Female nature, especially sexual nature, is the most evil, disgusting, and saddest aspect of humans by far...

Female nature, especially sexual nature, is the most evil, disgusting, and saddest aspect of humans by far. It is depressing. It is a cancer on humanity and society because it leaves out many men from experiencing important and great things.

Women and the men who supported them wanted nothing more than for you to live in an empty void without any good entering your life.

Women feel this is the highest order of justice to deprive you of pleasure, validation, fun, and happiness. They will break our own justice system to cater toward their form of justice.

Women hate you. Society hates you. Feminists hate you. You don't even realize what you're missing out on, and what your father, and your grandfather had, and everyone else had until 20 years ago but welcome to the brave new world.

Never contribute anything. Never talk to a woman. Never help a woman. Never EVER give back. No hymen, no diamond. Remember, she thought fucking chad was more important than a stable and healthy life with you. YOU OWE NO ONE ANYTHING AND WOMEN LESS THAN THAT. THEY OWE YOU.

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I can say the same about men here, fapping to crossdressers and pure faggotry. Pretty traumatic desu.

OP is correct, think about it logically.

this is why we are encouraging all men to go gay. nothing is more pure than two men having a romantic walk in the woods.

Nah this aint it, chief.

Posting before sluts invade and try to damage control.

It's been this way since ancient times.

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Fuck off, you whoring slut.

I rationalize fapping to crossdressers in this sense: no female is attracted to me. There are boys who are attracted to me and want me, better yet they dress and act like girls to the best of their ability. Also, they are gay, which makes them even more like girls. Therefore, traps are not gay.

Sauce on the left painting?

Thats like saying that men nature is to rape but then men will disagree and start getting angry. Just because females dont want you it doesnt mean theyre all the same. If someone doesnt want you, the problem lies within you. Get cancer faggot

>Never EVER give back.
This is the only thing I disagree on but I don't think I will ever have to give back because it's not like girls ever do anything for me first.

I unironically support a woman's right to suck as many dicks as she wants

Well I unironically support your right to shoot yourself in the head with an automatic shotgun.

Lol gay


Im so glad i fucked that prozzie back in 2015.. I couldnt imagine being this bitter still

readStop endorsing the fall of society user.

>stable and healthy
Why do people fall for this meme? you being able to hold a job as a mail monkey or some push button receive bacon shit doesn't mean your personality isn't garbage and someone is "missing out" jesus.

>If someone doesnt want you, the problem lies within you
This is the retard logic that incels are talking about, and it's the one thing they're correct about. Not everybody can just pull themselves up from their bootstraps and stop being a retarded ass ugly faggot. Stop giving them hope.

>utilitarian "sexuality"

And what constitutes a "garbage" personality to you? Not being entertaining to women? Being introverted? Being shy? Being socially anxious and depressed? Ot is it simply a matter of not being attractive enough (sub 8/10)?

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What book is that from user seems based as fuck?

this, it's very pretty