Any good discords here? all the discords i'm in are utter trash and spam

any good discords here? all the discords i'm in are utter trash and spam

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join it user 2343rtwdqw

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This server is for people who are looking forward to talk and make friends. don't bother to join otherwise since you will be kicked/banned anyways.

a5HP3FY small server but we talk all day, we play vidya, shit post, talk shit to one another, etc we welcome anyone as long as you don't do some illegal shit

Don't join. You'll get kicked for no reason.

most UN-comfy server yet, nigger mod and only like 3 people

literally just a catholic server

user get some help, you know you need it

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everyone who does not take this chance will burn in hell 4ever gYZZ6N

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dead inside but still horny

will feel cute and might delete later

Any good incel discords? I just want someone that feels what I feel to talk to

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gYZZ6N is the answer for your salvation

>not realizing that discord is for retards

got him

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I will take hell

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This server is very new and me and a group of people who got sick and tired of how bad servers are made it.
It's a server to make conversations with others when you're lonely and depressed. We're not accepting inactives who start lurking and people like that..


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bumping this thread to get more people.

kill yourself discord faggot
seriously original

Discord is for children and their shitty gen z memes. Go outside and make friends

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>read the server rules
>"no profanity"
>say nigger
>instantly get banned

I don't think there's any cool discords out there, robots.

That's literally every discord server

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GenZS ARe FaGgOtS anD LoseRS BecAusE iM lE BIG bOi