hey Jow Forums, im a closeted bisexual ama.
im a bisexual guy who is too pussy to tell anyone. if there is anything you would like to ask me for some reason then don't be afraid to
hey Jow Forums, im a closeted bisexual ama.
im a bisexual guy who is too pussy to tell anyone. if there is anything you would like to ask me for some reason then don't be afraid to
why dont you post this on your home board there is literally a place for this
because thats like asking if any factory workers would like to know what it's like to be a factory worker
im in the same situation except that it's not because im a pussy but i know that telling other people my sexuality is not a good idea.people here really dislike anyone that isn't heterosexual
Many people here are no one cares, that's like saying "I have no friends, ama"
why are you such a little faggot ?
im sorry, that really sucks. i mean i COULD tell someone theoretically but i just don't. i can't imagine what it's like to not even be able to even if you wanted to or not. :(
p.s, i know this sounds sarcastic but it's not
because i can take it up the ass
you clearly cared enough to write a reply
i can set my house on fire yet i dont do it because it isnt worth it for the 30 seconds that ill enjoy it
im sorry, i should have specified, i can take it up the ass and enjoy it the whole time
why do you like to take it up the ass ? what is the essence of it ?
Have you ever contemplated the whole idea of coming out?
Through my train of thought I've come to the conclusion that since straights don't have to why should I? Why is it something I'm expected to do as a queer? I want to be loved for my character, not who I want to fuck. Except when I want to fuck of course. ;)
I feel people tend to boil you down to nothing but your sexuality when they know about it and I want to be seen as more than that.
To each their own though.
imagine, if rubbing your left knee felt good, in a similar way to your dick, but instead of a knee it's your ass and instead of rubbing it it's sticking something at least resembling a dick in it
why does it feel good ? is it purely the physical sensation ?
while i do agree, i do think it's necessary to come out because you can't just come home with a guy one day. i think that if nobody just expected everyone to be straight then noone would be surprised, it's not fair
Also, what is it about both sexes that you're attracted to?
I have the answer for myself but I would like to see how other bisexuals feel about it.
physical sensation and the attraction to guys, if it were just the sensation then i would just try pegging but it's more tha that, more than just physical attraction too, do you ever just get the feeling about someone that you were meant to be with them, it's the ability to feel that with both men and women, if only any of them felt it back
haha all good, just checked if you are actually gay.
hmm, that's a hard one, i like dicks on guys, not an ass man, but with girls its pretty much everything besides the "weird" stuff like feet and hands.
yeah no, i wouldn't want to be gay, cause thats gay and i don't like none of that gay shit
Straight people do and no one bats an eye. I don't care too much if people are surprised or whether they even approve of it when that happens. If they accept it, great, if not they can either look past my faggotry and love me for me or stop associating with me. The choice is ultimately theirs.
The only thing I'd be slightly annoyed about is if they claimed that I "turned gay". It doesn't work like that, lol.
It isn't fair, indeed, but I'm hoping my attitude may help people to not expect anyone to be anything.
thanks, i will try to spread the attitude! go on noble robot!
My deal is that I'm sexually and romantically attracted to the overall aesthetic of both men and women. The sensual part comes second.
hmm, i never thought of it that way but now that you say it i guess i feel the same
Why don't you go back to the faggot LGBTQIRFOP board you fucking degenerae
why don't you crawl back into your moms cunt so she can undo her mistake and abort you?