/r9gay/ - #533

Magical bf edition

Last thread: If you guys could choose 1 magical power, what would it be? inb4 a bf

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It's morning and I have to go to work but I don't want to go to work someone kill me now

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Fuck finally a new thread. I swear, gaybots are the worst at making sure a new thread is created before the old one dies

>1 magical power
Probably flight. I dunno why, it just sounds neat.

The power to kill everyone.

Well I hope you have a nice day user

>psychotic episode again
I will never hab bf

already five posts and still no one has done it yet, I am disappointed.

>tfw no bf to nibble on

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being able to manipulate or create water would be up there for me.
>walking down street
>be thirsty
>create water
>drink it
>squirt random people using my mouth

>tfw no below average height scandinavian bf

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>tfw first final

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>tfw /closeted/ gay?/bi at least
>can't surrounded by a network all supporting the influence to be manly/guyish
>wish I could be more openly expressive and overall just visibly happy
>hide personality
>just want to grill for god sakes

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try to change your environment, you shouldn't have to hide.

Be my bf please please please!

are you questioninganon from last thread

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If I could have a magical power I think I would choose either super speed or teleportation. Assuming this would be a world like ours except everybody had one power I would choose either of these.

>travelling home from work
>it's dark and cold
>tfw no bf to chat to on the phone on my way home to keep me company
>nobody to go the shop on the way home to buy ingredients for so we can cook a tasty dinner together
>nobody to snuggle on the couch with and idly run my fingers through his hair while we talk about how our days went

>tfw no gay fren to take drugs with

>If you guys could choose 1 magical power, what would it be?
If I live in a world full of wizards, the ability to copy any spell I see. Like Prodigy

If I'm the only wizard then I pick the ability to craft spells like in Daggerfall

If that's too busted then I want the ability to summon spirits and elementals and familiars

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we're all robots here user what exactly are you going to use a familiar for

no, sorry user that wasn't me

>tfw bf doesn't dm me first
>always the one to initiate
>he only responds with 1 word sentences
im starting to think he doesn't want anything to do with me


well anyways unless it is your family, you really have nothing to go against you

good friends would stick with you after your own changes

just try not to go full pride faggot please, you need to move to cali for that

do you think maybe you should ask him that instead of making a vague post on r9gay

Almost satanic.
I'd use the familiar to keep me company and help me fuck niggas up on my adventures, elementals and spirits would also perform that function while additionally having knowledge or power they may share with me. I just want to summon a bunch of cool shit basically

this is r9k afterall user

Please stop


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>unless its your family
that's about the half of it
sometimes think if I were more irrelevant then nobody would say anything
>full pride
no, just wish had more freedom to be comfy
I already live here :o

i would say ease into it gradually to prod the waters but im not sure how you would do that

i need boy to squeeze my boy boobs

ok here i am user, can i have a squeeze?

yes bls need cute boy

>boy boobs
No hons please

ok, here i go, tell me if i squeeze too hard!

so you're either fat or a tranny and i'm not sure which is worse, the only reason i imagine you're either of those because i can't imagine it's particularly comfortable having a flat chest squeezed

im not a hon believe it or not
im a skinny tranny with tits

i doubt it's anything bigger than an a cup

either way why are you here, it's a gay thread

bs bitch gotcha
and because im a gay dude too or something, i dont know?

so are you just pretending to be a tranny for attention or backpedaling because you realize no one wants you here

want another squeeze? my hands are very touchy today

yeah, I'm thinking of maybe slowly buying clothes one by one
>haven't bought clothes in years
>only wear neutral/black clothes
>developed a seemingly nonexistent personality due to hiding self
>has also affected how people view me since I dress sort of unapproachable
would behave irl in certain ways if I had any friends
I'm a hikki neet but I've been trying to find somebody who would let me live with them

ftm or mtf
if mtf then do you keep the benis or not
if you keep it are you into guys
if not gtfo

keep benis i like to rub it on other benis
yes pls

that seems gay enough to stay

I don't understand trannies who keep their dicks. Isn't that basically admitting you don't care if you're a guy or not? Why go through all the effort of trying to look like a girl and be referred to as a girl just to keep the thing that makes you a guy. This is why you all get beat up and killed.

im really gay dude
i dont wanna make peeing burn and i like frotting :)

because all surgeries are risks and as much as they hate their dick it might not be worth the result

because having a literal axe wound is not the equivalent of having an actual vagina

this tbqhlgbtq

Then why go through the effort of hormones if you're just gonna be basically a normal guy with gay tendencies
I think with modern medicine you can have a pretty functional and not disgusting looking vagina, at least by tranny standards. It's a lot better than what it was 5 years ago.

Cmon man you have a whole fucking board, can we have this one goddamn thread? Jesus fuck. The entirety of /lgbt/ is trans-related. EVERY THREAD in the catalog there is for trans except for gaygen and bigen and even then YOU PEOPLE REFUSE to stay out of those either. I'm so tired of it. I don't even dislike trans people I just want our thread to be our thread.
Why do you need to be here? There are feel threads on /tttt/, there are virgin threads on /tttt/, why did you have to come here to post about your "boy tits" in the ONE THREAD WHERE YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO FUCKING LIKE TITS. I'm a bifag and I have enough respect to not post about girlbits here, why can't you do the same. You took over a whole board yet we can't be gay in peace in one thread, that's a little fucked my guy. How would you feel if the entirety of /lgbt/ was suddenly cisshit only or even worse it was barashit exclusively and filled with fujos? Because that's pretty much what /lgbt/ got turned into but by trans and now there's nowhere to be gay on the internet without having to hear about someone's boyclit. It's annoying and faggy. Fuck off please

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>getting on hormones
>normal guy

no im taking youre thread my frend

I will fight to the death for my general. Trannies will be shot on sight

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i really don't mind the trannies that take hrt just to stay cuter for longer, but i do mind the trannies that want to be actual girls

posts female character trannies would identify with lol

how about letting whoever like guys just be here and no more mention of the girly bits. keep it guy talk.

Someone that takes hrt to be cute isn't a Tranny numbnuts.
Pic related
>just turn r9gay into /cm/ lol
No thanks. Regardless of who likes dudes if we let in trans then now anytime you add someone there's that chance they're a hon, and that means wed have to have the metaphysical debate about is dating a tranny gay, and then we'd have to deal with the fucking dumbass chasers that would come here just to hunt trannies. Boards are separate for a reason, there's already a trans board and were /soc/ enough as it is without chasers and hons.

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Control air, to fly and to break into whatever I want.

the chance of getting some trans might scare off a bunch from further contact fagging, making the thread less /soc/

almost got ran over by a taxi again

where is my discord bf to take care of for the holidays

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heari am

That's like saying throwing bleeding seals into the ocean will deter sharks. Even if The Gaze here stop asking for discord due to fear of trans the chasers will come here to exclusively hunt trans. That and the fact that most trannies on 4chins are from /tttt/ which is a normie infested /soc/ colony

add me then :^)


stop talking about it and the chasers won't know some of them have infiltrated us. We know they are amongst us, we don't know who, but the fear will make us unable to trust or add anyone ever again. Most importantly, it shall never be talked about again or the chasers and more /soc/ will come.

>body of a bear
>personality of a femboi

I just want to match, but my body is far too masculine.

I know that feel, I suffer as a tall hairy person

>body of a boy
>personality of a femboi
but guess what we have in common?

complete spergs with no social skills and some sort of social anxiety?

whats a femboi personality, i dont understand

a faggot basically

shy, soft voice (my only real feminine trait), nice to people, overly polite a and friendly, dislike violence.

ah makes sense, i just thought it was a body type
why didnt he just say that

"UwU Uguuu user-kun what are we gonna do on the bed~ Nyah~"

to seem unique, makes me want to KILL EM

you aint special for being a normal gay person pal

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>tfw no bf who misses me when I'm not there and is excited when we see each other again

you got some aggression problems, pal. go seek help

ill be ur discord bf

tfw no femboy bf
t. femboy bf

yeah so what?

i dont need help

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tfw no femboy bf
t. not femboy bf

>tfw no femboy bf
t. cute but not femboy bf

>for the last 4 days I have been masturbating to yaoi
>started after getting hard at catboys in thread #530
>thought i was completely straight all my life
>in 4 days I have gone from catboys to full on yaoi lewds and gay porn
>these threads turned me gay

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good... let it flow through you

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cute boys are also acceptable

>tfw can't stop thinking about hugging and kissing a smaller guy

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soon you'll be craving cock yourself, don't fight it.

You dug your own grave dude, not our fault you went nuts when you saw cat ears


tfw no femboy or cuteboy bf
t. not femboy

wont be long until he wears the cat ears and put in a tail plug

hey look here is questioninganon

what happened to "im bi, at most"? youve had quite the self contemplation

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Shitty relationship user from last r9gay thread, we broke up.

but are you a cuteboy bf

here i-i am user! :)))

probably not, i have refind my motivation to hit the gym again

suck having a cute face but not a small body so only girls get attracted to me

tfw small cute body but odd androgynous face

whats bad about that user?

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define odd

if strong cheekbones, angelina jolie

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odd combination of strong and soft features
people mistake me for a girl irl