I think that in some time, the INTP will be the only type left...

I think that in some time, the INTP will be the only type left. Every other type will essentially become extinct; some faster than others.

The first to go will more than likely be the ISTJ. As seemingly everything they do is automatic and routine, anything they do can be replaced with automation. Other sensing types would likely follow, as there is little manual labor that can't be automated.

INFPs, ENFPs, and other intuitive and maybe feeling types will likely last much longer; as psychologists, therapists, entertainers, and such. However, with time, the INTP will know enough about psychology and how it ties into entertainment and therapy. They will mass produce robots that know exactly what, when, why and how to say what is needed.

The INTJ and ENTJ would likely be the last to fall, as both are much harder workers and can follow through much more than the INTP. However, their on average lower intelligence would make them less and less useful. With enough time, humanity will end up with literally no purpose. Everything and everyone will be created by autonomous, cold-steel machines. The only motivation will be the spontaneous and aimless pursuit of knowledge. The computers will be the ones actually coming up with new knowledge however, not the INTPs themselves.

The INTP will end up the only form of life left. As a collective, humanity will know true isolation as every "interaction" is replaced with a machine, and each and every person has the exact same traits. INTPs will be alone until the brink of extinction.

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Bump. Thought you guys would be more interested in this type of theory :/

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you are too stupid to understand how stupid you are, no offence

You can call me whatever you like, thanks for helping me bump.

you have internet but worry about mb/horoscope shit? what's wrong with you?

What makes you think it's horoscipe or shit? Do you think introverts and such don't exist?

Don't worry about that cunt, he's been shitposting on this board all day.

What would be the personality type of a superintelligent AI?

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What if this already happened and all other types are already NPCs re-created to perfectly act human?

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Probably INTP, it will just do spontaneous things to instantly make new systems of doing things. Much like I think the INTP will be the ones to create the singularity.

Isn't your star sign just down to what month you're born? Why would people start only having kids in february or whatever op

we really are all alone.

Would God be a INTP?

you can label yourself by whatever horoscope/personality test/strengths test term you want. it makes you feel good. i'm just baffled that this is how you want to spend your time lol. are you a furry too?

Look OP, he didn't even answer the question.
Don't waste time with him.

Yeah hes obviously a troll now. Sometimes I think its nice just to answer even if someone is a troll, in case anyone else has the same opinion. Clearly just retarded though.

I feel like INTPs would create the possibility to create the Singularity but would postulate whether or not to actually go through with it, then some other fuckwit will just take it and activate it.

the language of mb was never designed to divide people into groups kiddo. being an "introvert" can mean you have one good friend but you still enjoy partying every night with hundreds of strangers.

I think, in a sense, INTP is the least human-like type. Everyone has some sort of values, or at least triggers. We dont have values, we dont get triggered, we prefer to simply exist and observe as some broken robots with no tasks and with obsolete software.
So when (and if in the first place) we reach that state, we would have the best traits for dealing with actual robots and AI.

>in case anyone else has the same opinion
That's true.
I've been at this for too long I forgot this; I used to do it for that reason.
Nowadays I try not to spend so much time on them, since you're losing time and they're losing time but clearly they aren't bothered by such a lose.

you wouldn't survive that long. it's a mutation that can't sustain itself.

OP, because INTPs are notorious for never following through, you need to keep the INTJs around so they can help you execute your plans. Then once you've created your perfect machine-oriented society, the INTJs will probably go back to their own holes and you guys can coexist. Or all the INTJs will eventually kill themselves once they have nothing left to do. Your call.

I think the INTP's will be first to go as we'll all kill ourself

Infinite equals zero.

what the fuck did just you say about INTJ

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Daily reminder 16 personalities is bullshit and worthless outside specific hiring situations. Don't let some autistic online personality test dictate your temperament.