/Suicide/ general

How do you plan to kill yourself?

>Wait until grandpa and grandma die
>Find a nice, isolated cliffside, preferably overlooking the ocean
>Enjoy the view until sunset
>Drink until I feel comfortable with death
>Shoot myself in the head

I plan to leave some signs around the area stating that someone has committed suicide up ahead and to call the authorities. I don't want my meaningless existence/suicide to scar another human being.

What about you, brobots?

Anything related to suicide is welcome.

Also, should I do this alone or find some rando on the internet to do this with?

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Come on. One of you has to feel like killing yourself.

Share your stories.

>I plan to leave some signs around the area stating that someone has committed suicide up ahead and to call the authorities. I don't want my meaningless existence/suicide to scar another human being.
good on you op
i plan to do the same

For me it's really easy, I live in an 8th floor, so I can jump whenever I want

I'm jealous
My current best option is hanging and it's hard to do on impulse
I've stuck my head in nooses and then pussied out plenty of times

>trw not American so it's impossible to buy metal and eat lead
>No money either
I'm thinking on just going to the artic and see how long I can last before a bear rips me apart or I die of hypothermia.

Stop eating and drinking. It might take a while to die and won't be most comfortable but at least it won't be on impulse.

I wanna get a good job, make a lot of money, save most of it. Once I feel like I've saved enough, I'll leave it with my parents/sister and off myself.
Either that or I'll spend it on anime merchandise, keeping myself slightly happy, and die of old age alone.

I'll just hang myself in the basement. It's boring and bland, but at least that means it fits me.

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Asphyxiation by helium seems easy and painless

not easy and painless
Most helium tanks are filled with oxygen these days so you won't die but probably break one of your lungs and be in pain

This used to be THE method but fucking jews just have to come and meddle with the gas tanks because they want us to keep paying taxes.

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You'd have to be seriously retarded to think this would work.

>I plan to leave some signs around the area stating that someone has committed suicide up ahead and to call the authorities. I don't want my meaningless existence/suicide to scar another human being.

Thank you, OP. My friend committed back in June by jumping and a young couple found him, I'm sure it was horrific for them.

For me, I'd probably just hang, but it feels really selfish that someone would find me

>keep paying taxes.
How are you paying taxes?

Why would I off myself when I can just get a whore instead?

I know of a guy that robbed a shop and tried to get the cops to kill him.Didn't work.He spent the whole time while being cuffed begging to be killed while crying.I was told the scene was pretty heart breaking.

glad I'm not the only one who has done this

Hanging myself from the banister. I fully intend to scar my family since they're the reason I'm suicidal in the first place.

I heard people talking about the belt and doorknob method but I don't actually know what it would entail, do you just choke yourself until you pass out?

Chris Cornell method is probably easier and more effective, close the door with your ligature firmly around your neck and the ligature closed within the top of the door

One way ticket to japan. Gonna do coke fuck whores then go camping in the suicide forest.

>I plan to leave some signs around the area stating that someone has committed suicide up ahead
>enjoy the view until sunset

You'd best hope the area isn't common. Otherwise your plan will fail.
Why not drink and take a shit load of benzos and fall asleep on the cliff edge

I actually tried this.
By the 2nd day you stop being hungry, start pissing deep orange, it smells.
By the 3rd day, you feel hot and head starts to hurt.
By the 5th day, you really feel like burning and your head hurts like a mofo, I probably could have finished the job but i failed because people can't let you fucking be an hero in peace.

I want to commit suicide in a creative way, not just hanging in the roof, maybe jumping from a plane and while I fall I'll play Russian roulette.

>wait until christmas
>walk into mall dressed up as something like a gingerbread man or santa and make sure everyone has a clear view of you
>blow brain out with shotgun

make sure the gun is a high calibur 'facebook live shot in head' show result of some nigger getting shot in the head and he lives

personally gonna wait till parents die and my sister has set up a stable life then exit bag myself

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Use nitrogen or an other noble gas

I plan on getting skin cancer and dying from that in about 1-3 years. - I just can't decide at any one moment to fully commit suicide. I could get into investing if I want to live longer though but I don't know. My soul is gone and I no motivation and just feel hollow. Sucks too because finance seems like a nice career option.

But luckily to us here in the Southern Hemisphere, it is Summer time. But also sucks where I am because it's been raining and making the sun too weak to do any damage. But it's clearing up and should be good tomorrow or the day after.

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retards not knowing that they still sell pure helium to uni students that request it and you don't even have to prove your a uni student

they only started putting oxygen in tanks sold for recreation i.e. blowing balloons and the additional $100 doesn't matter since you will be dead

The thinking man's suicide

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>go to school
>the way the school is built allows things to hang 7-10 meters above the ground in a big free space
>put noose on
>pour gasoline over myself
>burn myself and jump down

At least Ill scar some normie kids. Probably gonna pussy out tho.

>hundreds of thousands commit suicide each year
>still nobody gives a shit because its mostly unpopular male incels

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I am not suicidal but I hate my family so much I think its perfectly understandable.

That would make a hilarious liveleak video

Most likely gonna hang myself in the closet when my roommates leave for holidays. Less likely will gas myself with nitrogen if I find all the items necessary, which turned out to be rather difficult.

Don't kill yourself. Seriously, you have nothing to lose at the point where you would. Yiu have absolute freedom. Sell everything you own, buy a backpack and some tools and go into the wild, see how long you can survive. In the worst case scenario, you die, just like you would have otherwise. Maybe you don't like the woods though. It doesn't matter. You can do something else that people usually don't do because they fear death. Ride a mountain bike down steep cliffs. Go base jumping. Climb mount Everest. Do whatever. Why not try that before you die?

If im going to go out im gonna do it with style...
>buy volatile explosives (TATP) and create a contact explosive vest
>go to fancy hotel overlooking large group of people pref concert
>buy a room at the top with loan money cuz poor as shit
>start up livestream cam on the vest and open window
>jump off into crowd blowing myself and taking a couple other people with me

What do you think anons

Go somewhere far away and probably just shoot myself

You have to buy it from a welding shop.

>Isn't suicidal
>Posts in /suicide/ general

Because when you're suicidally depressed, you don't want to do any of that stuff. It's not interesting and you don't have the energy for it.

All you want is death. It's all you think about. Telling us to go rock climbing is pointless. Not a single one of us would have the mental/emotional strength to perform a task like that.

Our lives are meaningless. And our deaths we be nothing more than the end of a wasted existence.

It's why we are on Jow Forums. Every Robot knows this.

A .45 In the woods listening to a cheesy sad song. I have to much hate to leave now though, I need to see some justice before I feel fulfilled.

Such tasks only require emotional strength when they are performed as tasks that are part of a life. Essentially what you need to do is stop worrying about life. You're doing these tasks on your way to your end, so you don't have any worries about life anymore. It won't work if you're depressed, but not everyone who is suicidal is depressed, a lot of them just have other problems in their lives.

>wait until mom dies
>temperate day
>rain is acceptable
>go to nearest forested area
>sit around for a little while, thinking about life and making peace with it
>get out my special rope
>use it

>Yiu have absolute freedom
not really. Having the absolute freedom would be having lots of money and lack of autism.

I'm actually thinking of going into the wild. I'm completely incapable of surviving there, so it won't be long. I'm also mentally ill schizo and want to test the reality this way if they would let me die or what and also try to contact the aliens like Ted Owens did

Must be from Britain

i had a plan when i was in a bad place a while back
>invite friend over in an hour
>leave note for him to cut me down and call police
>explain that i didnt want any of my family to find me that way and know he was strong and trusted enough to deal with it and that im sorry to do this to him
>note ends with instructions to burn it
>second note to family, friends and loved ones
>hang self from clothes line
asshole thing to do to my friend and im glad i didnt go through with it, life gets easier anons, it doesnt get perfect but it gets easier.

>life gets easier
How so user?

Test drive a testarossa off a cliff.

I frequently fantasize about getting drunk and crashing into a tree. I don't know why I want to die in a crash but whenever I have the thoughts its always about me driving into a wall or something.

Recognition in death I guess. I mean, if I can't do the testarossa one, the alternative I had in mind is make a solid gold bullet and shooting in the centre of my forehead.

Split between jumping off a building or dabbing under a train. Would like to shoot myself but getting getting a license as a 18yo is near impossible here in Czech Republic.

Don't sebevrazda user, life in Czechia is blessing and you should enjoy all the beer and pretty women you can.

Does anyone else fantasize about committing mass murder before they go? I always have thoughts of shooting up a place filled with degenerate roasties.

Also, don't accuse me of being a bitter virgin. I'm in a relationship.

Being WITH a woman has only increased my hatred for them.

I live the most hedonistic degenerate zoomer life imaginable, it's fucking shit. The drugs took their toll and now I'm just seeing my entire friend group myself included drift into nothingness. Given up on women too, never got further than fucking one with my half limp mdma dick

What good will that do? a couple of minutes of empty pleasure from a hooker and then you are back to your own meaningless existence.

When my mom dies or can no longer support me, I'm going to jump off the George Washington bridge.

Better idea: either try to survive in the wild, as others have said or if you don't think that will work, join the military. It is the closest you'll get to the hunter/gather lifestyle. You live off the instincts hard coded in every human's DNA. It's the only way to feel truly fulfilled. When it comes right down to it, humans are still only animals, and society suppresses those instincts. If you can't express them, you'll never feel like life has meaning.

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I would go out with a bang. Btw i encourage everyone on here to do massmurder-suicide, while having your manifest in your pocket.
I cant get a gun through, because eurofag

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>play my favorite album or song at the time on loop
>down all medicine I haven't thrown out from the past ten years (I get severely sick easily)
>draw a bath
>slit my wrists
>bleed out in the water while numb from medicine
>it would be a very elegant way to go
I used to be really suicidal (tried to kill myself on my 12th and 15th birthdays respectively). Since my dad left, though, my life has really been better. Things have mellowed out and I have been feeling better, but I'm scared to be happy or feel anything because what comes up must come down. I might kill myself when I'm 20 while making a total asshole of myself in front of my friends/family so they don't miss me when I die.

I hope a lot of you start feeling better.

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When I figure out if it'd be less painful for my friends and family if suicide or a fake unsolved murder would be less traumatic. Depending on the answer is how I do it.

Pentobarbital is most realistic for me but I live in the 3rd world and the dose costs 500 dollars

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>During patrol
>Loaded assault rifle
>20 rounds
>shoot as many i can before someone shoots me down
>If no one shoots me down, blow my brains out with the last bullet

Simple and fun

Oh piss off you baby. Suicide is a mature person's hobby. Like 30+.

>find a tall building

Do you guys think people like Chris Cornell researched how hanging works before doing it? I never knew it could be done like that.

Czechbot reporting in. Finally a good thread. I have been getting tired of all those trap threads around here...

>I will pour gasoline all over myself and stand in front of my university
>proceed to call cops to tell them about a "weird guy" walking around the uni
>as they arrive set myself on fire and charge them with a knife in my hand
>they will be forced to shoot me because the flames will make it impossible for them to overpower me and take the knife away.

I also plan to get wasted or high before I do it in order to numb the pain a bit and be tougher.

>I will try to take one of the cops or bystander with me. It really depends on my mood and circumstances.

I plan to do this unless things get better for me in any way.

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Ahoj fellow robote. Do you plan to get wasted on alcohol before you commit an hero? Or do you prefer piko?

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Why did he kill himself anyway? He got to do a James Bond theme.

>get shotty
Simple but highly effective.

What country are you from user? It's probably not as hard as you think.

Unlikely that you will find coke in Japan as a foreigner, especially if you don't speak Japanese. I couldn't even get any weed while I was there, I did smuggle a tab of LSD with me.

fockin hell how am I supposed to kill myself when it all will be shittier than now
Can somebody tell me another painless and easy way to die?

Waiting till people he could hurt die, not making a huge deal of it causing drama, making sure that his an hero doesn't inconvenience anymore more than needed. You're an okay guy OP, but in this world the innocent suffer.

Don't have access to a gun and can't be arsed to go through the effort to get one illegally (eurofag).

Plan is to get a nice sharp knife, some anti-coagulants, and a bottle or two of liquor. Maybe painkillers or anesthetics, but my pain tolerance is pretty solid so I doubt those'll be needed.
Not entirely sure on location yet. Either my bathtub or I'll head out to a stream somewhere remote and go for it there. I like the idea of leaving signs saying to alert authorities around. If I end up doing it in a bathtub I'll just slap one on the door and head on in, if I end up doing it in nature it'd depend on the location.

Might end up making a holiday of it. That news story about the backpacker in New Zealand really got em thinking about heading off to a place like New Zealand, or maybe mountains somewhere. A nice clear night sky to look at until it fades away. Always did like the stars.

The plan is there, I'm mainly waiting on my mother to die. Doubt my dad would care much, but my mother is already struggling with my nan's dementia, so it wouldn't be fair to pile this on her too.

Just going to keep pretending I'm okay until it gets to that point though.

>buy gun
>blow brains out
Ez pz

Why would you off yourself though? You do know that you only have one chance at life and there's nothing after you're gone, right?

As long as you're not homeless and sick I don't think you should do it. All of you retards who seriously consider doing it are emo faggots who haven't grown out of your teenage years.

>Why would you off yourself though?
>You do know that you only have once chance at life
You just answered your own question you fucking retarded turbo normie

Whatever you faggots do, don't stream it. No matter how much you want to be immortalized and made into a meme. Your suicide should be a private event for yourself only

Probably going to slit my wrists one of these weekends, I just need to buy some damn razors.

>broken family
>black sheep of the family
>mentally ill
>bullied whole life
>been in-out inpatient/hospitalization
>pathetic self harmer
>worst esteem
>promised end of 2018 if nothing got better i'd end it all new years eve
>21 days to go
still don't know how i'll do it, maybe hanging? or jump off high building? i cant get a gun so thats out of the question.

>cant get a gun
is it not worth it to fly to the US if u are gonna kys?

im in the us friendo. i just cant get a gun cause too short of time to apply for one, cant pay for one, and mentally unstable they wouldnt give me one

>You only have one chance at life

Yeah, and we fucking missed it.

Do the ol' garden hose-n-car method.

Gas myself as close as possible to the Cryonics Institute, after making arrangements to be cryopreserved after death. I will hopefully eventually be reanimated when life is less shitty than it is now.

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don't have a car friendo

Buy your gas from China. Chinks don't give a fuck if people die from their products.