>coworker telling me story about his nightclub experience last night
>he stops
>"Do you go to night clubs?"
>Have you ever been?
>Have you ever been to a bar?
>So let me get this straight. You don't do girls. You don't like cars. You don't go clubbing. You don't drink? Have you ever been drunk?
>Okay... You're not a total loss But I'm just struggling to wrap my head around this
>I just don't like that stuff
>I don't understand
It's only been a week and they're getting closer to outing me. How fucked am I?
Coworker telling me story about his nightclub experience last night
Normies are literally NPCs I fucking hate this world.
Lmao that shit is NPC tier and it has happened to me. Where do you work user?
>have you ever done xyz
>I don't like it
wonder how you know if you never did.
but then again
I don't really care.
>they're getting closer to outing me
you're already outed. they smelled it on you the moment they saw you.
people like us can't fool normies unless we manage to become normies. just accept it.
Is it a good job? If it's just retail who cares how the normies perceive you.
But yeah these people are braindead. Then again there is a part of me that strongly wishes I could get the same enjoyment they do out of those things. Something almost simple and pure about their love of degeneracy, as paradoxical as that sounds.
its gotten to the point now that i don't even wanna lie to normies anymore but that just causes them to immediately not like me anymore and then i just stop going outside
this won't last much longer im going to have to get a job again and start learning how to lie to normies again
Have you ever jumped in front of a train? What do you mean it would kill you? You can't possibly infer anything about it just from seeing other people doing it!
>Unironically using the words normies and NPC in the same sentence
user, getting drunk at a bar, and then going to a club with random strangers you just met at that bar and got drunk with is literally one of the most fun things in life.
You are an NPC if you never did that.
Nightclubbing is the most incel thing to do.
This, especially if drugs are involved IMO
>going to a club with random strangers you just met at that bar and got drunk with
that sounds terrible.
>unironically using yikes
Go back to twitter
Clubs are so garish and trash. You pay exorbitant prices for drinks, you listen to club pop that you've already heard 30 times on the radio that day, you often pay just to get in (and that's after you've been vetted by a thot with a superiority complex, an ear piece, an iPad, and a cunt that's dripping for brown dick), and for all that money and indignity, you get... sweet fuck all in return.
Clubbing is absolutely retarded and anybody who does it is completely basic and is caught in the swarm. They'll scream with glee and sprint towards something just because everyone around them is and they think they'll miss out on being in on something.
You're doing the right thing, OP. Shed all this from your life. There is no happiness at the end of it.
I blame the petrochemical age. Fuck plastic.
You are the true NPCS for being shitty followers to a shitty trend.
in fact, the NPC would be you, for letting your perception of it being "just a trend" stop you from doing it lol
I dont let it being a trend stop me you fuck I let it being something i genuinely dont like stop me. The only reason you think you like it is because you're the type of person to jump in on whatever everyone else is doing and therefore has no personality of their own. You never stop and think to yourself and form your own being from your own thoughts thus become what yourself wants you to be, you just take in input all day from those around you and become them. Therefore you are the NPC.
Lmao you only had fun because you were drunk.you were so drunk you thought you had fun.
Just tell him to fuck off. Jesus grow a back bone you wimp.
>"Dude! I cannot even fathom that you don't like the same things that I do"
I don't fucking care about trends. In fact, I go against the trend.
The best part about going to clubs is when you are NOT completely drunk(also that case is also quite enjoyable in its own right), but when you go to the smoking area and talk with random people.
It's really amazing who you meet there.
You get conversations like: "Oh, I work in chemistry and we do X", and then you have a conversation about chemistry
Or like: "I speak 10 languages", and because I speak only 4, we get a conversation about languages.
Its quite fun and interesting, people are quite interesting in their own right. Of course, you also meet NPC's who don't have a soul, but you just go away then.
That's the best part about clubbing. And drinking and bars.
You see, a big part of it is, that you can be truly honest because you have the excuse of "being drunk", and so you can just talk about politics or culture or anything, really. You just have to be open.
>Typing this wall of text to front as though you pay stupid amounts of money to go to clubs and not get drunk and have deep meaningful conversations about life with sensation-seeking dopamine-addict NPC scumbags who are literally only there to attention whore and get laid
Yikes from me famalamadingdong
>and so you can just talk about politics or culture or anything, really. You just have to be open.
By "be open" about politics or culture, what this cuck really means is "virtue signal about what a tragedy it is that the Sihks are killing the Israelis in Sri Lanka". You're fucking delusional my man kek.
>virtue signal
haha, nice one, you fucking kike.
When I say "being open" I mean, unironically naming the jew and then blaming it on the booze.
>sensation-seeking dopamine-addict NPC scumbags who are literally only there to attention whore and get laid
How do you know this if you never were there you god damned faggot?
Drugs and alcohol are fun but I went to a club once and it fucking sucked, I just stood around and then left after 30 minutes and had to wait for my friends to be done since they were my ride, then had to endure questions of why I was so "grouchy" for leaving the club as if it was an objectively fun experience.
I had a normie friend who knew all this about me, that I don't drink or go to nightclubs, and still tried to invite me literally every weekend to go with him and his friends. Eventually I had to tell him to stop, but then he switched to "Let's go to the lake and get drunk/high man" I just cut him off eventually and we haven't talked since
>One of friends invates to a party
>Get dressed up well go to shower etc
>Go to the party
>A lot of cute girls around
>Way to autistic to talk to them
>Get drunk as fuck
>Girl asks you to dance
>Say no
>Not because i didn't want to but because was way to drunk
>Sober up a bit
>go to onother girl ask her to dance
>''no'' cuz resons
>go to other girl
>Again ''no''
>literaly every girl rejects me
>Walked up to like 5 girls all said ''no''
mfw, had chance to dance with girl but rejected her and then got rejected myself 5 times
>just tell someone you have to work with everyday to fuck off
Disgusting orignoli
random girls dont like when you ask them to dance. you have to dance with girls that already are dancing on the dance floor. politely asking them may seem civilized, but is very unattractive. just grab her by the waist or hand and start spinning
Why are you talking to people you retard
>we haven't talked since
But thats what you want right?
>>So let me get this straight. You don't do girls. You don't like cars. You don't go clubbing. You don't drink? Have you ever been drunk?
i don't like cars either, or any of those things. i used to drink a lot, then i realized it is garbage.
all it makes me want to do is argue on the internet, i don't know how people think alcohol is a "social drug" that makes them want to talk to people IRL, i don't feel that at all. it also makes me very warm and have to piss every 20 minutes
also, OP, you must LIE
>You are an NPC if you never did that.
i've done it but i don't really enjoy that stuff.
bars are shitty, and clubs are even worse. clubs are so loud all you can do is dance (which is gay) you have to scream in anyone's ear for them to hear you talk. also, the drinks are overpriced and shitty. plus alcohol is a crappy drug
>unironically naming the jew and then blaming it on the booze.
i have only bad experiences doing this. DONT EVER DO THIS
I don't understand this whole clubbing, bar culture. It's not only western countries but a large portion of the world
why is alcohol the world wide approved drug? Is no one asking this. I wonder how a world where people didn't drink alcohol and bars didn't exist look like
>and bars didn't exist, would look like*
>why is alcohol the world wide approved drug?
well, honestly, tradition. you can make alcohol by smashing a bunch of grapes and letting them ferment
other drugs required chemists, and don't have so long of a history of use
also, apparently, some people feel good as a result of it
because alcohol transforms shy people into actual humans. it opens barriers. not every normie is a chad/stacy having no shame in their actions and being pure charisma.
only if you're scared to socialize. if you're simply disinterested, it doesn't make you interested
yeah, i bet you are just disinterested all the time
Same thing, except the part of being drunk, i have never drank alcohol in my life. They got mad at me for this, i cannot understand their reaction. I wish i as dead
It worked for me for the first week, after that they started to leave me alone
The other user used a shit example with the train, but in general, there are some things we can be sure we wouldnt like without trying. Like watching golf.
I get that but what do you think a world without alcohol would look like?
In my view it turns humans into drugged versions of themselves
most of them wouldn't be able to live with themselves if they did their sex while sober
I'd like to see the weak without the drug and see how they fair
Theres a difference between being shy and socially retarded
You sound insecure about your life choices
i don't know what the exact reason is, but alcohol never made me want to socialize with people in public -- however, i don't have anxiety
>what do you think a world without alcohol would look like
i dont know, almost the same? most people don't drink all the time. i don't drink anyway and i don't pretend to understand the thought processes of those that do
Where would people go if there wasn't alcohol? would there still be clubs and bars?
would they just drink soda or some kind of alcohol free beer?
> almost the same
It would change the entire world if it magically happened overnight. It would be a better world....well until people use another drug to replace it
Why "would"?
Are you retarded?
Just look at Islamic countries.
People go to cafes and shit.
I don't drink because I'm actually scared that I will end up with alcohol poisoning before I ever get drunk, and alcohol smells and tastes fucking disgusting anyway
I fear the same mate. I believe i got traumatized by my dad, he drank himself nuts and managed to destroy his marriage with my mother, never saw the man again after we moved out.
Exactly the same as my dad too, like my grandparents also did with their marriage, just stay away from booze anons it's not worth it
well we already have cafes here so I guess it wouldn't be that different
just a world without alcohol
I remember asking my dad once why he would not stop drinking as he did with smoking, once i asked him to stop, he told me "Son, this is the only joy i have in life". I hate alcohol
That's sad. but I see his point of view. we all have things we are addicted or attached to
He was just another casualty of the environment he was raised in
>"Son, this is the only joy i have in life". I hate alcohol
I love alcohol
It, too, is the obly joy I have in life
Basically the same. But it gets better when a female coworker start asking you about
>music you listen
>the latest shit movie
and then they come together for the epic finisher of
>"user what the fuck did you even do for the last 30 years"
Do you just think you don't like that stuff because you've never tried it?
That's how I am. Too scared of change and moving forward with my life so I just do the same shit every day and I never go out when invited.
I like cars
I can its my super power
Why would you tell him you've never been to clubs. Just lie. Its not like he's gonna give you a pop quiz on night clubs.
>Yikes from me famalamadingdong
Same here, but the focus of the topic is mostly on girls. I am not interested in girls right now because I am not interested in anything due to being a depressed fuck. And I don't want to drag someone down with me. But I said nothing more than I am simply not interested at the moment. But they still annoy me with it. Even though I didn't explain in full detail they should respect my choice but they apparently can't. And not to forget their first reaction to me saying that was "are you gay?"
How hard can it be to tell a fucking lie?
amazing that you know exactly why i like to party, or you at least think you know lmao, nice try buddy i just like having fun