Any wizards left here think the new year will be any different, or more of the same shit like pic related? Why do they hate so much? They have their own board to vent & spam porn on.
Any wizards left here think the new year will be any different, or more of the same shit like pic related...
Other urls found in this thread:
This board will only continue to get worse, same as it has been for a long time
I'd honestly migrate to 8ch r9k if it wasn't so fucking slow
Id rather not let people who have their own board for their crap take over. There's only one way to make the trannies go back to That is always "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". Works every time.
what about the Jow Forums trannies tho?
No such thing. The trannies from here just try to raid Jow Forums because they're eternally butthurt.
I just want this to be over. Its one thing to have opinions but its another to flip shit screaming Jow Forums when somebody disagrees that current media is being used to pander to the social justice mob and that quality suffers because of that or to point out you are tired of the constant left leaning spam that gets posted here all the time.
I'm trans but I don't think we should be pushing the agenda on people especially not random NEETs who aren't actually gender dysphoric sucks we got painted in that light and can't enjoy the board in the same way anymore
dude all boards are being spammed on with tranny faggotry. Not just Jow Forums /b/ and Jow Forums.
Kek really wish this was the case with most of you people.
i'm 23 but unless I get hit with unconditional love, I plan on becoming a wizard.
don't know about you anons but I see attention seeking fembot larping threads much more often than trannies, unless you claim both are in the same category which would be pretty based.
Honestly we need Jow Forums exodus just like the one that happened durning GG on /v/.
I think most of us are normal it's just the retarded chaser pill pushers that cause the "user why aren't you taking hrt" bs
>I think most of us are normal
Normal as in not pill pushing jeez
It's a mental condition that I have to deal with on a daily basis ofc it's not "normal"
So what are you doing to stop it? I'm, glad you feel that way, but the people in your community on here clearly don't. Inaction on your part just makes you look like an enabler making excuses for your friends.
Example of threads they post via their shilling guide.
(deleted by google for violating TOS)
How am I making excuses? I like what they're doing nor do I want them to keep doing it the majority of trans people that browse this board (at least the ones I've met) don't like pill pushing either it's a vocal minority of delusional or psychotic people (some of whom aren't trans and find forcing it on people "hot") what am I going to do about it? Idk man shits disgusting but it's not like I have the will power or gusto to stop it from happening best I can do is show that not all of us are stuck in this delusional state of "everyone must be girl"
That's true as of lately. Tho I suspect it is only because people are pushing back against the tranny spam. So their only way in is to turn back the clock. When tranny spam is down, femdom threads & anime porn spam on this board goes through the roof.
I don't like* god I love typos
If only more people thought like you. Seriously all this spamming and flooding has gotten out of hand.
I am 1,000,000,000% sure my quality of life will decrease greatly.
It's called aging. Get used to it faggot.
I'm not sure how we get rid of trannies and ""fembots"". It's just not possible, the mods are on their side
> it's a vocal minority
That may be true. but you guys are already a minority. So you're just letting them speak for you as a whole. Especially when you have so many threads targeting kids, more people in your community needs to call them out, or you will be judged alongside them.
It doesn't help that actual trans people are normally extremely depressed and antisocial that's why the vocal minority of delusionists seems like the majority and yeah getting judged for something I didn't want to happen sucks but there truly isn't much that I can do
I have no clue how the Jow Forums boogeyman came to be, it simply started to appear after the great 2016 meme war.
the trans community existing is usually the problem already. it's mostly far left so speaking out against anything is a no no. so most of the non crazy trans people already left the community or didn't even join. that weird community is just getting worse . it gets pushed and utilised by lefties who like minorities politically, some random crazies, trenders and confused neets/loners who think they found a place where they are accepted. idk if there is even a point to it I think trannies will forever be somewhat not liked for reasons but I hope people see that at least some are okay and don't need to be reeeeeed at.
I think that when the primary focus of a board is blogging then it's inevitable it'll be overrun with unsavoury people who wouldn't have originally fit into the unspoken "culture" that the majority of past users have fostered. You can have better moderation to deal with it but that comes with it's own problems. Best you can do is just ignore it and try to live in your own world.
I don't know where to go. I think it's impossible find somewhere to talk about shit when you simply don't care too much about real world shit, I don't care about what normalfags do, I don't care for political spectrum, I don't care if people are gay or trans, I don't hate women, cancer comes in all forms and it's not just exclusive to certain kinds of people. I think that line of thought alone would exclude me from a lot of places and make some of the people in this thread hate me since I'm generally accepting of all kinds of people, places for outcasts are balkanized as fuck and therein lies the problem, we're outcasts from eachother just as much as we are from society.
Everyone on here is depressed & antisocial. Yet I only see your group trying to force an agenda on everyone
It was always trannies. politics was never really discussed on here until trannies needed a scapegoat to blame for getting discriminated against when they target kids.
I get where you're coming from. I don't care either. But a line has to drawn somewhere. This board is about venting when you get down to it. There are other boards for the spam that is over running this place. Only thing that needs to happen is these faggots need to stop making a huge deal about wearing dresses & sucking cock, & telling us why they think our current political system is flawed because it hurts their ability to feed their fetishes & advertise them here.Something no one else wants. I get sex is talked about. But there's no excuse to have a gay general on here to brag about sucking dicks when faggots already have so they can also spam dickgirls & try to brainwash people into sucking cock.
Orbiters, cuckolds, attention whores and race bailers are just as bad as trannies.
/gif/ reporting and can confirm reports. A large chunk is tranny porn daily.
They're all one and the same. Cucks are just closeted fags that can't admit it to themselves. Race bait is on this board is always sexual in nature 99.99% of the time, still an attempt to condition anons into becoming cucks via demoralization. Then the attention whores swoop in to cash in. Mainly trannies on here, & femdom's after that. Orbiters on here are just extra shills for the bandwagon effect.
It happens to all online communities, it's always the same people behind it. It will never recover, you have to find another community.
>tranny threads
easily filtered, mostly stick to their own general thread
>antitranny threads
created every other day by a different polfag with different title and content, cannot be filtered using a reasonable number of filter entries, give poltards another reason to shit up the board
i know which evil i prefer
No. You just have to go back to faggot. Also, stop having an unhealthy need for attention. You faggots are the ones making this board political by shoving your identity in your face, & having nothing else to offer about your personalities except the fact you're a faggot. You're just an uncreative faggot following the herd.
i literally said i filter tranny threads and you tell me to go back to /lgbt/. are you retarded?
Does that mean we can have straight generals on shitting on faggots like you faggots shit on straight people? You know, because you guys are all inclusive?
I agree with you that a line does need to be drawn but I think it's far too late, once you give something a foothold on this site then it spreads like wildfire. I don't agree completely with the rest of your post though, I think the fault lies just as much on the rest of the userbase, I get that there's plenty of people who are more than capable of seeing through it all like you and me, but for every one of those there's ten retards who will keep shitposting against them, engaging with them, or escalating and escalating things in response to it, hurting everyone else in the process. Doesn't make the people that are purposefully spreading their fetishes and pushing their sexuality on a board that doesn't want it any less accountable for it though, they are a genuine infection in the community like your image describes. I think even if those people didn't push their faggotry on the board that there'd be plenty of people hating on them anyway just for being faggots though, you can't really win no matter which side you choose because idiots will be idiots. For the people that are just tired and frustrated with it all, we'll either stay here and try to talk sense to a brick wall or migrate to other places. I've seen it happen to communities before under different labels, this form is cancer is terminal like this guy says
Yo, lvl 2 wizard here. Yep, things will change, a new job. Will keep my powers for a long time thou.
be honest user, you filter tranny threads because you like to take it up the ass from big burly hairy men
So you guys wouldn't mind anti-faggot threads on either? Fair is fair after all.
The "w-what do?" and the "would you x" threads fucking suck too.
>would you sniff a Zimbabwean woman's asshole?
What do people gain from making these threads
Never really understood this comparison. /lgbt/ is a board about certain kinds of sexualities, so why would straight threads go on there? Jow Forums is a board with no specific topic, which means that faggot threads shouldn't be disallowed by default unless the mods change their tune. It's like saying I can't make an anime thread on /b/.
I think it's more important to focus on what's generally agreed upon by the userbase, but that's something I can't be arsed discussing because it approaches levels of reaching and subjectivity that are tiresome.
you can create straight general on lgbt, idgaf, i don't use that board. you can even try to create one on r9k, although i'm pretty sure i'm already filtering that since the last time someone tried it.
i filter tranny threads because i'm not a tranny nor am i interested in becoming one. i'm also not particularly interested in seeing poltard shit, but that's much more difficult to filter, as i have already stated.
>lgbt/ is a board about certain kinds of sexualities, so why would straight threads go on there? Jow Forums is a board with no specific topic
China for the Chinese, Africa for Africans, Europe for everyone.
And Jow Forums is not about sex. or sexualities. But as this faggot says, And as you say
>I think it's more important to focus on what's generally agreed upon by the userbase
Not a small group of spamming faggots from shitcord like you that are desperate for attention.
is about sexual identity. Not certain kinds. Straight is a sexual identity.
Why do you want to discriminate against people? Isn't that something faggots are always complaining about?
I said in my post I'm not interested in discussing what's generally agreed upon because people will just skew it in their favour.
but why the fuck are you assuming I'm one of them and pushing me into a corner as if I'm supposed to defend them? Are you retarded?
>/lgbt/ is about sexual identity. Not certain kinds. Straight is a sexual identity.
True robots are apolitical, basically nietzche/stirner to the max
>You're 100% correct, but I'm a butthurt faggot backed into a corner due to my own hypocrisy so I will divert instead.
Thanks faggot. All I needed to know.
it's honestly quite amusing to see you completely ignore what everyone is saying and just go on with posting your cookie-cutter pol bullshit
>it's honestly quite amusing to see you completely ignore what everyone is saying and just go on with posting your cookie-cutter /leftypol/ bullshit
The trannies just cannot help themselves.... Back to >>>lgbt/ faggot.
case in point, user
Just what is your point exactly? Trying to get the last word since you already lost the argument due to extreme butthurt?
As a 35/36 year old all i can say is
>>same shit different year
Who knows maybe 2019 mite be a turning point for some
On the subject of ragging homos showing up on this board all i can say is this
my point is that you just keep on rambling and calling people trannies regardless of what they're saying, all while posting whatever pictures you have saved from Jow Forums
Good to see your adhering to stereotypes, butthurt tranny. How do you run our of arguments so quickly to resort to such /leftypol/ butthurt?
hey you forgot to post a picture
We just need to make more threads. Faggots are always about trends. They will go away once pleddit makes a sub to replace the NSFW side of tumblr all these faggots are butthurt over.
Nice /leftypol/ meme.
Wait, not really.
Yes goyim, dildo capitalism is good. Conservatism will get you a gf. Why don't you follow my (((judeo-christian))) slave morality as well?
Its raiders retard. They organize in their little discord and post all at once. I would say it's 5-7 people posting in and creating all the trap threads, most of which pretend to be other people in the threads too.
>mommy they stole our maymay reee
>if ass=hurting
>initiate protocol
>Samefagging this hard to derail a thread
Fuck off tranny fuck
>if chastity cage=broke
>print: SAMEFAG
Only one of those is me you retarded fucking redditor
uh oh i think someone's wrong
Having trouble shutting down your program poor little phoneposting NPC tranny?
What discord are y'all in?
>He has to reply to everyone who disagrees with him and call them a samefag otherwise his chastity cage will burst out of anger
Just stop dude
The server invite is, "Go back to faggot." You'll find plenty in there.
>He has to reply to everyone who disagrees with him and call them a samefag otherwise his chastity cage will burst out of anger
Do you always talk to yourself on here like this?
>If chastity cage=burst
>print: samefag
Are you so new that you can't even detect a samefag?
is this the best you can come up with? shit's embarrassing really
So in 2016 Jow Forums magically got infested with trannies because shillary waved her wand and sent her army here and everyone who doesn't like pol is just shareblue? Jow Forums has never ever done anything to piss off anyone other than trannies right? Jow Forums are just the goodest goys and they do nothing in their board but spread love and peace. Christ.
>inb4 it was all satire lul u mad
is this the best you can come up with? shit's embarrassing really
>posting stops for 5 minutes
>immediately starts up again with posts 5 seconds in between.
i've posted a screenshot proving i'm on a desktop you fuckin mong
>i've posted a screenshot proving i'm on a desktop as well as phoneposting you fuckin mong
What is a "Bump" for 500 Alex
I dont know man, I think your chastity cage is done for at this point. Might wanna leave before you have an autistic meltdown
>it simply started to appear after the great 2016 meme war.
Fucking hell. Sounds like you got here during "the great 2016 meme war" if you really believe this.
why do you keep acting like me and the other guy are the same person?
Probably explains where this came from & why they damage control so hard when it shows up.
>stop with the Jow Forums boogeyman
Hows your autistic meltdown going?
>Christfags never ever make shill threads
>Nazi larpers never make shill threads
>Breeders never make shill threads
>SelfImprovementGeneral never happened
>Blackpill/redpill threads never happened
>incel threads never happened
>We didn't spend a quarter of 2017 specifically to have a Jow Forums and 9gag backed purge of trannies
Yes, nobody except for pinkpillers have ever made a thread to influence the board.
i don't think any autistic meltdown i've ever had comes even close to what you're doing right now
Sometimes I forget you guys can't read
>he's getting so desperate that he has to copy me and go: "N-NO IM NOT HAVING AN AUTISTIC MELTDOWN, YOU ARE"
Your charity belt must be scattered into oblivion by now
Chastity belt*
this thread quickly devolved after those longposts
Good to see you're finally admitting the truth, trannyfaggot.
You mean laughing at your autistic meltdown? What the fuck is a charity belt? Something you get after giving money to needy kids in 3rd world countries?
Just trannnies REEEEEing & proving the meme correct to the letter.
>You mean laughing at your autistic meltdown
Look, I know your from reddit and all, but surely you know that the blue text that starts with >> means it's a reply, that why I made this in order to correct my typo, can your aspergers not even allow you to understand that?
There's no more room to discuss I suppose. The thread has decided that every issue with the board lay soley at the feet of all trannies and nothing else has had a negative impact, or is implying that arcanine is by default a Jow Forums colony and anything that tries to change that is merely a shill doing it for free. I could write a dissertation on what r9k used to be and how it lost its magic, and it would get tossed because I didn't blame fags for the downfall. I haven't done any screeching yet personally but the thread is worthless at this point
what keeps you going user? you've been embarrassed countless times already in this thread, everyone has already seen how delusional and mentally unstable you are - is getting the last word in really worth all that?
I imagine he's posting screenshots of this thread to his discord server, what else could it be
I have been many years on this board and even longer on Jow Forums, and while this place was never good, it was never this bad. Too much underage, too many normies. If you feel the same, why are you still here? Why haven't you moved to 8ch? I'm sure there is also a lot of small discords out there who keep the trans and normalfags out, but i only know of this one: discord.
>claims not to be a normalfag
>shills discord
also 8ch is too slow