Go to your local starbucks

>Go to your local starbucks
>Your barista makes you this

wat do?

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Call the fucking authorities

The desperate ones would drink

ask if i can drink from the tap

Report to health department, try to remember why I went to a starbucks in the first place.

Thank the god which enabled me to live in a 2d world with futanari.

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Is this a commissioned image? Why is he so grossly small?

If it's a futa then I down the drink

>occasionally go to starbucks
>walk inside
>its filled with females and fem men
>walk up to the counter some butch looking girl takes me order
>walk to the end of the counter some trans looking mother fucker hands me my drink
>take a look around
>the whole place is filled with snowflakes

sadly its the only place to get a decent cup of coffee. And for the sake of my dignity, except from the occasional chai tea latte, i only drink dark roast with chocolate, no cream no sugar.

so all in all, i would not drink the semen of any tranny.

I jerked off to this pic alot when I had a futa phase.

Punch him in the face

>decent cup of coffee
Pick one. Literal drip coffee at home is leagues better and also not crammed with sugar yet costing an arm and a leg

based and patricianpilled

this thoughh

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and then he died

they anticipated that i do not like coffee but needed a warm drink
tip extra

Throw is in there face. Cum taste fucking disgusting.
Would suck the meaty dick though.

maybe he's into holocaust victims

>likes dick
>hates cum

the fuck bruh

whats your current phase

Fuck you, the cum swallowing is because you love them

i suck her

Based and futapilled
Also straight as fuck

the (only) ((original)) correct answer

Absolutely straight and based as fuck

I slurp up the drink then suck that cock until she empties her balls down my throat

I don't see her number on the cup. I'd ask for it.

Adding futa cream makes for a tasty coffee

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what's inside the coffee cup?

god tfw no futa coffee shop

hire a lawyer

Oh yeah boii

Drink it of course.
I'm not some rudeboy who would turn away a nice cuppa jizz that some cute lady made for me.

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>futa asks you to drink from their tap

what do?

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>i want to have the penis of a feminine looking human in my mouth and swallow a huge load of their semen
>but trannies are gross

how do you come to conclusions like this

are all men of 2018 gay?

You could at least post a good looking one user

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When 4channers people hear the word tranny they think of people like sonichu

when 4channers hear the word trap they think of a mtf that passes

its all on the context

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We're collectively going gay to spite women. Didn't you get the memo?

Suck her dick obviously, faggot

If this wasn't your answer, you are not straight desu

How's the health inspector going to feel about this?

Become a repeat customer. God I love futa.

I had no idea Axl Rose had a brief stint as a trap back in the day

T-thank y-y-y-ou, you too

My main concern is that she wouldn't have been able to fill the entire cup with balls that big, and cum mixed with coffee seems like a losing combination.

do you not drink your own cum it tastes great

wish there was more good cum eating material out there, especially with futa. I've found a couple of good doujins but it doesn't seem to be a very popular concept.

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Balls don't store the liquid, genius.

they do in the 2d world, normie

>wanting to eat/drink cum which isn't produced by futa

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You know exactly what I'd do you filthy degenerate.

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