@niggers & spics

@niggers & spics
Why havent you done it?

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Can't afford it. Real shocker, right?

Ropes arent that expensive

Because I actually have redpilled 18 people in real life so far on why white nationalism is a good thing

also your message is bad optics

chad nationalism > postal 2 nationalism
fentanyl is pretty cheap

I've decided to follow my dreams instead.

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Too scared of fucking up. I know being a spic means I literally have no chance with anyone so its been hard

Fuck off white larper, I am an autistic Mexican and I have a qt 3:14 gf honestly kill yourself you fucking incel

Because mama would be sad and I'm too much of a shut in with no life experience to know how and where to buy anything to kill myself with. Plus too pussy to do it non painlessly

come to BA city and do the job yourself op, i beg you

Cuales son tus suenos
Just go to mexico and the narcos will do it for you

My dream is to make an Amerime show.

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funerals are expensive
gook worshiper

>funerals are expensive
You dont need a funeral
>gook worshiper
Eh..what makes you think im a gook worshiper
Nunca lo lograras, just kys pancho

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Rin > Uzuki > Mio

Porque no lo haces pute madre

Because Im not a subhuman like you

Lembrete que Brasileiros nao sao espicos!

Pinche marricon, tu dice que todavia navega este tablero

I'm glad you recognize that we have it harder. White boys don't know what life really is sense they're so sheltered and rich.

Hopefully the government keeps trying to help us minorities into better lives.

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>I'm brazilian, therefore German
>*proceeds to play football with a human head*
Sure, my monkey friend.

>whites are literally slowly killing themselves with cuck porn, HRT, ponies, anime and vidya and being too pussies to approach women of any race
>expects other races to do the same
huh, not everyone is suicidal like you

>Pinche marricon, tu dice que todavia navega este tablero

*pinche maricon, dices eso y todavia navegas este tablero*

Aprende a escribir mejor el indioma de tus conquistadores hispachango subhumano prieto

Because latinos are literally immune to the suicide epidemic.
Kill yourself instead sad whitie

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>I'm American, therefore Aryan
>*proceeds to honor none of his ancestors traditions*
Sure, my 56% amigo

Self-hating chicANO with identity issues detected.

>what makes you think im a gook worshiper
your gay anime postings

considering where whites are heading demographically, suicide is more suitable for you, op

Thats only because most latinos are too dumb to experience depression
No, yo sos espanol ario y mis ancestros violaron a los tuyos, jajaja!!!

OP are you okay? Were you made fun of for being a white weakling in middle school and that's why you're taking your hate out on us?

>brazilian subhuman talking about mutts
heuehueheueheueheuhue. Good one.

>homeland being taken both in NA and EU
>half of your people side with us minorities (your women)
>somehow we're the ones that should consider sucide

Don't make me laugh cum skin

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Keep on bragging about it and youll regret it

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Because then I couldn't fuck white wimmens

And now we're the ones standing on the top. You really have to thank (((them))) sometimes for what they've done for us

Kek, how are you on top you dumb spic?
Spics are a slave class for cheap labor

Spics are good and I want a hot brown bf so I can slam him dick into my love maker

>slave class that's gaining more power by the minute
>slave class whose children are more likely to be admitted into some colleges than a wh*te boi
>slave class that can do anything without criticism otherwise you're racist

Because I yoinked a white woman so I'm holding onto this for as long as it lasts

You are delusional if you think jews would let spics gain any power, you guys will always be slaves
Kys you degenerate homo

I like being alive. :) Don't you?

>Implying (((they))) won't be a victim of their own scheme

>implying you low testosterone half men can do anything
I'm going to fuck my girlfriend extra hard tonight. Just for your post you little boy.

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Jews are smarter than you, they know what they are doing
>t. Manlet spic

Life has been getting better. It would be a waste to kys myself in my period of renaissance

southern huebro, 6/8 european 2/8 native, pale skin with caucasian features, unfortunately brown eyes/hair
should i kill myself?

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you are not aryan enough so yes

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come on dude, i look like a northern italian/french

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>tfw average looking spic
>white tinder sluts fetishize me
If you are an average looking spic, without crippling autism, decent (as in keep your thirld worldism in check and pretend to be chad) and not in a gang/covered in tattoos you can easily get your dick wet.

>tfw hispanic
>tfw no one fetishes me

I'm going to die alone and alone and alone

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Maybe you should become a tranny and get yourself a white bf

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youre here so yes

And leave her behind? Not a chance gringo!

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I'm Native American. Do I get a pass or the rope?

You get the blanket

Why are you asking?i

Literally because my grandparents still exist. Once they die then I'll follow. Being black and searching for non-normies with Jow Forums is hell. I'v made people fall in love with my personality but when I told them I'm black they all disappear. I'm almost fully convinced we will never find love.

I just want to meet someone from here that can love me, with no sick fetishizing involved.

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Kek Are you the black tranny?

No, I'm just a weird black twink that tries to act normie as possible.

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>bragging about experiencing depression

This is why well replace you.

Hey are you really native americans? I want to ask how are your women? are they hard to get? I am very interested in attempting to get a N.A. gf.

>white nationalism
>good thing
>perpetuation of untermensch genes
>rotting on a dying planet
>ooga booga tribalism
>literally going pure nigger in behaviour
>good thing
Good goy. Keep the ethnostate strong.

Why do you want a native gf?
Natives are a smaller minority than whites, so its better to not racemix with them

Yes, I am, and the women are usually cute if they're not alcoholics. Hmmm, they're definitely hard to get considering our low population percentage in North America, and how some Native women are extremely racist towards white people for unknown reasons...

Anyways, good luck on your attempt and if you're ever desperate for one; there are a lot of Indian reservations in both the US and Canada that you can scope those potential N.A. GFs.
I don't know really. OP just seems like he loves certain races, especially the blacks and Hispanics.

Because I don't derive my sense of self-worth from the color of my skin.

>killing myself
lmao why the fuck would i do that

Suicide is only cool for whites and asians. I'll just keep on being a nigga, ya feel me my G?

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Because I'm going to impregnate your sister/daughter first. LMAO at your race getting bLACKED.