Has r9k ever been drive-by screamed at?
Has r9k ever been drive-by screamed at?
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Someone also threw eggs with me once
"Fucking mexican nigger!", said the boomer with an american flag on her honda civic. I've been ashamed to have served in the military since then.
I walked out of the bakery once with a pie and a hedgehog slice and someone driving past told me to lay off the bakery food
Yeah. Was an untermensch irish cock though, so like I know what his inbred jowls were flapping on about.
>I've been ashamed to have served in the military since then.
Yep you sure saved america by going thousands of miles away into some shithole desert to kill other brown people, pablo
>I've been ashamed to have served in the military since then.
You should've been ashamed before then too you stupid goy
yes, I always shout back at them, usually either YEEEAAAH or WAYHEEEEY
When i first got my car I rolled the window down and yelled "SHINJI IS A LITTLE BITCH, ASUKA BEST GIRL". It was awkward when i hit the red light immediately after
>tfw you can get btfo by normies at anytime just because you left the house
Yeah, just last week some girl in a car told me not to walk out so late.
They're mostly Muslims. Mexicans are mostly Christians so they're cool. Islam is a stupid religion so they kinda deserve it.
Some faggot once stopped his car briefly to comment on how ugly I was. Found out who owned the car, went and keyed the shit out of hi so he probably regretted it when he had to pay thousands of dollars to have it fixed.
I agree, I actually hate muslims and everything their fairy tale book stands for but I hate when Iraq/Afghan war vets act like what they did was some sort of self sacrifice to save the american people. You went into a pointless war as basically a mercenary for the money and benefits and then come back crying about how killing people made you sad. I cannot respect these people.
Except it's not pointless. It's a war on Islamic extremism. Muslims are fucking up the entire world.
>killing people made you sad
Where in his post did he say this?
He sounds proud of it
I'm British so it has happened a lot. And for no reason. People are cunts.
I should probably start night walking again with my air pistol
yea, 3 years ago when i was 17 they told me to get a job even though i was wearing my school uniform, what a cunt
>tfw you yell shit back but they dont hear
fucking pricks the drive by scream is too powerful
They did once but I threw my juice into their car. They couldnt do shit because I'm 6'3 and fit
>was at a uni end of finals party
>brought my gf
>it was cold on the way back
>we're waiting for the tram
>I gave her my jacket
>she's being cute and kissing me on her tip toes
>car drives by
"FUCKING LOSER!" is the only intelligible thing I heard, it's usually to difficult to tell what they are saying. I think some of them were probably compliments I just didn't understand.
>cycling home from school when i was 14 or 15
>20 km ride
>take a rest on a little bench somewhere along the way
>cheap car drives by
>guy sticks his head out and yells "did you have fun at school"
> yell yeah
That really made my day better, thanks a lot friendly stranger
>Be Britfag as well
>Don't remember this ever happening to me
fuck the robot
Most of the time if someone drive by screams at me (which there have been a few occasions of), they usually just yell unintelligibly in an effort to scare me.
You just reminded me of this video
>be a turk
>in germany
>every time someone screams at me or honks I do the "Ave Caesar"/"Heil Hitler" greeting.
>you can most of the time see their shocked faces
Life is beautiful
basiert und rotpilliert alter
Random women in car yelled "Hey cutie" as I was doing one of my nighttime runs. Mildly amusing.
yes I was waiting for the bus and two sandniggers stopped besides me with their car, laughed and said something in their language. I start to hate fucking subhuman sandniggers
i've gotten
from a roastie
from some white high schoolers
some screaming from some black high schoolers
also got a, "Help, help!" from a young girl in a 16 wheeler, but she should've known how that ride was going to end in the first place.
Shit like this is why I have no problem with the jewish conspiracy to emasculate all males and turn them into beta faggot worker drones. Dark triad traits need to fucking go.
Go back to your shithole country spic
Go back to your shithole country you dirty ottoman
>Dark triad traits
I mean some of the greatest masterminds/inventors/leaders etc. had or have those traits.
That's how you get shit done.
Nah lad, they shouldn't have called for us if they knew that we'd become unbearable. A pact is a pact, also germans and ottomans were allied which makes even more sense to stay.
In 2004 when I was 8 a drunk guy during christmas drove past our school and shouted " Santas Not real You Shits!"
Some drunkard pulled over, ran to me and started screaming at me one time when I was crossing the street as a kid.
You're literal roaches, filthy muslim roaches get out of Europe!
I got punched in the face by an antifa this Friday because I shaved my head
I miss seeing those threads on /v/
one person once made a weird noise at me when I was nightwalking few years ago. I had realized they had begun following me after I've repeatedly gone out around the same time for a while, so I stopped leaving so early.
Yeah, Morrocan immigrants do this all the time
Cyclist asshole btfo
"God ass" by two middle aged women
Somebody once insulted me for my shirt. It was a paisley shirt.
Walking down a secluded road at 3AM and some hillbilly dude driving by stuck his toothless head out the window of his truck and shouted, "UGLY FUCK!!!" through his drunken teeth gaps and was laughing it up with his other hillbilly friend in the driver seat as they drove off. I stopped in my tracks and stared after them and saw they had stopped at a light just a few seconds up ahead. Not very smart. I just kept walking.
Another time I was walking on the sidewalk and as a car was driving by a guy stuck his head out the window and screamed loud as he could right in my ear. It was so loud it popped my ear and gave me a sharp pain.
Another time it was 2AM when I was younger and as I was walking across this small turn into some kind of housing area a car pulled up and beeped at me halfway through the road. It was only like a 7 second walk across the whole thing. I could hear loud party music and a bunch of normies inside laughing. I kept walking past but they turned in my same direction and threw some kind of fast food cup full of liquid at my head and sped off laughing in the distance.
Another time I was walking down a road 3 or 4 AM once again and I heard this car speeding and creaking in the distance getting closer. Sounded like someone was running from the cops or something. As they took the turn into my direction it looked like their car was on the verge of toppling over and all I could hear was someone screaming and beating their car inside having a mental breakdown. "FUCKING KILL! KILL! KILL! I'M GONNA FUCKING KILLLLLL YOUUUU!!!! HOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" the screaming just kept going and the person sounded completely deranged. Luckily they sped past me into another road. Instantly walked home after that spooky shit.
I once had a black car follow me around without saying anything. Just stopping in front of me over and over. I thought I saw a gun pointing at me from inside so I took off running into the direction of people and it sped off.
Yeah used to happen all the time when I was younger
>some guy drives by and calls me a lame ass nigga
>a black and a white kid that couldnt be older than 8-9yrs old lean out the window and yell at us calling us faggots (laughed hard as fuck it was really funny)
>I was leaving me friends apartment high as fuck and a car filled with Mexicans pulls up next to me, roll down the windows, and all shout woooooo at the same tone together, all with perfectly blank expressions while slow clapping in sync
I think they were definitely just fucking with me but it was so surreal especially since I was high. I couldnt even laugh I was just incredibly confused and wondering if I was hallucinating or something
all the day brah
>I was leaving me friends apartment high as fuck and a car filled with Mexicans pulls up next to me, roll down the windows, and all shout woooooo at the same tone together, all with perfectly blank expressions while slow clapping in sync
yeah, someone also threw a cup full of ice at my arm