Is there anything you can do once somebody starts losing interest in you? it seems you can never get back that spark like when you first met, What can I do if a girl is losing interest in me? is it over?
Is there anything you can do once somebody starts losing interest in you...
I don't know. Same thing happened to me, except I spent nearly 1000 dollars to go visit her. Now she's about ready to abandon me.
Best to cut them out as soon as you notice it happening and ruthlessly ignore them. A lot of times theyll play dumb and ask what happened and why youre acting like this but just keep ignoring them. Dont smile or even say hi when you see them. block their number if they text you. Just cut them out of your life for good. Theyre gone either way. Either they flake away from you and you lose or you cut them off and go out on top.
I'm afraid to say you're right, How do I get the strength to do that though? I'm probably being dramatic but this isn't even a real life thing, this is somebody I met online about 10 months ago and have basically been talking every single day since. I have become so clingy, obsessed and desperate for their attention which is so out of character for me. I don't act clingy or tell them how much I want their attention but I just feel it inside. I feel so pathetic because this is just an online thing but the way it makes me feel is just so real. it mostly makes me feel terrible these days because I know they're losing interest in me, everything reminds me of them, I think about them literally every minute of every day. What the actual fuck is wrong with me? How have I fallen this hard over an online thing?
I am going through a very similar situation as you right now. It has happened to me before where I eventually get ghosted but this time I thought I finally met someone it would be different with, and then all of a sudden it is turning into the same patterns from before. I can't tell if I am just being paranoid that it is happening again or not though.
What kind of patterns are you noticing?
Well, for example, we used to direct message every day. Maybe some days it was not much (but usually it was for hours), but she would always tell me when she was going to bed, etc. But lately she doesn't tell me when she goes to bed, she will just send me a message and I will reply...and wait and wait and realize she is gone. The first few times I was waiting hours for the reply before I realized she left because I am dumb. Starting with this month, now some days I don't even get a message at all in a row of days (for some people this may not seem big, but up until now there was never a day she didn't send me at least one message). So, I am pretty sure she is losing interest in me.
You could always ask her what's going on, but I think she would have mentioned being busy or something so I think you should probably just cut your losses and move on. And online relationships are worthless
Oh man I understand completely, and yeah it seems like the typical online losing interest situation. In my situation, we would once talk quite literally 12 hours a day non-stop. She would always make and carry the conversations. Now she will not message me hours after she wakes up, will maybe talk for about 10 minutes a day then she will vanish for the whole night. I really wouldn't be worried too much but it's also the fact I know she talks to other people now. I know how you feel man, I'm about to get ghosted and it's going to hurt a lot.
most of the time it happens when they find someone more interesting & better than you, so they start losing interest in you. Listen man, girls feed on attention & they eventually get tired if they keep getting it from same person so they keep looking for someone new & when they find that someone new, you're gonna get ghosted, forever. That's if they are not romantically interested in you, it varies on what kind of relationship are you in with that person.
Yes, we are in a very, very similar situation haha. Well, I hope you won't get ghosted. I wish there was some advice I could offer, but since it is probably going to happen to me soon too, you know, I have nothing of value to offer. I don't know how to reignite that interest. I want to say, I don't feel good that someone else is also going through this, but I do feel a little less alone reading this thread, so thanks.
Yeah you're right but it just hurts, this is my first time ever getting attached to somebody online and also considering the fact how long we spoke for, but I can see the end coming nonetheless and I know it's going to kill me for a long time.
Yeah we are, I don't even know at this point man. it's probably best for her to ghost me and put it out of its misery instead of me holding on. Haha believe me I think literally all day how to reignite the interest and spark but I don't think you can, the spark and inflation you share with them when you first meet can't return. I'm also curious, how long have you been talking to her for?
Once it starts going down hill , might as well cut your ties.
If she makes the effort to make the ball go back uphill then roll with it. If not , let the ball roll downhill.
She keeps trying to find random problems with you and pick fights. She contradicts everything she said in the past. All of those nice things she said in the past, she now redacts and insists were "mistakes" She ignores you, lies to you, spends time with other people. You're not the first person she's chewed up and spit out like this. She might even be doing the same to people in this thread. Why do they do this? I thought she was different.
>Guys love girls hoping she'll never change but she always does
>Girls love guys hoping they'll make them change but they never do
it's all a shitshow OP the only way to win is not to care about people
Well, It's good for you that you are smart enough to get the early indications, i wasn't though. In my case, we talked for 4-5 months & all of a sudden she lost interest and ghosted me. Just like in your case, we used to talk for hours, like we literally used to talk till 2-3 AM, daily. She seemed way to interested and suddenly, all of that changed. It hurts, alright, but you have to man up & forget about it. It might take time, i'm still recovering but there's no other option for us & try not to use r9k, it'll only make you more sad.
I will probably just stick it out to the bitter, inevitable end haha. But often I have thought of ending things with "dignity", I just don't have the strength I don't think. I always say things to myself like "The next time she sends a message, try not to reply for 24 hours like she does to you", but then I reply almost immediately because my willpower is so low and then I get roped into what I think is a nice conversation until it abruptly ends with her leaving some minutes later. So, it would be cool if I could be "cool" about it, but I haven't succeeded yet. Hmm, we have been talking about a year.
Too fucking real man, the contradictions especially. I feel like they are a completely different person to who I was talking to a few months ago, I notice the lying too but I don't call her out on it.
Dude holy shit are you me, I think the exact things about reply times but always inevitably cave in because I fear she might just remove me for taking too long to reply. that's exactly what happens in my situation too, randomly leaving during a conversation and not returning for the rest of the night. Are you sure we aren't talking to the same person haha?
The devil in the detail.
Basically all girls do this, happened to me as well.
The girl Ibwas talking to I believe wanted me to ask her out and be a legit couple. Talking all the time and not doing anything else is just you wasting their time....I say all of this after going through this 4 times...I just never like the girl enough to ask her out, she gets mad and slowly leaves. One or them actually told me that I am boring and some other stuff I dont want to remember. She was really cool, she was so nice and fuj to be around..shebhad enough tho...talking to girls is just gonna get you ghosted I know that much.
Haha, I was going to ask that myself. Well, whatever the case, I hope things can turn around for you, user. I'm off to bed for now, going to toss and turn thinking about it again like I do every night lately and hope for a better tomorrow. Thanks again.
Oh if you're off to bed then Goodnight friend, I was just going to ask if you wanted to talk on discord some time and share our experiences when we are getting ignored. detsohg#3167 if you want to.
"I NEED some space. "
" I just want to heal "
" All you want is the happily ever after, what about me user? "
" I am not in love with you anymore. "
I'm sorry dude, was it really instant? Did they tell you anything or just block you out of nowhere?
it seems there is no happy ending in these situations, the good times are never worth the hurt of getting ghosted