>Day 60!
how are you improving anons?
>inb4 self-improvement is a myth meme
fuck off with that shit. people can change
>Day 60!
how are you improving anons?
>inb4 self-improvement is a myth meme
fuck off with that shit. people can change
Been trying to read more and play guitar, I have even been using a hi hat and a snare drum as rhythm, is p fun
nice. I always try to read more. I get a chapter in and then never pick it up again.
Bought a bass guitar two years ago. learned a few scales and riffs and never continued with it. you make me want to play it again
Why couldn't you change 5 years ago?
I just left high school. Extremely immature with no direction.
why couldnt you?
It's starting to set in that I completely wasted my 5 years at uni sitting alone in my dorm being too anxious to make friends or go out and that I'll never get that time back. The regret and self-hatred is so intense I can't bring myself to do much now. living with family again 'job hunting' ie doing nothing everyday. 23 really is the end of the road
stop user. im almost 25 and i don't think it's too late. it's not too late for you either. You can still enjoy your 20's.
we have time left. feel bad for those 30+ years old reading this thread. they wish they were us.
How the fuck people have energy to do anything?
I came back from uni and I felt like falling asleep in front of my screen.
some people are just born with energy. arnold Schwarzenegger only sleeps 5 hours a night. some people are just genetically wired to not need sleep
sucks for me because I need 7 to function, 8 to not be tired and 9 to feel comfortable
I've started planning an essay/ doing research on the truth behind the nofap meme. Gives me something to do, self disapline, will help me improve based on research etc.
I've only planned the introduction and am going into the actual content now
I hope we make it bros, haven't done something like this on my own accord ever.
go join a hobby group or something, doesn't really matter what it is. martial arts, shooting, dance, knitting, even a competitive video game scene can get you a group of friends. once you have a couple friends it all flows naturally from there.
fuck off back to r/fit already you normalfaggot
im a fat, 24 year old virgin that can't drive and has no education past high school or any technical skills whatsoever.
I live at home with my parents and I have never seen a vagina and am currently neet. what makes you think im a normie faggot
Spent past days in isolation, studying, exercising, sleeping.
Ready to ace law school final exams this week/next.
Secured a job at a law firm, which will pay $190,000/yr.
Life is pretty good.
Also, source, always, because most people don't believe a law student can start out making 190K:
Been working on getting my license, going to do a course next year that's the equivalent of a HSC and hopefully get into uni. Dunno what course I want to do in uni yet, but I know I'd like to do a STEM field.
>190k a year
so are you going to live beyond your means and accumulate debt or are you going to be a based frugal boi and retire at 50?
normalfaggot* also nice larp. this entire board is dead and probably has like 2 robots. all the other posters are faggots or redditshits and such
>Been reading everyday
>Back at it learning piano and music theory
>Been learning to produce everyday, i made my first song yesterday
this is all good but im struggling to work out consistantly
I just dont have the energy to work out everyday and it sucks. Im pretty certain i have some kind of physical condition and have to get back into the doctors
>retire at 50
Even better, 40.
Base Salary
All U.S. offices:
1st year: $190,000
2nd year: $200,000
3rd year: $220,000
4th year: $255,000
5th year: $280,000
6th year: $305,000
A single male who lives the NEET life will be just fine with over a million bucks saved.
Oh shit we need more of these!
wow if rented and only spent say 30k a year on yourself you could have 1.2 mill in 6 years.
i would have to double down and work another 6 years just to make sure i have enough money. i wish i was smart enough to even make 80k a year
Congrats user, I'm glad you're making it.
I'm a based retard at a tier-2 shithole that's already given into the despair and I'm only about to start studying for my next final with 2 days to go because I know I'm already fucked, so who cares. Worst I've done with this method is a B- anyways, even if that's basically an F.
Law school was the worst mistake I ever made. In addition to being a lazy fuck that should never have considered this profession on that fact alone, my personality is too shit to get past the initial interview phase anywhere. I'm taking suicide planning a lot more seriously than the job search at this point- work smarter, not harder!
This is honestly my plan, to be really smart. Also because the hours will be long I won't have much need to be out and about spending it. I also am renting and plan to keep renting.
As for you not being smart enough, I don't necessarily agree. I would recommend taking the law school admissions test. If you do well enough to get into a good school, you'll probably be fine. I did higher than the national average, but I'm no genius. And law school is, at least in my experience, more hard work than smarts.
Sounds rough.
People at tier-2 schools can also make biglaw.
Assuming you're not a 3L yet, I would say to do your best, work hard, and try to raise your GPA. I know it can be rough, but don't give up. Two days is plenty of time to learn the rules. Hell, even if you are a 3L I'd do that anyway because of the firms that do 3L OCI.
A full night of sleep for me is 12-13 hours, what the fuck do
>ending my 2ed week of self-improvement tomorrow
My plan is to take things day by day and small steps at a time. By only reading 8 pages a day for 2 weeks I have 58 pages, and that is more than I have read in a while. Every day I follow what I planned out for myself the night before.
This is what I have to do every day so that I can make progress:
>Wake up at 10
>Drink a full glass of water
>Brush teeth
>Coffee and breakfast
>Shower every 3ed day
>Read 8 pages
>Prepare for the next day
>Sleep before 1 am
Every week I add a few new tasks. The first week was for basic hygiene and health, this week was sleep. Next week, starting tomorrow, I will add tasks that will refine skills that regraded in the 5 months I spent in true NEETdom. So stuff like practicing times tables and reviewing the unit circle along with programming challenges from project Euler. I study maths and computer science at uni
Wish me luck everyone, I know I cheer on all the anons who try to make their lives better! Hopefully one day we will all get where we are going.
Please help me. I've gone to every kind of specialist, tried so many supplements and diet changes, tried blue blocking glasses, I work out, nothing relieves my symptoms. Wellbutrin did for a few months like 5 years ago and turned my life around but then stopped working.
I'm always tired, can't concentrate or remembers anything, fall asleep when driving on highways, can't breathe when on my back (used to sleep on my back), I'm constantly spacing out when I try to read anything.
I've been like this for 9 years but the past few months it's gotten so much worse. I spend almost all day sleeping, had to leave my shitty wagecuck job at Amazon, am more depressed than ever. I'm following up with my new primary doctor next week after going to a neurologist. My EEG was normal and aside from a slightly low attention span, so was my Neurotrax test. I don't know what to do but this shit has become unbearable.
Because you sleep so much your body tells you that you need to keep at the level to function. Bodies are weird man, both sleeping too much and too litter have the same outcome. Try forcing yourself to maintain a healthy sleep schedule.
How to do nofap? I can't go 2 days without fucking masturbating
I wish you the best user, but I hope you know that working in big law is absolutely soul crushing. Are you really ready to work 70-80 hours/week?
I was working 50 before law school, 50-60 during my summer at the firm. So yes, I can handle another twenty.
And I think you're right so no insult taken. I'm going in knowing what to expect, and I have a plan.
>Work out 3-5 times a week
>Getting stronger, faster, sharper, more testosterone
>Eat extremely healthy, diet is mostly vegetables and meat
>Get 30-60 minutes of direct sunlight exposure every day
>Practice guitar for 30-60 minutes a day
>Volunteering 2-3 days a week while job searching
>Not drinking nearly as much
>Feel worse than ever, constant desire to self-harm, suicidal ideation every single night before I sleep
It's fucking awful. I have been "self-improving" for nearly half a decade and my mental state has only gotten worse. The worst part is the fucking normalfags who tell you to open up about your feelings to them, then look at you with absolute disgust, pity and even hate when you tell them how you called a suicide hotline recently because you genuinely wanted to die. They take it as a personal attack when you tell them how much you hate being alive. It's so shitty and I don't know how to keep living like this.
Easy, just dont fucking fap
easier said than done! I quit booze, I quit smoking (mostly) but I can't just stop touching my dicko
>but I can't just stop touching my dicko
That seems to be the problem, I recommend not touching your dick.
I wake up and do it subconsciously while half-asleep if I go longer than 4 days
I heard all the cool kids are locking their dicks in chastity these days, maybe try that
>some people are just born with energy
that isn't true, you are just used to those hours
I learnt in the military that it is all just conditioning, at first you envy the dead for that sweet eternal rest, but afterwards you can function with three hours of sleep and show no sign that you are tired.
good luck to all you bots trying to improve yourselves. it gets better boys
No don't it is a meme. They try to lock up people as a fetish, soon when you are caged you will become part of the fetish, even sooner you will always be hard locked up because of the fetish.
would solve his problem tho
Wake up
Read a chapter of book
Learn web develooment for 30-60minutes
Watch netflix in german(learning german)
Been doing this every day for a week now
>Giving a chronic masturbater a new fetish
Yeah you know what that does sound good