Schizophrenia ama

i have pspd (paranoid schizophrenic personality disorder) ama

Attached: pixelpepe.png (291x291, 14K)

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>schizophrenic personality disorder

how does it manifest

Does it get in the way with doing things like work, going to the bank, getting gas, etc?

mainly hearing people insult me under their breath, i know it's not real but it still hurts, also i think alot of people in my life hate me. i know it's a delusion but i still believe it sometimes, i rarely see things but sometimes when im trying to sleep i see this tall black figure watching me, i heard online that giving them funny names makes it less scary so his name is now mr.pickles

don't listen to the doctorjew, you're a wizard and they're all sick

it get's in the way sometimes, a notable time i was trying to do homework and heard someone screaming for a straight five minutes. i also hear people falling down the stairs alot

Can you see and hear things?

mostly hearing things, like people insulting me under their breath. but also, the bottom stair makes a creek in my house and i hear that alot while im trying to sleep, also music, when i try to sleep i'll here music sometimes.

i talked about seeing mr.pickles in a previous reply also

Do you feel that any time anything negative happens, someone did it just to Fuck with you or test you? I sure do

How you hear them? Inside your head or externally like actual person talking to you.

this, so much this. i feel like people are trying to mentally break me sometimes

it sounds exactly like them just shitting on me under their breath, at first i actually thought everyone just secretly hated me but then i got diagnosed

i know a shizophrenic guy, he lives in an apartment and thinks all of this neighbors are telepathically telling him to kill himself, also thinks the people upstairs make noise just to fuck with him.

another schizophrenic guy i knew thought that drones would chase him around. also would think he'd see random lights in trees and think they were surveillance cameras. at one point he told me he thinks the government harvests tampon blood from peoples toilets. also said something about insects in his skin, hmm

i don't think the government stuff but man, the insects thing i can relate with, pretty much all the time, including right now, i feel bugs all over me. also sometimes i feel like random people on the street are stalking me

Schizos are modern seers.
I've been one.

Schizophrenia isn't a real disease. Stop larping.

no, it is hallucinations and dillusions, thats it. please don't buy into the shit your brain says, you arn't a god or a psychic, you are just insane

care to post a scan of your college degree specializing in psychology?

It's FAKE disesae. Only used to Tumblrinas to get attention. Also, psychology is a jewish scam

fake? what gives you that impression?

>Also, psychology is a jewish scam
oh? what else do you believe the jews are involved in?


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>also music, when i try to sleep i'll here music sometimes
I also have it, but I'm not a schizo. I also have voices before falling asleep. Just like yesterday there was a voice that said "I'm a robot" and told me not to kill myself. I heard orchestra symphonies and EDM music in hypnagogic state, but was too tired mentally to get up and record. Too bad I always forget the music on waking up

>Do you feel that any time anything negative happens, someone did it just to Fuck with you or test you? I sure do
I have it also. My mood also jumps between two opposite extremes during the day. And I get a lot of synchronicities, like the universe is talking to me through other people and events. It's like there's always some "theme of the day" going on to tell me something. I know I'm not a schizo, that's how reality actually works. It's a simulation, a cosmic joke

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you sound like someone with schizo

I have schizotypal personality disorder, now ask me anything

apparently english class is a jewish scam too

It's a Jewish scam. They are trying to control us with those rays. You can pretty much see every single person is NPC. Not, all but most.

Rays? What rays are you talking about?
tell me more about these rays user

what is an NPC?

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>what is an NPC?

im not him but i think he means non player characters

you should talk to a doctor because that right there is two out of two symptoms you need to have to be diagnosed

I know It's very loosely related but has there ever been even one example of these kinds of disorders manifesting "positively"?
I mean, has there ever been a case where someone woke up to his mr.Pickles saying "hello I'm your new bro for life", or is it always about insults and paranoia?

They are NPCs. They are not real human beings. They are robots controlled by Jews. It's not a meme. It's real. Look up NPC theory. They are trying to take over the world. The Jews use infra rays to control them. Only weak willed are vulnerable.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you trolling? If you then get help

i had someone tell me not to kill myself when i was writing a suicide note, the person was halfway across the world

>They are NPCs. They are not real human beings. They are robots controlled by Jews. It's not a meme. It's real. Look up NPC theory. They are trying to take over the world. The Jews use infra rays to control them. Only weak willed are vulnerable.

interesting. okay. just a few more questions.

have you been experiencing any thoughts about harming yourself or others?

have you been experiencing anything strange? any strange sights or sounds?

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im schizoaffective and honestly i feel less insane than 90% of the fuckin posters on here,
that being said im sure the lurkers are more moderate in their....mental stability
but yes in the active stages of my psychosis i am convinced i am the messiah who has returned to earth to bring about the end, or alternatively, save it and i've had visions of lava, delusions that injections that were meant to put me out were actually lethal injections, a lot of religious symbolism.
yeah, i know it is crazy now but i experienced states and euphoria in that mania that absolutely no drug could or ever will reproduce. i felt time slow to a standstill, to the point that the moment would exist forever but instead of feeling trapped in that idea it was like SUPER freeing, and then cops tackled me, cuffed my ankles n wrists and PUT me away (2014 hospitalization, april)
if any1 wants more deets bout my experience just reply and ask. i like to share this stuff.

I'm from a 2nd world shithole, I've been to psych ward and seen how fucked up they treat patients. Even if I wanted to fix myself I wouldn't go there again. Still think I'm not crazy. I had dreams of future events that came true. There was just so many "coincidences" that I know it's real. They will jail and lobotomize every human that awoken from the illusion and realized he's more than an NPC like all the other normies. You should observe your mental state other than disregarding it and work on mastering your psychic skills

These people are not real. They want to kill me. They want to kill us. We're real human beings. They want to start a new world agenda.

>have you been experiencing any thoughts about harming yourself or others?

>have you been experiencing anything strange? any strange sights or sounds?

No. I am perfectly fine and in good health. NOTHING WRONG WITH ME

Man. Get some help. You sound crazy


This is something a schizoid would say.

>No. I am perfectly fine and in good health. NOTHING WRONG WITH ME

look, user, from the things you've been saying, as a professional i'm worried about you. if people are out to kill you, perhaps we need to place you in custody so you will be protected. these two gentlemen will be escorting you to a safe place. please don't resist.

Ey fuck you man. I do not need any protection. And you can go and tell your colleagues and your direct superiors in your line of work to leave me alone.

that wasn't a request user. for your own sake i cannot let you leave. simply comply with the doctors

You won't catch me alive, operative. I will never work for the government, don't send me to the loony bin out of spite. The doctors will fry my brain and you know it.

I suffer from psychosis
Drug induced
Good luck getting through life brother