Just how do you guys cope up with debilitating depression? Lost my job...

Just how do you guys cope up with debilitating depression? Lost my job, lost my closest friends and they now have turned against me, family is against me and I'm always feeling down whenever I'm alone or by myself. The only consolation in all of this is my girlfriend who has stuck with me through it all but it hurts to be like this when I haven't done anything wrong. I've been browsing the internet as a means of outlet but at the end of the day, you just reflect that you've wasted your time doing nothing. What do you guys do to battle such things as depression and degeneracy of the world at the same time? Feels hopeless.

>inb4 kill urself
>inb4 an hero

I'm not at that stage yet. I'm not taking meds because it doesn't solve the issues and causes plaguing me.

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I usually just sleep a lot or play video games or endlessly click through the internet. I play a lot of guitar.

These are all poor coping mechanisms, other than playing music.

What you should do is exercise. Go for a run, sprint until you feel like you can not go any more and then keep going anyways. After that I promise you will feel a nice euphoric boost. Even if you are not happy it will make your depression more tolerable. Or do push-ups and pull ups and sit-ups or just shadow box or ride a bike. Doesnt matter really, just make sure you try your physical hardest.

I'm kinda part hikikomori and part social in that I was forced not to interact with others because my friends have turned on me and I have no social support. I still have my gf tho but that won't last. Hanging out with bros (no homo) and being part of a male group seems to be more meaningful than having a gf and getting laid.

That's crazy, bro. Have you ever tried DMT?

I haven't tried psychedelics, no. I don't plan to since it will only provide a temporary band-aid solution to my problem.

get another job and new friends or fix the sour relationship with current friends

It's so easy for anyone who hasn't gone through this to say it. How though? Job market is whack, the depressed has no motivation and being in your 30s, friendships don't come instantly.

>Job market is whack
have you even tried? get a temp job

>friendships don't come instantly.
join a meetup group

Come back when youve lost the girlfriend too. Until then no sympathy for you

Yeah, the friendship thing is tough. Way before your 30s too. Something to keep in mind is that new job and new friends usually go hand in hand. Get one and it can lead to the other. Even if it's just a shitty job to help pass the time.

>have you even tried? get a temp job
I've tried. No one has contacted me and in the instances where I do get a follow-up, my brain fucks me up to the point where I show social anxiety and feelings of loneliness and sadness. I've tried so damned hard but it doesn't seem to get better for me.

>join a meetup group
Meetup on what exactly? Reddit meetups are far away and in the country where I live, people are pretty social so they form their own cliques here. It's hard to enter into one if you have know no one in that clique or have no one to vouch for you.

Thanks for the tip. Maybe I need to have a temporary job if I want to socialize, even if it means being paid shit. That said, I do have a freelance online gig but that also means isolation on my end, which I am trying to avoid.

I'm going through the same thing
>No money because neet
>Want to try college
>Ask family
>They all think I'm a retard and won't make it
>Give me money anyway but if I fail they won't let me a second chance
>Fail miserably

I kind of tried hard, but I never stood a chance anyway, now they all hate for some bullshit I never did too

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didn't know you weren't murrican.

At least you have friends user. Failures in life can be bearable if you've got bros who got your back. It's uncanny how much I've withdrawn socially after losing my friends. I've become even a part time hikikomori where I only get up out of my room and house when I fetch my girlfriend in the wee hours of the evening.

That's my routine - sleep, eat, drink, just stare at walls and playing video games then going out to fetch my girlfriend. Rinse and repeat. I'm basically just a walking corpse at this point.

Depression isn't limited to Murica.

Damn, that's tough. I hope it gets better for you.

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Sometimes I wish I were actually dead. It's come to that point in my life.

I don't have a any friends. I'm all alone in my own hell and got no reasons to fight anymore. Never had any

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Damn that's tough. You're basically me in another country. Have a virtual hug user.

You still have that one friend, that happened to be a girl. And she didn't drop you in time of troubles, which makes her even more valuable.
But i do agree, it's much easier with friends. My friends leaving for conscription duty or to concentrate on work was the reason why i dropout from uni. Few years of neetdom with losing contact with them followed.
I managed to push myself out, i managed to get a shit tier job, learn on it and go for better places. But it changed nothing. I'm 29, my salary is above average for my country, i work in IT field and i can allow myself more than most people around. Still, there is nobody to talk to. And worse of all, i can't feel any connections with people even when i try to make friends again.
I'm thinking about gf and want to try some dating sites. Miraculously, there is few decent girls in a sea of single moms and ugly fatties, but i'm not even sure how i start talking. What to say after we exchange greetings. And i don't have social media accounts, so only available communication, beside dating site, will be messengers. Which nowadays linked with a fucking phone number, so when you offering to talk in a, let's say telegram, you pretty much asking her number.
I don't sure why i typed all this. It's all so tiresome.

>The only consolation in all of this is my girlfriend
stopped reading right there. kys and get off website, normalshit

>Still, there is nobody to talk to. And worse of all, i can't feel any connections with people even when i try to make friends again.
This is literally me when I lost friends. There are "friends" friends (or acquiantances) and then there are those friends you call bros. Losing them meant I became a recluse at this point. Like I said, I'm a walking corpse.

You're right about my gf though, she is valuable but it seems bro friendships make life more meaningful. Found that out the hard way. It's just different.

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been cutting myself to cope with mine, but im not unstable. is it okay to do that?

>my girlf-