't release enough or any pheromones thus changing the hierarchy from a patriarch to matriarch in which the female will challenge the male.
who says that ? the european code of ethics ? boy, there shure is a lot we are ignoring of that, so we might as well ignore this little insignificant thing
H0ws ninth grade going user? On algebra 2 yet?
what is that ? some kind of sci-fi novel ?
A female roommate let my lizard freeze so I beat her
All non sport fights are unfair. How the fuck is it ever fair for anyone to use physical violence against anyone else? It isn't Therefore, if you should ever find someone who's a big enough cunt to use physical violence against you you have every right to use everything and anything to teach that person what the fuck happens when they start shit up.
Just like anyone else women are very capable of doing things that mean they deserve to be beaten. They can be very spiteful and they an be very idiotic
What if a woman called the cops on your dog and tried to get it put down? Don't be a white knight cuck, she deserves to be beaten or killed.
If someone weaker than me deserves to get it, they deserve to get it. Doesn't matter if it's a challenge or not. Lots of shitty women out there. Just like men. Human nature is disgusting
If women deserve extra protections then they should have less rights.
Here's another example: if a woman abused your child you wouldn't beat her?I could totally see a step mother doing something fucked up to a child, women are spiteful as fuck
Stop being white knight cucks, women are capable of doing fucked up things out of spite for you. Have no mercy and always be prepared that they are good liars
>tfw not a dogcuck and can't relate to your post
Doesn't matter what you hold sacred and pure to you, so to speak. If you think the common woman isn't capable breaking literally all morals out of spite, selfishness or not giving giving a fuck you will be in for a rude awakening
The common man is the same more or less, but women can be even worse
Here's that (you) you wanted so badly, friend
It's ok if she hits first, and you can respond back with the same force.
Generally if it wasn't an overall you aggressive move I am passive about it. But if it's something bitch whillin then u can while too