Is having children the most selfish act you can commit?

is having children the most selfish act you can commit?

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If you are a piece of shit then sure

No. Aborting them is.

aborting them at 18 would be better, nice trips

Only if you do not have the means to support and provide for them.

Africans and people seeking refugee status should not be having children. It is cruel and selfish of them.

Claiming groups of people should not be having children is cruel and selfish of you.

>this thread again
Fuck off shlomo, having children is the objective purpose of existence in the first place

Nope, that title belongs to suicide.

>have no food, live in a mud hut
>i should have 8 kids
>oh damn i can't feed any of them

>live in worn torn country
>house blown up
>family killed
>we need to hop on a rickety boat and sail to europe where half of us will drown on the way
>i should have 8 kids

No, THAT is selfish.

>objective purpose of existence
that doesnt exist.

I'd say it's the second most selfish act you can commit. First would be having children, then mutilating their foreskin shortly after birth, while awake, just because you think it "looks nicer"

autistic subjectivist lol
you are born to reproduce, that is your objective, natural purpose, whether you fucking like it or not

>my purpose of existence is the correct one!

It's completely biologically based

It is simultaneously the most selfish and the most selfless.

Only if you have a mental illness.You're gonna make the kids and your partner lives hell.

Yes having children is without a doubt the most selfish act a human can commit. You are forcibly bringing another soul into this plane of torment to suffer along side you.

Most people don't think the things they do can be harmful and are mainly self serving, and fully grown adults act like kids the most

Reminder if your mother isnt an actual crackwhore or worse your woe is me bullshit is just edgy teenage melodrama.

Not even Jow Forumsing but;

If you're a globalist yes from their vantage point. If you're a Nationalist in the West then no from their vantage point.

Point is, you can rationalise everything.

>having a child was the best thing I EVER DID
>having a child MAKES ME REALLY HAPPY

it seems selfish to me based on the language women themselves use about their children.

in fact, any sentence a woman says or types that includes "I" or "me", i immediately ignore.
talk about someone/something else other than your god damn self.

>I like volunteering at the soup kitchen because it MAKES ME REALLY HAPPY
>Donating blood was the best thing I EVER DID