What was the most regretful thing you did in in high school?
What was the most regretful thing you did in in high school?
Almost beat a kid to death for forgetting my birthday
What happened after you beat him user?
Fucking the janitor. I enjoyed it at the time but it's not something I'm proud of.
Too many to choose from
#1: I quit playing baseball going into my senior year. I was being scouted by some division II and local community college school, the pressure and undiagnosed anxiety helped to make me a shortsighted decision that I regret making.
#2: Got with my ex-girlfriend. God damn that bitch was a fucking PSYCHO. Was under her thumb of manipulation and emotional/physical abuse for 4.5 years. FUCK THAT BITCH.
#3: Didn't focus on friendships. Not to say that high school friendships are THE BEST THING EVER but my years would have been better if I had spent more time with friends
#4: Smoked too much weed lol
#5: Masturbated too much lol
#6: I pantzed my friend Dylan in front of his crush
I dont think I regret that one though lol he was a dick
#7: Fucked his crush less than a week before he asked her out. Still don't know if he knows or not lol they're dating now
Went to an all male high school and on top of that was a shy recluse. So I basically had no experience with girls, probably for the better though.
Get the fuck off Jow Forums you normie
Not paying attention to chemistry and math classes
Spend thousands of hours on tf2 and Jow Forums.
believing being weird was okay
Lets see. Freshman year I fell for someone so hard it still haunts me the chances I had but was too anxious/stupid to take them. I didnt form any long lasting friendships besides one, which started sophomore year. I blew off learning to drive so now as an adult its embarassing that I cant and my anxiety is so bad I cant sit in a driver seat without crying. I didnt take the chance i had to see a psychologist early on while my issues were still possible to conquer.
I took no risks in the dating pool and as such was a loner until some bitch convinced me to date them and go to prom which turned out to be a ploy to piss off my former best friend their ex. So my last weeks, instead of making sure I could keep contact with my few friends, I was wasting my time. Glad I still have one friend at least, and he's better than a hundred others combined.
Wasting it? Did nothing but play vidya and smoke/drink. God, I wish I could try it again.
I said I was bi because I thought it would make me cool. Everyone just thought I was a faggot
I do what I want puto
>Normie spacing
>Social life
I let my friend gave me head because I was horny. It was in all boys boarding school.
>be me
>17 year old beta cuck
>ask gf of 2 years to prom
>obviously she says yes
>buy 200 dollar tux
>prom night is here
>gf looking 9/10
>take gf out to 130 dollar dinner
>have time of my life at prom
>gf all over me
>after dance, leave and park car off in private
>things getting hot and heavy
>notice something seems off
>ask her whats wrong
>she tries to change subject and keep kissing me
>i wont let her until she tells me whats wrong
>"its just that when we kiss, i don't feel anything"
>mfw i spent 300+ dollars to find out my gf isn't attracted to me
Hot girl asked me if I'd eat her ass. Said no, that sounds gross. For some reason I didnt realize until later that I could've lost my virginity that day.
>what was the most regretful thing you did in high school
Dropping out
Ugh. I typed and retyped a much longer reply, but now I'm mad and jaded so I will just cover the gist of it. I'll be glad to answer any questions you have.
My two biggest regrets:
1. Letting mental health issues take over (many hospitalizations, causing me to miss lots of class, senior prom, and graduation; went crazy and paranoid, lost a lot of weight, started hearing voices; living as a guy for 1.5 years due to mental issues)
2. Not going for a guy I liked for most of 7th-9th grade (had multiple extracurriculars and some classes together; would've been great for me if he liked me back - wouldn't have focused on the wrong people, mental health probably would've been more in check, etc.; I like him again now, which sucks since he lives thousands of miles away)
Falling in love with someone who is clearly out of my league. :'(
And also .... Your mom .
being socially awkward and having difficulty reading other people's feelings. I was tall, athletic and played sports so it masked those massive deficiencies I had. I was totally oblivious to everything and I regret that. in my free time I was an autistic weeb and I could have been such a chad. in retrospect it feels like it was a curse. I was given a lot but being so socially retarded destroyed it all.
Became infatuated with an edgy normalfag a year younger than me. It didn't have the hugest affect on my future, but it is very cringy to look back on. The second most regretful was leaving school for a month to get treatment for ED and throwing a permanent wrench through my education.
In the toilet I couldn't wait so I teared the door open and yelled some autistic thing to the kid who was just peeing
- have the same math teacher as my sister in the last year before degree (he was her teacher the year before)
- give up in the second trimester (3 months grade period) because I had given my all in the 1st trimester for the prep school admission application and that teacher had thrashed us all (we all had had an alcoholic math teacher in 2d year who thought we were good)
I probably wouldn't have become a jet pilot anyway, but at least after a maths prep school I could have become some random basic engineer.
>living as a guy for 1.5 years due to mental issues
This is the part you have to build on.
What would you like to know, specifically? I had (sometimes awful) gender dysphoria, but luckily the dysphoria is not an issue anymore.
not going to highschool is the only thing i regret
he almost died lad
you're pathetic lol
not kill mysellf
Let my sisters bf bully me after I called him a fag on the phone. He spit on me in woodshop class then tried to fight me after class. Pretty shameful the way I just took it. I have others but that one hurts the ego the most.
I wrote up a hitlist with a kid I was friends with, some cunt turned us in and got expelled and lost all my friends.
Not quite highschool for me, but I did something pretty similar in 8th grade. Dated some edgy bitch who attempted suicide about 3 times... and cut off my friends in doing so. Just glad I dipped out of that relationship and am back with my friends that aren't all dramatic fags.
Just had to say this....
If you're here, Ryan, you're a whiny faggot.
Rejecting and ghosting several girls. Now I'm 26 and lonely. Oh well
Acutually i regret not having done any more things than to have done other things.
reject a guy who i could have been married to by now because he was an amazing angel but i was too shy to even hold his hand in public i feel awful because after all this bullshit he still took me to his prom and i regret it to this day
Spent all of Junior and Senior year dating a girl I never liked. Just because I thought I couldn't do any better. But the entire time I was with her I had girls hitting on me that were much more attractive and I had much more in common with.
I had multiple mental breakdowns in class, like one thing would set me off and I'd go on a tirade. During this time I had limited social interaction, no friends and had to spent hours on end with people I fucking despised, not surprised I ended up losing it sometimes.
Damn, I almost fell for the "I'm actually a guy" meme too. So thankful I accepted myself and didn't try to become a guy.
i don't know, i don't think i could've done anything to make high school better thanks to whatever problem i have
for some reason though the jocks really liked me and i'm still friends with some
let three guys have sex with me at a party after my bf broke up with me.
the whole school knew within 10 minutes
>lying about literally everything
I lied about girls I fucked, material possessions, college acceptances, and just pointless shit. Wish I didnt. Other than that I wish I tried. Wish I got good grades and went to a top school. Wish I kept lifting.
Not being able to make friends or graduate.
It wasn't in high school perse, but around grade 9 I got the bright idea to sneak into my parents office and pump my balls full with silicone. Easily the dumbest thing I've ever done considering I'm still living with the consequences.
I ignored a thicc latinas advances because I thought I could do better.
did you enjoy it though?
Not only are you a retard, but that's more sad then funny
You're right, I was a stupid fucking kid and now I've got these things for life. But on the bright side I'm not a namefag so I've got that going for me.
I started dating this used up landwhale who was 16 years old. By age 16 she had already fucked 8 guys, though to me she only admitted to fucking 6 of them.
Anyway, all my friends and I were proto-incels, we just kept to ourselves and no girls were interested in us, then senior year everyone started getting girlfriends and invited to parties, but my gf was such a disgusting whore that she would start a huge fight if I even suggested that I wanted to to go a party. I was such a cuck and so afraid of losing the only chance at sex I would probably ever had that I lost out at a chance to be a normie. I could've gone to woods parties and drank and who knows what could've happened from there. Even my retarded friends were making out with sluts at these parties. One of them actually made out with some girl and she started crying when she realized who it was that she made out with. I still chuckle at that thought to this very day.