On chicks that either don't exist or will never fuck you. Pleasuring yourself to the thought of sensations you haven't (and likely never will) experienced. Time is the most valuable thing you have r9k, choose how you spend it wisely.
All of that time wasted
Time spent on something enjoyable is not time wasted.
Even if it hurts you in the long run?
What about drugs then?
>inb4 barneyfag
rip thread boyo
Die you fucking Barneyfag.
Not even joking, please die
I laughed because I saw your comment after his
bleed to death you human waste
and fucking kill yourself too
bleed to the fucking death
get fucking stabbed shitface
oh and fucking die as well
Mlp = Spongi Boi you know?
Get over it nigger people like shit you don't. Me? I like me sum scooby doo (unironically too) and do I deserve hate for liking a boring formulaic show? Hell no nigga some people just like kiddy shit and they shouldn't concern you.
you get the idea, bleed to the fucking death
Why are you even bumping this thread?
To let people know of a complete faggot OP.
Lazy town is also on the same channel level of Barney and Teletubbies but thats not considered bad. You have to have a very high iq to understand children's television to know what makes one good and what makes one bad. It's pretty deep when you get into it. You gain new sense like how a racer car driver gains the ability to sense the pressure and weight of his car.
please just fucking bleed
If you enjoy them so much, have fun.
this thread has been up for nearly 4 hours not one bit of porn has been posted
shame on you OP
You surely have the most original posts, huh.
and just crack open your fucking head