>wive starts throwing shit and abusing him
>he defends himself
>somehow he's the monster
i know its been said more times than imaginable, but i fucking hate women
Wive starts throwing shit and abusing him
hopefully he goes on to murder some women because of this.
neck yourself, faggot origig
>not checking the catalogue before making a new thread
neck yourself OP
Women should stay at home, tend to it, and raise children.
Men shouldn't beat women.
Don't treat men and women equally.
fuck off faggot. other thread was asking if she deserved it and was filled with woman sympathizing faggots like yourself. fuck off. this is an anti female and anti faggot thread
I mean she threw some cardboard at him and he slapped her in front of their kids. Their both in the wrong here.
Reminds me of my parents. My mom would always provoke my dad to the point where he got physical. This carrot top looking faggot and has annoying wife are just as shitty as my piece of shit parents. I fucking despise people like this and feel sorry for those poor kids of theirs. Maybe they'll grow up to be like me, a loner who trusts no one and views people as animals with no control over their emotions.
She was also pregnant. If you were being abused by your pregnant wife, it's best just to leave & not put the unborn child in danger.
>he defends himself
It's not like he was in any danger. He went too far with hitting her, especially in front of his own child. She's pregnant for fuck's sake.
if i had a wife i would not hurt her
Oh for sure that guy's a massive brainlet. Real men know how to calm their retarded women down, only bitches go straight to shouting and violence.
Now this.
This is the blue pill.
>throwing cardboard at someone is the same as slapping or punching someone in the face
Stop making excuses user. You're just a misogynist
Oh, and his wife's a piece of shit for initiating the fight. She sounds like a piece of shit as well. Too bad the kid had to witness that bullshit.
See Don't hit your wife in front of your child for fuck's sake. It fucks you up psychologically.
>protecting your future child
>YOUR HONOR YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! She threw a piece of CARDBOARD at me!!!!!!!! I was defending myself!!!
I know it's been said millions of times before but they're literally both at fault here. The guy even more so for even bothering to have a fucking child even though it's clear that he would rather play Fortnite all day on Twitch in some hopes of gaining followers. Like, the dude's a complete manchild but I find manchildren inoffensive enough. That being said, if you're both a manchild AND have a wife and children then you really fucked up somewhere down the road and should promptly start a new save file via your attic's wooden beam and some rope.
They're both fucking garbage human beings. These kinds of parents is what ends up causing fucked up kids. I swear you should have to get some sort of test before becoming a parent.
What the heck? She was attacking him.
Not his child retards. The wife had the kid with some other dude before she met him.
I'm talking about the baby in her stomach retard.
we're talking about the kid witnessing it and screaming in the background dumbass
Oh yeah,man did you see when she threw a piece of cardboard at him? Brutal shit.
Im surprised he survived such an attack.
t. never gotten a papercut from cardboard
>people who use violence when they're angry
lmao brainlets
>*huff, sniffle*
>w-wanted me to... stop live streaming vidyagames
>*rubs watery eyes every time tears start forming. eyes completely red.*
>stop li-li-iving off government assistance
>*blows nose into own shirt because forgot to bring tissues and no one offers any. accidentally do it so hard that ears pop.*
>*dries nose on sleeve again and again as he continues*
>And... jour honor... swhe wanted me twoo get
>a quote end quote "real job"
>S-so I'm suing her for bigotry against gamers!
He was hit with several unknown objects. In any case, I would have treated her like a queen. This is what she gets for choosing men who hit her instead of men like me.
I don't give a shit faggot, don't beat someone with a baby in her stomach. Protect your legacy. Does he want his baby to have health problems at birth?
He didn't hit the baby dipshit.
She was in the wrong, before he chimped out and started beating the shit out of her, then he became even wronger. You faggots make it sound like she was throwing glass objects and appliances at him. Bitch is slaving over a hot stove and the "man" can't even stop playing his shitty meme game for kids and have the dinner she cooked for him and their kids.
I don't agree with calling it self-defense, but it was a valid incident of smacking the crazy out of a woman. People have such an effeminate view of violence these days. It's never acceptable to them. Even in self-defense, they'll criticize people if they're "too rough" or "escalate unnecessarily." Worst of all are faggots like who try and make it seem like violence makes you unmanly, stupid, in the wrong, etc. I see the same shit with people talking about spanking.
No, she cooked him dinner over an hour ago. He said he'd have dinner with his wife and his newborn child. Then he hits his pregnant wife for wanting to spend 30 minutes with him out of a stream that he'd been doing all day.
He streams for hours and then plays games for hours - all while ignoring his wife and children - then hits his wife when she complains about it.
And clearly she's had to deal with this for years because of her response.
You also forget she was assaulted while pregnant with his baby.
Women weren't always wrong
yummy mummies need love and care, if they experience trauma, studies show it has an epigenetic effect on the progeny
t. has never been in a fight or hit a woman
t. has never seen a woman irl
Both are cunts, grill provoked and the guy looks cunty anyway
this video makes me feel like a bat, I hear these angry moth noises but I actually cannot see what's goin on
My thread > is better.
Everyone go to my thread. Op copied me.
People with half a brain realize they are both toxic as fuck to each other, and this is only outrageous because she gets the pussy pass and the pregnant double pass.
If we change sex and roles, say if he took that kind of shit from a male roommate and slapped him in his bitch face, the stream viewers would have cheered him. It would have still been wrong though.
Today it's a cardboard box and some useless shit broken.
Tomorrow it's a frying spatula, or a paperweight, and scissors taken to his credit card.
literally this
the only good woman is a dead one
If you've gotten your wife pregnant it's your duty to help her deliver a healthy baby. Not to play video games and start bitching when she wants your help like some fucking manchild.
Just another good reason to go MGTOW. My eyes are open.
They're both idiots for escalating shit when they could've just walked away and saved themselves the trouble.
Not condoning what he did in any way as an appropriate response, but she kept nagging him despite repeated negative responses. Eventually, her antagonizing caused him to snap and he lashed out physically. If she would've just backed down and said fuck it, eat dinner on your own time, none of this shit would've happened.
He's an idiot for deciding to get physical with his wife despite no clear potentially harmful threat. Granted, his emotions were probably running high and he probably wasn't thinking straight. But that still doesn't excuse hitting your wife. He could've prevented all this if he just ignored her or turned off the game, Sure, his pride would've taken a hit and he would've likely had to end the stream, but that's a helluva lot better than a prison term and having your reputation forever tarnished.
Also, this does not seem like a good marriage/romantic relationship, to begin with, so odds are something like this would've happened or had already happened in the past.
What a faggot. I hate women and all of that but she's talking about making dinner. They have children too and he's streaming video games. Sure, she provoked him like a fucking bitch and kept pressing him but the whole point is for him to be reasonable and simply just listen.
I hope they get a divorce cause that is one dysfunctional family
You are all sick fucks, he hit a pregnant woman and made her cry. Absolutely no excuses. Disgusting. Maybe if you acted kinder to the world you would finally get a girlfriend.
>You are all sick fucks, he hit a pregnant woman and made her cry. Absolutely no excuses. Disgusting. Maybe if you acted kinder to the world you would finally get a girlfriend.
What do you expect from a bunch of incels who weaponize their autism and cause mild irritation on the internet?
Think about it. Do you really want these specimens breeding??
It's better that they are alone
It was a slap you soi cuck
Look I think the thing is here both parties are wrong but he shouldn't have hit her. A true measure of a man with strength is knowing when to restrain yourself.
Your dads would be fucking ashamed of you fags
Lets be honest if he's thrown cardboard at her and she hit him nobody would be crying about it.
It's only because she shrieks like a harpy after a light slap for dramatic effect that all the whiteknights come out to show their support for m'lady.
Trips of truth have spoken gentlemen. Nothing left to discuss here
>smacking the crazy out
Logic of child bashers. Violence doesn't solve anything in the long term ever.
>inb4 wow youre such a basedboy
For anyone else, how is it a basedboy to realize women are weaker and men and thus its a bigger deal to hit women? Complete backwards, macho girl-bashing logic.
Do you guys ever wonder about the stuff like this that doesn't happen on stream, but to millions of kids? I want to kill myself knowing that people can be stupid enough to act this way.
True, she was provoking him, it is not like she was not doing anything and he just hit her.
Most domestic abuse cases are a two way street, the wife could have been verbally abusing him or demeaning him if camera. Purposely provoking him to the point of violence. We don't know the full story so it is hard to tell.
>let yourself be attacked
Nah, fuck this crazy bitch. If she weren't a fucking retard I might agree but she attacked first. Equal lefts and all that.
>Yep, I'm coming Annabelle.
>*sees that he died*
Because violence doesn't actually provide the solution idiot. It just creates another problem.
If you're arguing with somebody and you shoot them, does that mean you won the argument? No, just means you shot them.
i dont see how this is a topic of conversation
yes he hit her after he was provoked but he was dumb enough to do it on stream, everybody should know nothing escapes the internet
shouldn't have been such a fucking retard about it so he deserves all the hate imo
i love how pretty much every media platform is painting fortnite as aggressive game and gamers are problem of society just to say this is not first nor last attack on us just to remind(theweek.co.uk
>its a bigger deal to hit women?
The answer you seek my friend is: No.
based schizophrenic
libtard destoyed
He could of killed her and I'd still want him walking free, so my opinion is hardly relevant to nu-r9k.
>beta fag
>e drama
Sure glad i dont give a fuck about any of this
You incel pussys wont do shit. You are all weak keyboard warriors who hide in your rooms all day jacking off to Japanese anime.
You are all gutless cowards. All talk.
And then 10 died in Canada
>All talk.
Literally your post.
You have to go back.
Lol. A fluke
That's the incel response
You have to go back.
You are pathetic excuse for a human being.
Neck yourself loser
but it happened. The dude even stated he was an incel.
Are you that mans wife perchance?
Lol. Sure kid,whatever you say
I even got it from your favorite site, nigger lover.
3 slaps. one to the face and others to who knows where
Are you a faggot perchance?
That's your answer to everything. You think when somebody disagrees with you that it's a woman,because in your incel brain guys stick together right?
Wrong, you are truly hated by everyone, "chads" "basedboys" "npcs," etc etc.
It's only a matter of time.
Yea sure kid,whatever you say
Shut up fag I'll beat the fuck out of you.
Yea you arent going to beat the shit out of anyone faggot.
You are a pussy who takes it up the ass nightly from your daddy.
You are a submissive cuck loser.
You have no courage
People don't hate me at all, I just don't like people.
Now you I can see people not liking, what a virtue complex.
I feel so bad for this guy. It's obvious that he's got no eye for women if he married a cunt like that. In a cucked place like Australia too. She can throw shit as much as she wants, hit him if she wants, break his stuff and that's all fine. As soon as he wants her to fuck off it's assault. Because it's never okay to hit a woman. :^)
unless playing games is how you pay for the bills
You better watch what you post or I'll stomp your fucking teeth in pussy.
Lol. Everyone hates you incel,even your own family.
Sure you will wimp.
You couldn't stomp on an ant you weak pussy
You'd fucking shit yourself if you saw me irl panzy.
Simply untrue, my grandma bakes me cookies every time I visit.
i like you mate, your a chad, based and you are redpilled, dont listen to that other faggot, he sounds like he shoves stuff up his ass when he jerks off
Lol. No I wouldn't. I'd laugh my ass off at how you waddle like a penguin, fatty.
You are a greasy loser
Hes not a Chad hes a faggot like you.
You and him fuck each other every night.
You both are wimps
whats your problem mate? bad day at school?
Thanks user, I'd share my cookies with you if I could.
>You and him fuck each other every night
Yikes lad, that escalated quickly. Why all the tough talk?
You're my problem "mate".
I dont go to school you raging faggot. I work in an office.
Shut up incel. You and your boyfriend are disgusting homos
then why have you got so much pent up anger kiddo, talk to me, lets work through this? whats your relationship like with your father
>I work in an office.
Ouch, worse than school, I understand your rage.