E-bf broke up with me cuz i wouldnt fuck a nigger

>E-bf broke up with me cuz i wouldnt fuck a nigger

Its the 3rd this year why are so many guys into interracial cuckolding?

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I'll be your new e-bf.

Are u qt? I don't like to submit to anyone thats below me.

Be my gf. I am black so therefore I already am the interracial cuckolding

fuck you, racist cuck. crawl back into your moms cunt so she can abort you. it's ok to have preferences but just being racist is not. it's ok if you don't find black people attractive but being racist is not, get the fuck off this board and kill yourself you scum

I have a Chad jawline and will be your new ebf

I dont like black guys.

Post disc

I can't my friends will recognise me and shit down my throat

im 7/10

you tell me not that guy tho

Fuck off you roastie no one gives a fucking fuck about your preferences or online beta grabs off some poor faggot. What's with the upped roastie posts?

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lol being this buthurt

Proof you're a female?

Nigger, I don't need to prove shit. Why would I fucking lie you cunt

shut up ugly cunt thats y u have only e bf bc you're too ugly to get irl bf

Shoo shoo tinfoil schizo.

Yeah why would anyone lie on an anonymous internet site, post pics or fuck off larper

shut up loser


What are you like, femanon?


>I don't like to submit to anyone thats below me.
what if I want to submit to you

sure, but you need to be an 8/10 at least

imagine being a blackcel


From a human female? Fuck off roastie go find some betas elsewhere

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