I've never had a female friend all my life

I've never had a female friend all my life.

What's it like? Isn't there any sexual tension when you hang out?

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You act like we do. What a fucking faggot.

Why would you want female friend who's not relative?

I had a couple of them. During childhood there were 2. One where the sexual tention was mutual but we were both shy about it but eventually still fucked then rip cozy friendship. The other was a schoolmate where I guess we just platonicaly liked eachother.
Then there was one in college where it was kinda sorta one sided.

I see posts all the time talking about "oh man i'm so lonely i don't have any friends well except this one girl i talk to on discord teehee" or people casually mentioning when they were in school they had female friends. So don't give me that shit. Cough up the info about your female friends

How is it possible to platonically like a female without having some sort of sexual interest, especially if she's attractive? I feel like you're just lying to your biology

I don't even understand how a male can event talk to a female w/o wanting to fuck her.

To tell you stuff about how girls work and be your wingman.

Well my mother just died so i guess she was in a way a female friend.
You want the dust delivered in a workday or weekend?

It works like this. Orbiter puts up with boring uninteresting woman for slim chance at vagina or an ugly woman has an interest in a nerdy hobby or develops a personality out of necessity. She usually falls in love with a guy friend out of her league and gets super mad nothing comes from it.

All in all its pretty useless "friendship"

She had cool interests, pmuch a tomboy and I guess it overshadowed the lust.

I agree 100%

I made the mistake of falling in love with my best female friend and got fucked over by my best friend the day I told him I liked her.

I dont like her anymore and we're friends again but I sure do wanna fuck her.

There is literally no reason to befriend females for the purpose of just befriending them. If you do then youre gay

You should get her drunk & wasted, so then you can fuck her.
At least then you'll get it out of your system.

>What's it like?
It's like having a male friend that talks a lot more about social shit, rumors, who's fucking who.
>sexual tension
Depends on how attractive they are. One of my closer friends was just really not my type in looks, although not ugly, so I never really wanted to or tried to fuck her.

Depends if theyre attractive to you really, i befriended 3 "stacies"but i find only 1 attractive but when your a friendless loser you learn to appreciate any company so i dont feel like fucking her, i wouldnt mind having her as a gf but not as a wife, shes not really my type but shes nice , personally i always had less problem talking with friend Girls because they talk so much on their own you just have to listen really but danm i wish i had a gf

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Still this user
Thinking about it, she was on the same intellectual level as me. I didn't think of her like a piece of meat or a goal to get to her pussy. There was so much to discuss that I never even thought about the possibility of sex.

>tfw good friends with a qt femanon from this board and talk on discord every day
In regards to online friends, I have one other one I've known for the better part of a decade. I've had a handful of meaningful friendships with women irl, but those were few and far between. And no, there was no sexual tension because I knew they were so far out of my league I couldn't see them with a telescope. Still, it's nice to be around a beautiful woman.

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>qt femanon from this board and talk on discord every day
Is she well known around here?What do you talk about?She ever jokingly teases you?

>Is she well known around here?
Is any user? If you mean is she a regular poster, then yes. I'm pretty sure she just larps as a dude.
>What do you talk about?
Mostly autistic science fiction shit, everyday life, tfw no gf.
>She ever jokingly teases you?
Yes. The bantz are high quality.

Its a very comfy feel. Yeah they may spew bpring shitthat makes you want to kys but its worth it when they wany to cuddle and shit. Plus its nice when they i introduce you to more chicks

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>Yes. The bantz are high quality.
Is she hot?Don't you ever get sexually frustrated?

I have literal porn addicition but I don't have tits running through my mind all the time when I am near a girl. Then again I am self aware of my autism. Being self aware helps I guess.

>when they want to cuddle

What the fuck? You get to cuddle with your female friend?

Atm I don't have any female friends, but I used to in high school
Sure, there was sexual tension when there were some feelings present, but contrary to popular opinion male/female friendships can exist.
For example there was this gal that was like 7/10, heart of gold, not repulsive in any kind of way, and we just hung out and there was absolutely no sexual tension
Having female friends that you fucking lust after is another thing and it fucking sucks ass

And hug too! Love that shit, sometimes if she feels particularly giddy you even get a smooch on the cheek. Really comfy energies.

>To tell you stuff about how girls work and be your wingman
You own fault if you belive any of the shit she will spout. And good luck with the femnazis she will drag you to, lel

>What's it like?
They bitch to you a lot more than guy friends do, but they're also better to hang out with and just complain about shit. Also, they're a good outlet for physical urges (not just sex; cuddling and generally just wanting to be touched and to touch) because it's not gay.
Other than that, they're mostly like guy friends.
>Isn't there any sexual tension when you hang out?
Tons, but only because I'm a horny bastard whose dick constantly gets him in trouble. And it depends on the girl. Some girls I'm just not attracted to, and with some I swear there's some kind of pheromonal thing going on because we actively have to work not to fuck each other.

She is, but I don't see her in a sexual way at all. I was expecting her to be a tranny or a landwhale and was pleasantly surprised to find out the contrary, but it really wouldn't have mattered to me either way.

I had literally only female freinds in college, but all of them were engaged or married. I didn't ever feel any sexual tension but one girl did hug me when I graduated. It was nice.

Nice trips, can relate. Were you guys ever out drinking and the girls just dropped their filter out of the blue and you got to hear all the nasty shit they hide?

I have some female friends on the internet. They're like guys but slightly different? It's good to be friends with different sorts of people.

I don't have any friends in real life so I can't comment on that

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We didn't ever go drinking but there was no filter around me anyways. I heard a lot of stuff I don't think I was meant to hear, but they didn't seem to care. It was a really odd relationship.

Pretty good if you don't orbit and act like a faggot. As long as you have stuff in common and can hold a conversation they're worthwhile. Also as another user said you do less of the talking which is good in my book because a lot of times I draw blanks. Same with it being cozy with hugs and shit.

There's not really sexual tension because generally the more you learn about them the more reasons you find not to date them and it's generally established as platonic.

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