How deep seated has your hatred become?

I'm starting to have thoughts of raping somebody, so as to finally experience what sex feels like, before I would kill myself. I don't want it to come to that but it's disturbing that I'm becoming so desperate. I just want to be normal. Is that so much to ask?

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here you go, better now than later

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Just fuck a prostitute. What will you gain from defiling someone?

The knowledge that I would have deflowered a virgin which would otherwise have been impossible. I wouldn't just fuck anyone off the street.

If you ever do, please make one last thread here about how it felt. I am curious.

Damn OP, that's some serious shit. Please don't rape anyone. Don't cause that kind of trauma.

if you do, make sure you do it in front of the police station for bonus points

literally cum and die at the same time when the police puts a few bullets in your head

greatest feeling ever trust me, i tried it. am dead

Fuck man, don't ruin someone's life just because yours turned out so badly. Like another user said, just use a prostitute.

Why should he care? He plans to become worm food shortly after. Fuck your laws

I suggest you give this a listen and reconsider your decision.
Starts at 21:30

I also suggest you give Buyer's Market a listen and pay attention to the damage that you will cause.

If you want to talk drop your Discord with proof you are OP.

I didn't say I've made a decision. I said I've been having thoughts.

The decision I have made is to remain neet until I have a relationship. I will not contribute to society unless society contributes to me.

kys now before you hurt someone

Ignore all the dipshits here. Just find someone who really deserves to be raped. It is wrong to treat an unethical world with the respect you would give to an ethical one.

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The fuck are you doing on this website?

if you're gonna kill yourself why not just pay for a real nice prostitute? take out a payday loan if you have to

if you aren't gonna kill yourself, the guilty conscience will burden you a hundred fold more than what you're feeling now, and what you're feeling now won't go away either.

Just get a real nice prostitute from online and wrap yourself tight.

I don't know, I don't like the idea of raping a virgin. I mean if it was literally any other roastie I wouldn't care.

Best case scenario would be the most generic Stacey imaginable who would never so much as speak to a robot. Defiling one with your pathetic virgin seed and maybe disfiguring her face a bit when you're done would be great.

The hypothetical virgin would just get creampied by Chad and Jamal in high school whether I had anything to do with it or not. You know this to be true as well as I do.

Get raped first, ask some niggers or mistresses to fuck you up. Then rethink

>I'm going kill and rape a women and then kill myself
>what's a prostitute

Truly sad user.

any recommendations? I think I'd do that if I keep myself sane. But I feel like I'll some day snap and beat the shit out of somebody, heck I may even kill the prostitute before killing myself. I thought of a e-girl that I fucking hate, I fake that I love her, it maybe used to be true that I liked her but getting to know her she's autistic and trash, I'd feel pretty good killing her and watching what she thinks of getting killed by a creep. She has recommended to go on a motel, she's from other state. It's quite a few hours by car from here, at least 3 hours I think. She says she may use her money to come and even pay the motel because she likes me so much. Fucking bitch

I don't even know if I'm memeing myself into thinking this or if I really think this, my life has been trash and I really feel like that in my head, I don't know if my body would respond too.

Just give it time. Honestly after a good days work can change your perception

I hate fat people in an abnormal level. Evil hate from Hell itself.

You'll fuck a non-virgin. No matter how hard you try to fuck a virgin.

Same as you, you retarded nigger. This isn't some secret club for edgy teenagers and the clinically depressed. Wow, rape is so cool and taboo. You're a real psycho, definitely. NOT a miserable little cunt with nothing good going on in his life.