Oof after browsing this board for 15 min I came to the realization that most of you are in your early 30s based on your replies and topics. You oldfags need to adapt to gen z or gtfo the internet.
Oof after browsing this board for 15 min I came to the realization that most of you are in your early 30s based on your...
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Oof is basically ooft which means fuck sake
Most of these zoomer niggers probably don't even play roblox hell they probably don't even know what tickets were
Why not get a dictionary & stop appropriating black peoples culture? Gen z language is only a thing because you can't stand being called racist by black people for stealing their culture.
>tfw seeing faggots appropriate this shit when you actually played roblox as a kid
blacks have no culture though
Jow Forums shouldn't even have zoomers though. You don't get karma, likes, or loot boxes when you post on Jow Forums. It's basically the same design it had in 2003
>blacks have no culture though
white culture is literally nothing but superhero movies and netflix.
Perfect thing for zoomers to steal. They have no brains after all. If they did, they would have a more rich & complex vocabulary.
Quiet jewnigger. Stan Lee was as jewish as they come. Your culture is entirely based off appropriating other cultures to try & subvert the one you're in.
history and culture aren't the same thing. Remember 1/3rd of gen Z is LGBT. Only 7% of millennials are lgbt.
>history and culture aren't the same thing.
Jews have no history or culture then. Even niggers have mudhuts. Jews never thought of anything on their own.
>white culture is literally nothing but superhero movies and netflix
>this is what zoomers unironically believe
Their brains are on jewmedia. They don't bother to ask questions. Just take everything at face value.
Are you trolling or just retarded?
t.gen Z
>tfw roblox felt like a dead indie gamer site all those years ago and is now one of the most popular things for some reason
Never will understand how 2nd rate legos got here a decade later.
Nopr niglet. You will adopt to US, or you go and make your own space.
The forums were the shit though
Oof is from Roblox, dumb oldnigger
But is netflix jewish? Of course it is.
what else is there? Niggers have created pretty all music after 1920. Your food is made by immigrants. Only the rich marry anymore because Stacy only wants elites.
>Just give up already! We can't have anymore of you straying away from our control. That makes us very nervous goy!
Nope it's literally true. Only 2/3rds of gen z identifty as straight. Don't buy the "gen z is teh based" shit trump supporters believe.
Gen Z is literally full of nonbinary types. The only Gen Z nazis are living in small towns, and that's always been the case.
>no sources given
found the butthurt jewish /leftypol/ user.
see I remember 2008 very well and nobody would've admitted they were even slightly gay. Even liberals made fun of gays and used it as an insult.
>blacks have no culture
Is that why you faggots are obsessed with dressing like us, emulating how we act and speak.
Most of zoomers slang is co-opted black (African american) slang, you guys aren't original in anyway.
If you're an amerimutt stop acting like you have any ties to europe, most of you can't even speak the tongue of your ancestors and the only similarities you share with them are your facial features.
As everyone still does. Do you buttfuckers really think anyone likes you more now?
>blacks have no culture
>Is that why you faggots are obsessed with dressing like us
Same can be said for niggers thinking they're real africans. You're in america now. Act like it.
>believing propaganda made to normalize faggotry
>no source cited for study
>no break down of data
>no explanation of how data was gathered
seems legit! just like how the polls said Hillary had a 99% chance of winning & this last midterm was going to be a blue wave when it was a red tide.
>Most of zoomers slang is co-opted black (African american) slang, you guys aren't original in anyway.
It's been that way forever. Even 1920s slang was from blacks.
Zoomers are literally gay though. As in they buy clothes for the opposite gender.
Why is all outrage over gen Z so fucking cringe?
Your childhood ended a long time ago, get over it.
Look outside your window bruh. Zoomers are gay.
The study was done by J Walter Thompson. You can find it if you search his name.
Now you can play Netflix bingo to & see how many main jewish propaganda undertones you can catch!
>ITT: smart people: sage, sage, sage
>ITT: dumb people: humour the zoomer
gen z are the niggers of the internet. We millennials were here first.