Ywn find a bf whos ok with you having no goals or aspirations in life and doesnt have any either

>ywn find a bf whos ok with you having no goals or aspirations in life and doesnt have any either

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Thats me
But I am probably not attractive enough

have a look on Grindr m8

Oh hello friend!
How are you?

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How about getting some goals and aspirations trannyposter?

How's the transition going friend?

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i would genuinely rather kill myself

I'm ok with that. So, are you free this saturday?

shit my bad
meant to say that my standards arent anywhere near high

What happened to Jow Forums.
It was always rancid but never like this. Oh well, all good things must come to an end.

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Well then be my guest and go right ahead you disgusting perversion of the human form

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My current e-gf is my first relationship ever and she is moving so fast and has so many plans and goals, and I'm just stuck here forever dealing with all my family's bullshit. I'm a loser and I'll never be able to be what she wants me to be no matter how hard I try. It's only a matter of time until she can't deal with it anymore. I wish I wasn't like this maybe I could have been happy. Im sorry for venting

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Yea they all say it but it never really turns out to be true
Wether people like to admit it or not physical attraction is just as important as emotional attraction

Lol, Im sound like the perfect guy for you then, too bad I already have a gf.
I feel bad because she has dreams and I don't. I don't know why she puts up with me

How the fuck do guys like you even get gfs in the first place?

Why would anyone be so pathatic and what makes you think that anyone would someone else that is that pathatic

I guess we were both just lonely at the right time and chance happened. Unfortunately just cus you can get one doesn't mean your problems go away or get easier to deal with

I ask myself why she even wanted to date me in the first place, I think it's probably because I'm fit. I've got nothing going on besides that.

theres literally a board dedicated to people that are like that
guess what
were on it

You are alone because you look like trash and you have high standards, bitch. It has nothing to do with your "aspirations", nobody gives a flying shit.

are you black tho

That sounds like me.
>tfw no NEET wife to just hang out and play games and watch anime all day

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Everyone has at least some goals or aspirations, even if just to live comfortably and enjoy life with somebody. That's all I want, everything else is just extra details. Some people are more driven but there are many more that are just normal people living normal lives. No shame in that, better than living a life of harming people to get ahead. Unless you are talking about wanting to be a neet if so lol

yes thats literally what im talking about
im neet and have no intentions of changing that

Then you do have a goal, to remain a neet and not get a job and find a guy/entity to maintain that lifestyle. That's uncool

Not a real gf mate sorry

i have a source of income (thats not neetbux) so its not like id need a significant other to maintain how im living rn

What, inheritance? If online selling/streaming/camwhore those are all technically employment

>tfw no gf to support my neet endeavors

No. Why? Are you looking for a boyfriend of an specific race?

im OP
im not the person who replied to you

Oh, so what are you looking for in a boyfriend other than him not having aspirations in life?

similar interests
shitty mental health
being generally attracted to him

I've had loads of e-gfs and all of them have lead to physical relationships

I doubt we share the same interest, honestly, other than browsing Jow Forums. How mentally ill? Are you mentally ill too?

>Are you mentally ill too?
im diagnosed with bpd schizo ocd rad and bdd
>How mentally ill?
preferably as severely as i am

i'll be ur bf

people say i have no 'goals or aspirations in life' because i don't enjoy wageslaving, even though i've always been good at working

They're still not a real gf

they only become your gf when you meet physically

>all that shit

Yeah, that's a complete fucked mix for a toxic gf. You'll drive any poor sap you get your hooks in to suicide.

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What? lol that's a lot of mental disorders. I guess my mental disorders are kind of normie.

yeah every normie has muh depression and anxiety at this point

You should always have at least a few goals, and at least one aspiration.

They don't have to be grand, and other people may think they're stupid. But there should be something-- anything.

Actually is adhd (diagnosed) and maybe schizotypal personality disorder (undiagnosed) since I am an /x/fag.

r9k self diagnoses now?

>tfw used to have goals and dreams in life, until got completely rekt by the universe.
>Now broken, don't give a shit about anything
>slowly driving myself crazy until I eventualy have enough of it and kill myself

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Can't you read?

>having no goals or aspirations in life
let's watch some movies together

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I have a 9/10 face, I don't care about you not having aspirations as long as you're a genuinely kind person and could fall in love with me eventually. Please be my wife.

Uhm user, I think you don't realize that this is a severly mentally ill tranny

rewatching mulholland drive for the thirteenth time rn
thats fine but im only rly interested in people who like living the same comfy lifestyle i do

I'll accept my prison gay life style.

I'm very comfy.

Not that user but even if she's trans who cares shes still a girl

im not trans
that was obviously not original

>shes still a girl
I am that user, no they aren't. I'll accept qt traps but even then I still won't reject reality and admit it's very gay and they're suffering from body dysmorphia. Doesn't mean I'll be a dick about it though.

If you have no goals or aspirations you aren't living. You are just existing. Existing is miserable unless you manage to give some meaning to your life.
Is there really nothing you want to do?

n o t h i n g
what do normies not understand
some people arent over-exaggerating

So you do absolutely nothing for fun? You get home, drink only water and eat flavourless paper while you stare at a wall until you fall asleep?

>year 2000+18
>not supporting trannies
Sorry user, you're on the wrong side of history

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>not posting the OG image

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Jesus Christ, never again! Thats the most horridly boring thing ever. What is the point of a relationship if its like that

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